The Infamous Horde Bias

baine helped her to get her brother back

jaina the OP mage is a simp for helping people who help her

She should answer for her crimes same as any horde leader would. Jaina and her friends always get off free from consequences.

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Maizou made some good points though, I don’t see any reason to discredit her. The fact is that they put way more of their time into developing the horde story than they did for alliance in the dark iron/ blood elf quests.


GO back before BFA. read the books see how close her and Thrall actually were. Many speculated there was romance there

Actually I just find it funny that a human who kills other humans to save the Horde is an Alliance laptop who hates the Horde (BTW this story did NOT occur in BFA) but if she kills a neutral character that had been hostile to the Horde and it benefits the Alliance she hates the Horde again

 of what? Baina saving Jaina’s brother from Sylvanas (his warchief), Baine hand delivering him to Jaina, and basically using that as a method to broker peace with her
? Opening the way to discussion of bringing the war to an end?

Sounds like Baine needed Jaina a lot more than Jaina needed him.

These threads always read like someone’s brother pulling out the ruler and scale to measure how their piece of cake measured up against their siblings.

It’s sad.

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Not, just my opinion there was a lot of other players with the same complaint about her being a Mary Sue. I never felt she was a strong character and she was okay with killing her enemies which makes her no different than other characters in WoW. Zealot Yrel could be a pretty fun character. The Alliance needs some “morally grey” characters in my opinion. Having the Alliance be the “good” faction puts in them a corner story wise where they are always responding to action, never creating it. Because they are good they always the forgiving faction, case in point Night Elves. This makes them seem like punching bags not people that do things for the greater good
I could go on and but I digress.

They did not say that in regards to her questline. It was the robo cat questline that was unfinished. That was and still is shameful because the Horde side quest was fun. While my main it Horde I try to have an Alliance max character to quest on in order to see the different stories.

I do, and made my point regarding

Have you seen the dope new di stuff? And your complaint is they wrote more words for horde? Lmao this is the subjectivity im referring to

Well she did help in War Crimes (Data era)

Your basically asking Baine to be a rutheless leader, and that’s not going to happen. Taurens have should been Alliance in the first place since their values align more with Night Elfs. What Baine did in the story made sense considering he is a tauren, they always strive for peace. However, you seem to completely ignore the fact that Sylvanas burned down an entire nelf city
 ppl always seem to forget that, wonder why. :thinking:

My post (that you replied to) was stating that I believed horde bias has gone away. I even stated that the majority of the major figures who worked on those old stories are gone. My post even insinuates that horde bias existed in the past.

If you want to focus on the lore from a decade ago, then that’s fine. Go for it. But my post was talking about the recent game.

But bringing her back would not make them “morally grey”.

Lightforged players destroying evil undead is one of the main pillars of fantasy stories. It’s why paladins are always so plentiful.

Lightforged killing undead or even void would just make them even more good guys and NOT morally grey

You’re not wrong but the Orcs and Horde directly aid the Tauren in Warcraft 3 against the Centaur. It wouldn’t make sense for them to be Alliance.

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Ok, and nothing you’re saying has anything to do with my post and what it was responding to. Everything you just typed is basically just random story lines that I’m aware of, but again, don’t pertain to anything I was talking about. So :man_shrugging: I’m not asking Baine to be anything. I’m just talking about the story line we were given, and the post wasn’t even responding to you.

Old lore. From Warcraft 3 where she changed to crazy white haired death women she slew elves, nearly drowned Orgrimmar.

The alliance made a stupid decision to threaten one of the oldest kingdoms with king assassination if he didn’t kneel. Are you not surprised Rastakhan said screw off? If alliance leaders were given this option ally players would be livid, but I get it trolls aren’t white humans.

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Trying to spin Horde not being able to buy their motorbike mount as Horde bias, cute.
If it played out the other way around, you would be complaining how Horde can still buy their mount and how Alliance “wasn’t allowed to win” so Horde had to get their mount too.


And alliance attack Zandalar for dubious reasons. Yet that’s somehow justified.

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oh course it is, because the horde started the conflict first, this is why sylvanas was sent to the maw and not tyrande.

I would say I think they are getting pretty even and if you look at the storylines (expect for rarities like Brenendam was it) the Alliance is leading by far since BFA

The more the devs push “we are the grey Horde and we kill everything Alliance PvPers” the Alliance will win storewide.

I much preferred the old heroic characters on both sides (but moreso on Horde)

I’m sorry was Zandalari in the horde at that time? I thought the lore reason was to force a foreign king to not join the horde by slaughtering his people, looting his treasures and leaving his daughter fatherless. I must’ve missed that part where Zandalari joined horde before actually joining the horde.

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