The Infamous Horde Bias

That is false. They were technically horde at that point, that’s the entire reason why they even got attacked in the first place.

The Alliance did not assassinate him. The Alliance only weakened him, the killing blow was dealt by Bwomsamdi. Rastakhan made a pact with him that if he empowered him that he would serve him in death. But your own Loa betrayed you guys as he basically killed him to make him his personal slave.

If that’s the case - you should be able to find a link to prove you point… otherwise its just a story people tell each other.

Are you dense or willfully a victim? This is YOUR QUEST! “ Our naval forces are ready to sail for Zuldazar. By the time we’re there, the Horde and Zandalari forces should be in Nazmir. Keeshan and Kelsey checked on the bombs placed within Zuldazar harbor. They’re primed and ready to destroy the Zandalari fleet. Gather any of your allies and prepare to set sail for Zuldazar. We will strike down the Zandalari and remove the Horde’s most powerful ally from this war.”

You see How they keep Zandalari are horde separate? Maybe the Zandalari allied race quest where you watch Talanji ascend to the throne and join the horde? Perhaps the BOOK where Bwonsamdi tries to convince Talanji to join the horde?

You put him in the position to use the power and die, take responsibility.

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I’m not talking to some level 10 alt that some coward is afraid to post on their main with. It is well known and documented. But hey the Horde won and that was all that matters… Let me go laugh in the Alliance still having access to the mount!


You know what would have been the worst outcome from Legion?

Tauren getting the Night elf treatment in response from Sylvanas.

That storyline never should have happened to any one race (well 2 since it was the home of Worgen as well) but if it happened to the Tauren? It look like it very easily could have been set up that way


Yeah I thought is was going that way. Two cinematics pretty much pointed towards it.

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I don’t think you could have ever gotten me back to the game at that point.

I wasn’t a NE fan but that was a major emotional point for me.

If it had been my Tauren, I think I would have been done.

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I think even Horde players didn’t like the story being targeted toward Night Elfs, Teldrassil or Darnassus in general is a very iconic zone in this game even for long-time Horde players. I would rather see Stormwind burned down tbh, It’s been the main city for too long.

There’s only one player with a toon named Sasskei at the moment - I transferred the original to Mal’Ganis and then recreated another toon with the same name on the Earthen Ring server so I could keep up with the original threads I posted on… apparently the forum doesn’t keep up with realm transfers that well - I can post on that one if it will make you feel better.

oh so only systemic discrimination

were zandalari allied with horde? the writers are tip-toeing the line on this one since all races in the horde are allies. suddenly there’s some official ceremony lol

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Tell me Marla, does the horde bias exist in classic too?

You never can tell what direction the lore is heading, Nightborne were heavily leaning Alliance in the beginning and then they suddenly became Horde. I would say the same for Void Elves, it never made sense to me why they would add a light race (lightforged) and void race (void elf) in the same faction.


I have no idea - I didn’t play it long enough

How about YOU take responsibility? Night Elves used to be trolls too, you guys should feel shameful for attacking your own distant cousins.

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As a Horde player, I wanted to also point out on this, the Horde racials was OP for the entire expansion before it was finally nerfed in the WoD Prepatch. Then in WoD, the Human racial was OP, and was nerfed one patch later.

I completely agree with all the Horde bias that has been going on, and I am ashamed of all this bias towards one faction.


its a quote from a passage in an alliance quest, where it states the zandalari are allies of the horde. why would they say that if it wasnt true unless the writers were suggesting the zandalari were gonna be attacked on a false premise?

its not as pronounced. the devs even gave alliance paladins a seal only blood elf pallies had in og tbc. they just renamed it and made it unavailable till 70

So the actual horde bias started somewhere after Cata.

I didn’t know about this, good to know :+1: basically invalidates that zandalari troll’s post saying how the Alliance attacked for no reason when in fact that’s not true.

Im Zandalari so wasn’t in the horde during the tree burning and if you knew even the tiniest troll lore you know all trolls hate elves including night elves. THATS WELL KNOWN LORE! The night elves are degenerate mutants.

To be clear this is the lore as I know.

The Zandalari were not hostile to alliance. The Zandalari and alliance worked together in Zul’gurub, and in Northrend.

The Zandalari try to revitalize the trolls becoming distant from most factions. This continues in MOP.

The alliance kidnaps Talanji, so the Zandalari become semi hostile with alliance.

The horde helps the Zandalari turning the Zandalari into a more Taunka from Northrend thing.

Alliance attacks Zandalari… With their king dead, Talanji joins horde officially.

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