The Infamous Horde Bias

Honestly having gone back and forth with Tovi for YEARS on here (we especially disagree on Baine and Horde bias) I can honestly say they usually have a good take and only put out honest discussion

Now about Baine and that Horde Bias… :smiley:


Not an insult. You yourself said you were ignorant to the topic you’ve been posting on. If you don’t know what you’re talking about consider not replying. Again you won’t, I point to your Nearly 30k post count, clearly you think the world needs to hear what you think. I’m guessing the majority are similar to these, not knowing what you’re talking about.

Also don’t be so sensitive and cry about insults. I never said anything about insults. Just that if all the people in the world who don’t know what they’re talking about just shut up, or read up on what they’re commenting on before doing so the world would be a nicer place. We’ll deal with insults later.

Say it with me "I don’t know enough to confidently comment on this matter, I’ll read up on it.

Poopy face.

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BTW I am Veminard…

Not my fault you chose to play the evil that all the living have to kill :smiley:

And this is exactly why I am against that storyline. It’s too much of the standard anti-religious trope. I can see a horribly crappy (but still better ) version than anything Blizzard will come up with if I watch Deadpool 2.

Make Turalyon evil in some other way, but don’t destroy the Light - sure it’s not a real religion, but it DOES represent that in game for many people (and has sinec there have been priest and paladins in RPGs - paper and video)

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I said I don’t see the point of this topic when the player base can’t do anything about it. I’ve said that 3 or 4 times now.

I’m not crying, I’m pointing out your hypocrisy. It’s funny as hell to me that you’re personally attacking me while ending your post with “making this world a nicer place!”

Start with yourself.




I’ll trust your opinion. I don’t know the person I just chuckle when people in the midst of an argument say “I don’t know anything about the thing I’m arguing about.”

But then again I’m arguing with someone about their unnecessary arguing. So what do I know.

Been off the forums for months, just wanted to dive back in…

Tovi is the Tauren Gumbles, without the cookies.

Or is Grumbles the Gnome Tovi plus cookies?

Lots of the long timers are gone. I know I have changed Maines at least once or twice an expat, and I usually post on the race / class most relevant to the topic.


The horde bias is a player created issue. From what I can tell, there’s an Alliance bias on the part of Blizzard. Yet, they are flummoxed by the player base continuing to play horde.


It’s cause Blizz should’ve disabled racials in high-end PvP/PvE years ago and was too dumb not to.


What I want to know is: how can any one look at the travesty that is Dazar’alor as an expansion capitol hub and think there is a Horde Bias. FFS we had to FLIGHT PATH, WITHIN our ‘capitol’ for B4A just to access things, like the boat, and island expos, and don’t get me started on my favorite game of ‘Where’s the profession vendor’


Just make all racials cosmetic. Anything that increases your damage should go.

I’ve stated a million times, make racials mirrored. The same racials on each faction in different races. That way we got racials but you can’t claim faction bias as you would have access to the same racials.


I’m personally fine with each race having unique racials, but it shouldn’t be stuff that affects combat directly imo. Like the profession bonuses/bags/camps/etc. More utility, less ‘combat’ type stuff


You’ve gone down the rabbit hole my friend, seek help.

You’re walking down a dark hallway, you look left! you look right! Then you hear a noise, something is in front of you… IT’S A BLIZZARD LOGO AND IT’S OUT TO GET YOU! AHHHH

This is the real Horde bias, the Horde have the privilege of seeing all of our leaders get killed off so that Alliance players will show up for raids.


Well for example I mean. The racials are named different but on either faction do the exact same thing.

For example forsaken and humans. Will of the forsaken and EMFH now both break stuns or fears. It’s the same spell with a different name.

It could be done for every race just gotta decide which racials stay. Shadowmeld could be given to trolls for example under a new name like “troll cunning” same spell different name different factions. No faction now doesn’t have access to a specific racial.


This is not what the Earth Mother wants for you!!

I would hope that Blizzard with try to separate the Light from the people that worship it. Then I remember this is Blizzard and they ham fist everything. Yeah…pats gently and hands cultist robes You may need those.

That equalising would boost Horde; Alliance currently hold the stronger racials.

There are some people who are very loud, and determined to be perpetual victims. Helfers… bias folks… is why I don’t like alliance. I play alliance, but preferably with horde players on their alliance characters or the Oceanic crowd. This is a video game, its played for fun not as fuel for outrage mobs.


the alliance leader is turned into a weak boy, who is tossed around by a hulking orc, pinned to the wall and humiliated. for the sake of the soldiers under his leadership (many of whom are already killed by sylvannas), anduin makes a desperate decision to trust saurfang and free him from prison, even after being threatened and humiliated by him. as recompense, anduin’s turned into the mind controlled zombie of sylvannas’ newest boyfriend. and thats because the story isnt about the alliance at all. we are just npcs in the horde story.


I love Saurfang. He whined about killing Draenei babies than stood by and did nothing while Sylvanas killed nelf babies. Yes, he’s a shining example of that Horde bias.

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Attacking Zandalari to destabilize the relations and try to force the trolls to surrender. Attacking a foreign nation who had not joined the hordes war. Those were Zandalari ships not horde ships. Alliance are warmongers.

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The Alliance had no right to capture Talanji to begin with. She doesn’t need their permission to sail in Horde waters.