The Infamous Horde Bias

QFT both have been screwed in different ways.

I lean the Alliance a little mores overall but Horde mores since BFA.

Get rid of the dang factions, they don’t belong in an MMORPG. Make it all race based and screw this I wanna be a Tauren but I don’t want team up with the Forsaken.


If you want us to kill Turalyon because they focused on alliance and decided he had to go crazy and become a raid boss, I warned you mon.


Of course it does. Do you really see people changing their minds about Master Looter, tier sets, pvp, gearing up alts, Mythic+, or any other topic that’s posted about multiple times? Why should this one be any different?

The devs have said in the past they are “moving forward” about many things. Yet no one believes them until they actually act. Same situation here.

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I would have no problems with that. From what I see, they’re setting up Turalyon to be at least a threat, if not a Big Bad. I like stories where a character who starts out trying to do their best for everyone gradually does a 180.

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I personally think people put way too much stock in the things illgynoth said.

Half truths and manipulation are what the old gods are all about.

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Go for it. Let him die. I care less for him than I did Garrosh and I hated Garrosh.

I just would hate the story about the Light being evil (Alliance can be evil sure but not the Light). It would be even more cringe than the starting line they proposed for the undead as as being the protectors of the living or if Calia turned all Forsaken into Lightforged Undead.

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Yrel was a Mary Sue and boring as all get out. The reason why the middle of her arc was cut had less to do with Horde bias and more to with it being more about her and Maruud’s romance. You have to remember around that time there was some big feminist movements going on, having her story and development tied so tightly to male characters was a post of contention. So Blizzard cut the romance out which meant cutting out the middle part of her story.

Just because a character is female does not mean she needs to have some type of crummy romance. WoW tends to give most of their female characters romances >.>

I hate to break it too you, but wow devs hardly have that amount of finesse in their writing. His change will be abrupt and out of nowhere. He will literally wake up one day and say, “The light will save us all!” And open a portal to AU Draenor to let that lightbound attack.

Your opinion. I happen to like strong female characters that do not want to kill everyone.

Her arc was cut because they sdpeficailly said they didn’t have time. Horde done first, no time left for Alliance gotta meet deadline.

Agreed 100% Game is better when romance / sex is left out of my violence

You just helped me make the point about the futility of obsessing over one and that it was a “wait and see, hope it changes” game. They seem to have gotten the point, though, since cross-faction stuff is coming into play. Does it bear repeating any longer, knowing it’s at least supposed to be coming out?

This is why I’m happy to see cross-faction coming into play. It’ll let players go at their own pace, play with who they want to, and so forth. No more isolation to one or the other side with a grievance list a mile long.


My son loves Alliance. I prefer Horde (well till BFA). If we could actually group and guild together, this game would be tremendously better for me.

Until then this 3rd place character is my “main”


Doubtful. As long as said alliance players have the requisite IO score I’m sure they’ll get invited.

Many key pushers and raiders will switch to alliance races to make use of the OP racials.

I get that. I like some of the Alliance races quite a lot and would love to play them with my Horde guild. Hopefully they’ll get the architecture in place to allow it soon.


I still have a grievance. I want justice for Zandalar, the admiral’s daughter has escaped her crimes for too long. Plus has anyone else realized Uther got off without any punishment for his involvement with the Jailer?

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Zandalar forever!

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We have every right to be upset! how dare you! :angry:
If this same situation were happening to the horde, i guarantee you that there would be double crying from your side of the playerbase… oh, and note: when is sticking up for injustice considered an “inferiority complex” ?


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Gameplay and mechanics are one thing. (And we’re not even sure there will be any changes to racials or class abilities at all),. Story and theme are another.

The horde gets ignored when we demand justice.

Yes we have, lets see.

  1. racial
  2. faction imbalance
  3. blizzards favoritism
  4. bike mount
  5. they even have horde statues in there main building

if thats not enough proof for u idk wat to say