The Infamous Horde Bias

Alliance biased, retcon Zandalari but alliance get their lore.

whatever way you wish to view the war, is perfectly legit. if you think the story mistreats the zandalari via alliance imperialism, thats probably what the writer wants you to feel about it - they want you to be mad at those blasted alliance players. the point isnt justification for horde vs. alliance, its how the factions are treated by the developers.

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That still doesn’t mean anything though, Talanji is on good terms with the Alliance. She is an ally of Calia Menethil and Derek Proudmoore ( Jaina’s family) at the end of Shadows Rising. And FYI, Baine was a major contributor to battle of dazar’alor, he saw that Sylvanas was corrupted and decided to help the Proudmoore family.

Ham fisted alliance bias, no matter what evils the alliance does they have no punishments no consequences and the horde rolls over to forgive them. Just conquer the savages it’s ok their not human.

At the expense of Thunder Bluff, which thankfully never happened.

But at the time he did not care when Jaina told him Sylvanas would take revenge on tauren.

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There was an online poll - the bikes designed by people from outside Blizzard about which was the better bike - the Alliance lost.


“Lost” but can get their bike while the Horde can’t.

I have no idea why someone would use this as a bullet.


No it doesn’t. It’s just one thing taken out of context. If one isolates the amount of traveling Horde had to do to get around their main city compared to Alliance in BFA, it would prove the devs hated Horde.


two different topics. you’re talking about the tribalistic parts of the war story. i’m talking about 2 factions, one of which is going down the tubes, i guess so blizz can remind us of the evils of imperialism (alliance) and the less deadly tyranny (horde). they apparently like the tyranny part more, so the puny imperialists get rag dolled and mind controlled cause …cause… i dunno. what could possibly be the motivation.


The Alliance lost cause there were more cheaters on the Horde but in the end the Horde really lost cause they cant get the mount anymore while Alliance still can.

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Can you in anyway prove that with actual evidence?

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It was proven back when it was an active vote, The Alliance were winning when someone posted on the forums you didnt need to log in to vote, suddenly the Hordes votes shot up to almost 10x the amount in a matter of an hour. Yes even back then it was proven but I guess your alt being on the Alliance means you are too much of a coward to post on your horde main. So you will believe what ever you want.


No, the Zandalari forgive the Alliance because the Horde realized they were in the wrong, that is why everyone went against Sylvanas in Shadowlands, it was due to her ulterior motives that got Rastakhan killed.

Maizou said it in an earlier post.

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At the end of the day, Baine helping Jaina was meant for a reason. If he had helped Sylvanas, he would’ve been sent into the maw with her. So it’s better of this way, at least the Taurens are saved. :cow:


Besides it wasn’t the Alliance who killed Rastakhan it was his abuse of the power given to him by Bwonsamdi that killed him. Yes the Alliance attacked him but only after he refused to surrender. And before you horde say oh Genn was demanding his daughter as a hostage, that version isnt true. We Alliance players saw what the truth was.

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I never said he had to help Sylvanas. He could have rescued Derek and put him into hiding.

However, I’m convinced Blizzard hates taurens so they just had to shove another “Baine + Jaina” scene in for reasons.

Why should he? Get out of his house.

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Other than the Orcs helping you out wayy back in the 1500s, I don’t see any other reason why the Taurens should even be staying in the Horde especially considering Baine is more pro Alliance than Horde. I can totally see the cows vibing with night elves and having debates over the Earthmother and Elune.


Here we are with Zandalari not being horde at the attack on Draz. The Zandalari were not horde therefore have no connections to any misdeeds of the horde while they were attacked!

Yes the banshee queen piloted the Kultiran ships into Zandalar. It was all the banshee queens plan to loot draz? To bomb and assassinate a king of foreign nation? Take responsibility you hypocrite.

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Because he was attacked by alliance so if that didn’t happen he wouldn’t use that power and be alive?

Totally a moral good reason… wait sounds like the horde tried that in Gilneas… but again Zandalari wasn’t horde so the alliance attacked a neutral nation with intent to force them to do what they want by force.

Alliance bias.

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