The Infamous Horde Bias

Exactly the alliance are nothing but imperialism acting like good guys which they clearly are not.


you realize these arent real people? this is blizz using alliance chars as support characters for the hordeā€™s story. all the cinematics are about the horde. varian was our heroic leader. he was killed off in spectacular fashion back in legion so alliance could be written as wimps, thrown around like rag dolls.


You love rewriting history.

His cinematic implies that the Horde ran away and abandoned him.

Horde story despite being a neutral empire? Horde story when horde are massacred but also horde story when alliance are massacred. Does your hypocrisy know no bounds?! I get it trolls evil because they arenā€™t humans, they are just savages and they deserve itā€¦

Just savages, just a story of a similar taleā€¦


Clean up your face!

and then we find out that no, he was not abandoned. blizz manipulating player emotions. in the end, alliance still ends up being lead by a rag doll, soon to be full on mind controlled puppet but the story is so removed from alliance, all anyone wants to talk about is sylvannas for the last 2 years.

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But we did. The reason doesnā€™t matter. It didnā€™t require the entire army to take Voljā€™in to a medic and we could have done a better job warning the Alliance.

The Horde had egg on their face while the Alliance leader goes out like a badass.

Oh good alliance ignoring their crimes once again. Itā€™s alright argue over Varian, claim your victim hood after your faction leader fought like horde wished they could and died heroicallyā€¦ You know he couldā€™ve been killed by a felguardā€¦


i have horde characters. the game, this is about the game. the alliance faction is part of the game. do you want the entire faction to just be npcs?

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I didnā€™t se it as Horde had egg on their face, it was just more of Sylvanas playing 10 D chess.

It was a strategic withdrawal not running in fear after being routed

Then you see the alliance are the aggressors and the villain in respects to the Zandalari. Admit it and this will be done. But let me guess you wonā€™t cause you got a token horde character, you donā€™t like horde.

So not a horde victory then eh? Is it jailer victory or horde egg on face which one?

Dev loss for sticking with Lich Queen Barbie over the Horde or Alliance.

She is neither of the above.

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But again, the Horde could have done something more to warn the Alliance. They didnā€™t need the entire army to take Voljā€™in to a healer.

That scene was not written to put the Alliance in a bad light like Lilock is claiming because it puts the Horde there.

P.s. I donā€™t think the 10D chess thing was happening that far back. That quest line was created back in MoP or WoD (since theyā€™re always an xpac or two ahead.)


Hey I have been told this has all been planned since WC3.



admit what? that alliance is written like cannon fodder?

That is true.

There it is. You wonā€™t. Canā€™t objectively look at it from Zandalari side because alliance needs to be the victim even in classic cases of imperialismā€¦

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because iā€™m not talking about the same subject as you think. okay, let me explain: lets say youā€™re gonna write a mmorpg game with two factions. the game is about war. both sides have their reasons for the war. whatever those reasons may be, the end result can never be that one side is the loser or the game is over.

Zandalari is retconned just like they did with everything else. Talanji isnā€™t relevant other than BFA. Teldrassil has been a core part of the game.

By that logic there is no bias as itā€™s just a game where there can never be a loser just more wanton violence that canā€™t be biasedā€¦ unless of course the Zandalari are justified in their hatred of alliance because alliance are the imperialist villains.