The Infamous Horde Bias

Or like deleting the entire middle of Yrel’s Arc? Then villain batting her for something as moronic as one quest line introducing an Allied Race.

Maruud and Yrel were the two most compelling characters on the Alliance side and I don’t even like Draenei


Probably has a lot more to do with player culture, actually. You can look up where the big shifts of player population happened. Big raiders moved factions for the racials and then the flavor of the monthers and too-small-to-be-world-renowned-but-serious-about-raiding types followed 'em. Horde’s quite the punching bag too for reasons many have mentioned already. No one’s happy. We both got messed over badly. Very badly.

I’m pretty sure that everything I’ve said has been gone over in this thread already. If we’re just going to repeat the same talking points without progressing the discussion, why keep the thread alive?

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ive never understood why horde cry about rastakhan, dude was on our side for maybe one or two patches and he hated us

but ignore that yrel is a villain without any development


I see it as everyone coming to the logical conclusion that the alliance is weak and joining the strong side.

You’ve been favored since BFA, no racial buffs are getting you out of this one.

Alliance bores the devs because they CHOOSE to be bored with them.

Alliance used to have a gray side back in Vanilla and BC. The stalker-y rogue trainer in Darnassus; the warlock quest to kill a member of the House of Nobles; the Defias questchain in Westfall. Fangral Staghelm.

In BC, in the draenei starter zone, after hearing that one of their leaders had been killed by blood elves, said they were all evil and should be eliminated. He immediately apologized for his words, but he said them.

Later on in Nagrand, the wpvp quest giver is talking to a captured blood knight. He tells the blood knight he can’t beat him, because that would be immoral. But the Broken brutes he has with him can.

By WoD, the draenei were presented as “being above revenge.”

In MoP, the devs hurriedly put in a stupid robot cat as the ONLY Alliance content in a patch after Alliance players complained. They had to change Vol’jin’s line about threatening the Alliance helping take out Garrosh because players complained…and IIRC pointed out no Horde leader would have taken such a threat lying down in the situation was reversed.

They put Alliance in the “Captain America on steroids” and never bothered to come up with interesting plots for them because they CHOSE to. Metzen compared the Alliance to Lawful Good and the Horde to Chaotic Neutral and said that Chaotic Neutral was more interesting to write. That’s it. They’re lazy writers, from Metzen on down.

PvP: For a long time, the Southshore guards were a lower level than the Tarren Mill guards.

In WoD, the Horde racials were nerfed and the Alliance racials were buffed. Holinka (the pvp developer at the time) said, “It’s Alliance’s time to shine.”

And the Horde whined.

They whined so much those changes last a single patch, at best. I’m not even sure it lasted through that patch.

Adding to the Blizzcon 2011 examples. When Alliance players complained on the forums about their treatment, one of the CMs said they were “overreacting” and “being silly.”

A few days later, Mike Morhaime posted on GD apologizing for Blizzard’s behavior at Blizzcon 2011.

Overreacting and being silly. Uh-huh.

I’ll end with this: We all have only so many hours in the day to do what we need and want to do. What you focus on is what you favor.

The devs have focused on Horde for years. Horde is what they favor.

I wish they had the testicular fortitude to admit it.


bro pls stop making us look lame, we’re crap in the lore

horde is badass not trying to pretend to be edgy kids

Because it bears repeating.

No they have not.

You know, maybe that’s a part of it. When Horde leaders go bad we get years of watching it happen, with high Rez cinematic and the entire focus of the game around it.

When the Alliance goes bad, they can’t be bothered to spend any time on the Alliance so the stories get no attention.

All that extra attention (even if bad) is still attention. It’s attention the Alliance never gets, even in their main story arcs


That’s alliance talk right there. Own your faction pride and have fun with it.

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take the development, we dont want any more of it most of our leaders are now watching movies in the afterlife

i play both factions bro you are the extreme kind im the one who loves the horde without the pretty humans

git gud

At least it takes the most powerful group of people in the world to take out your leaders (except Vol’Jin and Cairne) all it takes to take out the supposed most powerful power couple on Azeroth is some random with a bow.

Here is a Horde take. Death before dishonor. Maybe it’s because you live and die by the sword you die by the sword…

Edit -

If the dead human, skinny humans were gone and no more Garrosh types (Thrall’s Cairne and Vol’JIn 4life) I would never leave Horde

Except you can’t predict the future and it is widely expected that yrel will be a leading factor in the war against the holy light when it comes. Stuff a sock in it.

The inferiority complex some Alliance players have is just absolutely sad and honestly pathetic.


Like her arc is incomplete as of now speculate away but that’s all you got there

I think it’s rather fitting.

If no one’s listening, does it really? I don’t see people changing their minds here. Looks like everyone had a made up mind coming into the thread and nothing much was going to change it.

Both factions have been mauled in more than one way. The only thing you can do is hope both are done justice moving forward. Why obsess over just one? Throughout this thread, it’s been brought up that both have been done dirty but I mostly see complaints aimed at one and backlash against any counterpoint instead of moving forward. Many, many voices are crying out into a wall.

Who predicted the future? Her arc in WoD was cut…

AND yore can come back like garish acme back or could come back again or like Sylvanas WILL come back again…

You can stuff it :slight_smile:

being neutral is tough but lets admit that on horde we have the same inferiority complex in our story where characters are randomly being villains

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