The Infamous Horde Bias

There have been millions of people quit the game as well, with no guarantee those quitting are going to break down evenly along faction lines.

You have to be Horde today to do things in a competitive environment, but that’s not the same as saying racials caused the faction imbalance. Horde were the underdog until Blood Elves. Now Blood Elves are the overwhelming majority race, and have been for a long time. At this point, Alliance has a warm bodies problem. It’s not because their racials suck or that the Horde have the pretty Elves (even though they were the reason the Horde ended up the larger player pop faction initially). It is similar to Classic servers at present, where people have been forced to migrate to participate in the game at all.

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It won’t matter once cross faction guilds arrive.

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We are all murder hobos killing each other for gold. Storywise the alliance wins most wars, and reclaims all lands, and all warfronts.
To say there is horde bias is a bit ridiculous.

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As it should be. The Alliance is linked to the strongest hero characters and they are the main characters of the franchise. The reason why the Horde cannot be one is due poor writing and not enough established characters one would recognize. Don’t get me wrong, they have enough characters which could be utilized but they lack either the imagination or the skill to make characters besides Sylvanas and Nathonas accessible to the mass.

And Undercity is lost to the Alliance, they cannot use the land at all. Speaking of warfronts, the Alliance winning quest is so well hidden that not even 5% of the player base is aware of it. You’re referencing to the Danuser BlizzCon statement which isn’t shown in the game.

Of course we are favored. How else could you have the time to belittle them while not taking them seriously at all? We enjoy gameplay-wise the best of the best while other people are forced to dish out more money to swap to the Horde so they can enjoy a regular gameplay loop. I hope you do remember this next time you raid with your people.


Alliance players literally camped the maw portal to farm horde for AoO weekly.

Devs immediately hotfixed a solution to give horde players immunity/invisibility to get to the portal without being farmed by alliance.

(2 patches later)

Horde players literally make raid groups to farm alliance ganks at the portal to Zereth Mortis

  • cricket chirping from the devs *

Did this really happen? I haven’t played for a while.
So much for equal footing. The Horde “whines” and gets what they want and the Alliance-players have to rally an uphill battle for years to get just a little bit. It’s disheartening to read this.


Ya I literally saw it in local chat when I was going to my raid tonight.

Also, there is a horde guild on Moon Guard that only goes out in war mode with premade groups to gank alliance players by the portal in the maw or the current maw event.

Also I have never seen a member of that ganker guild out in the world ever alone, they only turn on war mode when they have an organized group. They are the sunfire battalion and they are just sad.

But yeah, the faction bias is real. Moon Guard and Frostmourne have literally btfo the horde players so they need to organize and troll us while the devs never know because they are so hyper-focused on cutting edge players now.

This guy gets it! Uther literally was a bad guy THIS EXPANSION and we just forgive him? Anduin’s enslavement is half his fault! But no punishment for Paladin alliance! Don’t even start on Jaina skirting her sins! At least a acknowledgment of wrongs might appease some, but Zandalari never forget!

And yet your next line.

Always writing the alliance as the great victors who are morally right!

I gotta admit that bites but I’m still salty the zone with Bwonsamdi has no Zandalari at all. Talanji literally soulbounded to the guy and she sent no one?!?

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Reality is, we Horde-players have much more to admit at this point. We’re still talking about other players here who pay as much as you do for a subscription and they get neglected.

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Eh, I believe horde has the majority of players because that landslide never stopped moving once it started.

People want to play the faction that has the playerpool for ease of access more so than their visual preferences.

I am personally stoked to see if there will be a shift in percentages soon.


You’re grasping at straws if this is what you think is an issue with the game.

Ah, it’s a troll post.


But it won’t be enough. The developers hold back the cross guild feature purposefully so they can honor themselves how much they listen to the community by releasing it in late 2023/24 as a patch feature.

it isn’t the first time they do something like this. Individual hand/shoe transmog follows the same fashion.

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I don’t really think there is an inherent bias for either faction. I think the problem the two sides have is the Alliance has basically all of super powered beings in Wow and a freaking space laser as well. So to have the horde ever be on equal footing the writers have to come up with some just terrible story ideas to combat it from time to time. Let’s be honest the lightforged by themselves could wipe horde off of Azeroth and never have to step foot in any battle. The void elves can apparently just void portal themselves anywhere according to BFA. The mechagnomes have a heavily fortified underground city that basically spans an entire island. The horde doesn’t even really have there most powerful character anymore Thrall who is neutral incarnate now. Hell the alliance basically has the leader of the DKs as well. So the bias is not so much tilted towards horde as much as the horde needs plot armor to exist.


Given how badly the Horde has been driven into the ground and made to lose constantly, with its identity torn to pieces and its lore butchered, are the people complaining that there’s a bias really sure they want to be Blizz’s “favorites?”

At this point, pretty much. I want both factions to be in better places than they are now.


Lol… look up the definition of genocide

The Horde disposed of the Night Elves. Isn’t this a victory in your book?


I think a lot of people are missing the point about the Horde “being driven into the ground.”

Characters – whether individual, a small group, a nation or an entire planet – are more interesting when to write about when they have problems. When they face risk. When they can lose.

Remember the constant “villains are more interesting”? Why do people say that?

As the devs themselves have said, the Horde faces risk and loss because the devs find the Horde more interesting.


Tell me you take this game way too seriously, without telling me you take this game way too seriously.


Tell me you’re pretending you don’t care what happens in the game without telling me you’re pretending you don’t care what happens in the game.


Two issues with this. Your level 14 so my trust on you being a horde player is not that believable. And secondly I’m a bifactional player. I got over 34 characters with every class on each side while studying lore extensively. There is bias here but it’s going both ways. There is no definite end all superior faction bias’s. The horde is openly loved, and yet constantly torn down. The alliance is silently acknowledged yet in game paraded like heroes no matter what happens. This is reflected in their players as alliance can’t admit a wrongdoing and horde faction pride is high yet the loathing also creeps right behind it. So I’ll not just blindly accept what you say.

This is true, once players learned this side was for the groups one of the friends in a friend group went there. When one friend or family goes, the group inevitably follows.

^ this guy gets it.

A sad truth at this point.

No, is it considered victory that the alliance committed regicide on the Zandalari to keep them out of the faction war and by said action brought them into the faction war? Disposing the night elves wasn’t the battlefield victory objective for the horde, that was a shoe horned villains objective.