The Infamous Horde Bias

Not sure if anyone mentioned this here already, but you don’t need to look further than SL for your evidence:

An entire expansion based around a glorified adored horde villain, Sylvanas, and her path to her own full redemption ark as well as an entire monologue against a significant Alliance villain, Arthas, who was turned into 35 anima during her nauseating monologue.

RIP Arthas Menethil.


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Alliance main playing a Forsaken because they’re cute, here. Got some 3D glasses and popcorn flavorings, if you’re game. And some more popcorn.

I’ll provide all the protection he needs :wink:

Forgot to mention that King Rastakhan became yet another raid boss and was killed by Alliance.

I gotta say this was one of the biggest disappointments I’ve ever experienced in this game :frowning:


It has nothing to do with a faction but introducing new characters who will be the focus point in the future.

Devs, and the writers in particular, do have a bias for the Horde, it’s just not the Horde as we consider it. Their idea of what the Horde should be isn’t what it was originally designed as when WoW launched, and it also doesn’t fit in how the very game is set up.

The devs and writers like the Horde as a ‘metal’ faction, trying to ape Game of Thrones style writing and “subvert expectations” like that. They want their ruthless badass orcs and their killer undead doing metal things and winning out over the wimpy goodie two shoes.

Problem with that is the Horde is supposed to be a heroic faction, and it can’t ever really be defeated by the Alliance, so they have their big destructive moments but then frantically backtrack, and try to paint even the smaller reprisals the Alliance does as equal in scope, when they’re really not. Because they think what the Horde did before was cool, and the Alliance isn’t cool so they can’t do the same thing back.

This does not benefit the Horde in actuality.

Instead what it’s done is have the Horde win a lot of battles but also had many of the themes that defined it, and its races, eroded away. The Forsaken became Scourge-lite and lost their central character, the Orcs were retconned to have always been a warlike and brutal race that doesn’t even need Felblood to go on a warpath.

It really did start in Cata, but it became really stupid by BfA.


Uhhh… That crazy lady said The Horde was nothing. She’s not as terribly well-liked among the playerbase as you might think. It’s the writing team that keeps pushing her.

The Alliance of Lordaeron and The Alliance as it is now are not the same. There are some races in the current Alliance that were in The Alliance of Lordaeron, but they’re different political and military bodies. Arthas was a Human villain that once was a part of The Alliance of Lordaeron not an Alliance villain.

I like you. You get it.

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Like the time in bfa when warfronts came out horde got to gear there mains an alts with warfronts then they patched it so alliance couldn’t do same


How do you know this? Do you have any proof

Yes because someone posted the lines from Talanji about joining the Horde. I think you just need to scroll up.


For some reason, it always seems to be the same thing when used as an excuse as to why the Blood Elves would join the Scourge lite that destroyed their city, the trolls they routinely warred with and the orcs they violently chased out of the Ghostlands (under Ranger General Sylvanas of the Alliance)

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It ever occurred to you that the alliance is dying because the people attracted to the “vanilla character” are often insufferable whiners? Warcraft story has been about redemption of the orcs, thralls heros journey, and the fight of the little guy against racist oppressors. Or did you not play war3?


Maybe the Alliance is dying because players views have been so distorted of the world, that is how they end up seeing that story.

I mean I argue on here all the time the 3 OG races of the Horde Orcs, Tauren and Trolls are all like alpha male football players who practice war for fun and are not afraid of death. Yet for some reason I am constantly told they are not heroic strong races, they are weak misfits like the Forsaken and the Blood Elves who are more likely to sneak behind you and stab yo in the back than challenge you to your face.

We both can’t be right.

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Lol. You are right, we can’t both be right, but I guess you got me… the Tauren in the opening cinematic of wow that’s letting some magic dust fall on a grass field WAS DOING IT FOR WAAAAARRRR!!!


Yea, the old horde has been racist. And every time they are painted as the villains and get their comeuppance. The alliance has been racist forever, and it’s just kind of ignored. Its the reason both the undead, AND the blood elves are in the horde. Alliance racism and oppression.

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Not the same when it’s Arthas. The same when it’s Forsaken and Blood Elves.

Not like I called this out a few posts above

Arthas was the leader of a different kingdom, he was not the leader of the alliance as a whole.

And honestly, for Stratholm he might have made the right decision. Arthas is the alliances best developed character… he’s a good villain because his original motivations are relatable and could potentially have been the right choice, he just kept making the wrong choices until he went way too far and those altruistic motivations became anything but.

That’s why Arthas is so well received. Like illidan. Horde gets cartoon cutout villains with no good motivation and they get cut down because they are bad, and their actions are a stain on the whole that Is repeatedly brought up. The alliance though? Their past actions as a whole is simply ignored.

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well if my only choices are to play a racist oppresser who lives in a castle in the forest or a racist oppressor who lives in a fortress in the desert, i’d prefer the forest castle (though i do like things about the desert biome also). frankly though, my only reasonable option is to play neither and just play something else, since either way i’m called a racist oppressor and i’m not a fan of that state of being.


Alliance are poo-poo heads.

What say you now?


11 minutes :smiley_cat: