The Infamous Horde Bias

And that exactly is why their is actual proof of a bias existing. Consider the fact that Alliance got the bike mount way later yet the horde got it earlier and for free!! why not make it free for alliance too if not for the bias?

This is a common misconception. A lot of people hate Baine because he puts himself, Anduin and Jaina above the Horde and tauren constantly.

No, the nelves did not save them from extinction the way Thrall and the orcs did.

No, it did not make sense. Jaina pointed out to Baine that returning Derek to her will provoke Sylvanas into attacking Thunder Bluff and Baine did not care.

Again, himself, Jaina, Anduin >>>>> his own people


exactly my point, he was going to join the horde regardless… do u think the alliance will just twiddle their fingers when their tree got burned?

It was a community competition / contest that took place outside of WoW.
Why can’t the Horde buy their mount for 100k?

There is no bias. It just wasn’t thought out very well. But trying to spin it as Alliance bias is comical at best.


The Alliance didn’t win.

There was a vote.

Horde won that vote.

How is this a controversy?


Some weird California law IIRC.

And 100k is nothing by today’s standards so I can’t see any reason why this would be a claim of bias.

Doesn’t seem to be the case in lore. Also not a morally good justification anyway, you can’t attack Britain because they might join a war against you. Your the aggressor! I find it hilarious that actual diplomacy could’ve changed that but no Jaina want war.

Because there was tampering going around when that voting system happened, a lot of fake votes as you would say. I don’t have to go into detail as Maizou talked about this earlier in this post.

I’m hoping that expires in 2024. 10 years seems to be a standard statute of limitations.

Then they need to put it on a Horde vendor for like, 1g.

Both sides could cast fake votes. It wasn’t limited to one faction.


Why am I not surprised some people are claiming that vote was rigged.

FFS people

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I know you have a post count to fluff so people on here know how big your epeen is, but again next time you think to yourself “Do I know anything about this topic? No. Should I ignorantly run my mouth or keep my non informed opinion to myself?” Choose the latter. If more people who didn’t know what they were talking about shut up, world would be a nicer place.

I eagerly await your uniformed passive aggressive comment(s).

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Well, you know, the Alliance would never cheat.

Even if they did it was clearly justified because horde is evil.

yes, but there was more fake votes in the horde side because of the larger playerbase, also this is 100% bias if not edging on the bias territory. Just think about it. Why would Blizzard add in a voting system for a mount that’s going to be released to 1 faction only? they knew before-hand that Horde was going to win.

Oh so we’re doing personal attacks now. Makes you such a big man.

Every thing I said came from my head. What makes you think it didn’t? Or it that just a throw away insult?

I know just as much as everyone else and probably more than someone with orange text.

No, mind your own business. As long as I’m following the rules, I can post what I want.

Nobody is paying you to be the armchair CM so my advice is to not bother but do what you want.

Insults me then talks about the world being a nice place. How about we start that goal with you.

And I eagerly await your personal insults as you talk about holding hands.


Here we go again ignoring alliance evils just like devs. But obviously horde bias.


This makes no sense and you can’t prove any of that.


As an undead character I feel kinda attacked by this…I am a good person :sob:

Jokes aside what makes her “morally grey” is the force conversion of characters. If you have been following her lore she is forcing people to become lightforged or die. She has her reasons for this (I guess), it would be interesting to see her meet with our Velen. The thing is the Alliance already has races that would fit this Night Elves, Void Elves, Worgan, and Dark Iron. The problem is that those races have had their teeth removed to fit with the Alliance is “good” train of thought. Conversely when the Alliance is not good the player base (Horde and Alliance alike) punish them for it.

Alliance victories such be in game, not just in lore/ books. Tyrande should had a fun quest chain where players got to go on a bloody trail of vengeance with her. Instead we got tears, tears of all things!!!

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