The Infamous Horde Bias

Unless we have an official statement from Blizzard, who does know?

Yeah because we, the players, can’t do anything about it if it’s true.

Too late for that.

I don’t care what you do.

Pretty much all this was addressed above you behind in this thread.

nothing was addressed bro, it’s why we have low warmode bonus, it’s all horde just enjoying their time watching alliance burn

it feels good but the game is now worse

Addressed by players, the forums don’t exist to wow devs, especially a thread like this.

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yes I forgot about the warmode, alliance get an “against overwhelming odds” weekly quest every single week after week. And that quest is only given to the faction with low participation in warmode soo think about that, our faction is completely dead not only in pve but pvp also… and i blame it on blizzard!! :angry: :angry:

Oh I honestly believe there are legit criticisms (mainly with the faction balance at the mid-higher tier levels), but the attitudes are just ridiculous sometimes from Alliance players.

And this comes from someone who plays both factions.


I miss that quest when I was alliance…

Really the only logical place for blame. Like me blaming them for not giving justice for Zandalar. Or you know Uther again…

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oh I am going to go a bit out of box and say that the players are to blame for the imbalance too. I mean think about all the ex-alliance players who switched over to horde, they have a right to play what faction they want but also a bit selfish to not look out for the future of the game.

Horde bias went away years ago, imo. Especially as the stories just become about helping some 3rd party all the time. Can’t change whatever things used to be a decade ago. The vast majority of that team is gone now anyway.

Ironically, Jaina seems to be the backbone of the horde in SL. We constantly need her to save us and our leaders this entire expansion. Horde probably wouldn’t even exist without her anymore. Not to mention, her story lines in BFA were great… Where the horde helped Talanji and watched her grow, only for her to be tossed aside and likely never used again (typical).

I think that no matter what the alliance gets, most of them will never be happy tbh. A couple of posters above say “sure, take one of our leaders and make them go evil! We’ll like it!!”… Definitely not true if it actually happened. Yet another KT Human bashing thread is making its way around, saying the trolls standing up straight that the horde got are better. /yawn, what a load of crap.


Even more Ironic, outside of her romance with Arthas, her main focus has been as Thrall’s friend or Baine’s confidant. She even killed her dad an Alliance member to save the Horde - that’s even worse than Baine and he is called a traitor to the Horde all the time

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This has to be one of the most ridiculous things I’ve read on here. Insinuating the player base should make their character decisions in an RPG based on what could happen in the future is just silly. No one should ever have to say to themselves “I want to play a Tauren, but for the sake of the future playerbase, I’ll just have to play a dwarf…”.


if they cared about the game then they would think that way, we have just as much power for change… like if u truly like WoW, you would want to it be around for another 10 yrs not 2 yrs.

Don’t blame me mon, i follow me friends and trolls represent a lot to me mon.

Loathe it.

Alliance bias

Because she had justified reason to hate alliance and now we gotta pretend it didn’t happen so we can “team up to fight the big scary no name villain!”


The Drustvar questline confirmed that Jaina’s dad was a bad guy.

Magatha murdered Cairne then murdered more people when she sacked Bloodhoof Village and Thunder Bluff.

Baine let her go with a pat on the head. So no Jaina isn’t worse.

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She also murdered a neutral race leader to force them to stay out of the horde and caused the opposite to happen.

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SO she:
killed an Alliance faction leader to save the Horde
killed a neutral faction leader to save the Alliance

Sounds more like a Horde leader to me.

I would say her entire story line in BFA has nothing to do with Thrall or Baine until the very end. Your just wording this in a way to make Jaina be some victim to get your point across, but anyone can do that. You basically insinuating Jaina is some side character to Thrall and Baine is just ridiculous. You’re just choosing to word things to match your narrative. Baine essentially begged Jaina to help them. Doesn’t really sound like Jaina needed Baine for anything at all. Nor Thrall.

In SL, Thrall, Jaina, nor Baine take a very big focus. However, we do need Jaina to save us nearly all the time. Which was my point.

Pretty subjective since i would count a faster path to the unlock a win and extra lore i don’t care about a hurdle.

Think you need to brush up on the definition of objective.


It’s funny seeing people think the trainwrecks that were the BFA and Shadowlands story favor anyone.

I don’t think Blizz right now is smart enough to favor a side.


proof? sounds like ur just making things up