The Infamous Horde Bias

Should I link the quest talk from the alliance seige of draz quest again or are you dense?

Well how do you guys tolerate blood elves then? they are even more mutants. trolls- >night elf->blood elf… so a lot of mutations happened throughout evolution.


I hate them, this is well documented. But the Zandalari probably begrudgingly accept them due to the mistreatment they received from the Night Elves. The Amani probably never gonna forgive though.

The elves are weaker. Can’t even regenerate a missing arm and they are supposed to be superior?

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To make the void elves the dark elves to the horde’s light elves (blood elves)

Also on the topic, I feel like the bias was very much real in the past, but now even as they are trying to balance things out the damage has been done, and it’s gonna take a looooooong time to undo at this rate.

Just to let you know that Trolls can’t be demon hunters, that should be enough to tell you which race is superior.

Posers, Zandalari have Demoniacs. Your none regenerating race is weak! I bet you couldn’t even flay your own skin off to make drum outta it. <real lore for trolls

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Ah yes, one change of leadership in 9 versions of the game…

Horde has gone through changes of leadership in: Cata, MoP, Legion, and B4A/SL

Please, tell me more about how Alliance is being used as a set piece for Horde stories

i did add whether horde villians or horde protagonists. watching the alliance faction go down the tubes while players who actually care about the health of the game ignore it, is weird. soon all alliance players will be replaced with npcs. its already in bgs. one day you’ll login and realize half the game died while you were off in tribalism mode.


I’m sorry but, could you maybe stop huffin’ yer own gas and make a smidge of sense there?

was that necessary?

Depends what you’re applying for. Nobody is getting accepted into a +15 with 0 io and 0 M+ runs completed. That isn’t a reasonable thing to ask of somebody and isn’t elitist.

Yeah, the devs sure hate the horde with the amount of Horses alliance got in BfA, compared to the mixture of different mounts the Horde got.


they just need to remove racials from the game so we can play what race we want. they say its less then 1% damage difference but this simply isnt true

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The bigger problem lies in you both lacking the knowledge how the work has been established with MoP and continued to make sense regarding the situation. This includes knowledge about the Troll-visions, Throne of Thunder, the actual lore of the Blood Trolls, Greymane (if you watch the different situation during the fight) and the outcome on both sides.

There are wikis and the /warcraftlore subreddit out there which answered both your questions in detail when it comes to the Zandalari. I recommend checking it out. You can also find there, Zeraves, a list of the crimes and raids both factions did - and to give you a heads up, you will not like it.

You clearly have not been listening. The Zandalari were not horde until after they were attacked. I find your statement of not knowing lore insulting, I would bury you in lore with sources.



add to your list that alliance players had to do the exact same rep grinds as horde for their legion allied races, plus another 2 months of rep grinding on argus (and that was contingent on if they could even figure out how to unlock argus). so while horde players were already playing their nightborne and high mountain tauren, alliance players were wondering when they’d be able to play their allied races.

include in this that one of the reasons to have high elves on alliance was to attract new players to the alliance faction. this, however, wasnt the case because allied races were not shown as playable races on the character creation screen for years and are buried in an old expac that character boosts skip right over (not to mention the confusion that ensues for new players when they hit chromie time).


Should also add while the Horde had an enriching storyline with both there AR’s on Horde (though one of them should’ve been more of customizations for the Tauren), Alliance got jack. There was no story relating to the Void Elves prior to there release in 7.3.5, and the LF Space Goats, just like the HM Tauren, should’ve just been customizations for the Draenei.


See how silly that all sounds? There is no way anyone can quantify what Horde and Alliance factions have or don’t have and prove a bias from it.
Only the testimony of the creators of the game will be proof. And no one has that.
These topics are ludicrous.


The official reason for the horse fiasco has been also revealed by the game director himself in the infamous BfA Q&A, right after the start of the expansion:


She spent like the entire SLs book trying to get Thrall to go to war with the Alliance.

Who have both joined the Forsaken.