The Infamous Horde Bias

Hey, Blood Elves and Void Elves… Stop arguing.

Don’t make me turn this car around…

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Like I have said multiple times, Thrall, Cairne and Vol’jin were my leaders. When there were heroes on the Horde (you know what some people call the Red Alliance).

I was just mocking the people who only think Orcs like Garrosh who want to kill every Alliance (and a fair amount of Horde) or Sylvanas who wants to kill all Alliance (and most Horde)

That faction thing is stupid to me so I don’t base leaders like on who they hate. I want heroic leaders even if they are orcs, Tauren, Trolls or even undead. Sadly the Horde seems to get stuck with weak leaders who only way to show strength is through killing everyone else - and too much of the current Horde fansbase laps it up…


If you don’t know if there is a horse bias or not, why are you commenting on a horde bias thread? Then say you don’t see the point of the thread?

Maybe stay out of thread. I don’t typically post and make comments about things I’m ignorant of.


This is the only one I agree with. The rest of it is either a symptom (the bike) or just not related at all.

At the time that there was still enough strength in the game that people would switch factions for that little bit of edge, the racials were significantly imbalanced. Then goblin rocket jump trivialized a difficult mechanic on Kil’Jaeden, considered by most the hardest end raid boss ever. There was already a slide, but this is when I remember the bottom falling out of the Alliance. If you wanted a good shot at that boss it was go Horde or really struggle. This wasn’t the straw that broke the camels back, it was more like the sack of anvils.


FYI I wish I could play a faction where no one had the stupid loud motorcycle. People use it on purpose because its annoying. You don’t know how lucky you are.

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Listen here blizzard employees are allowed to have a preference just like any other human being. This is not a human rights issue it is a video game that you elect to pay for and play. If you really don’t like it or feel offended/victimized then you need to just stop playing the game. Blizzard as a company has never come out and said hey we prefer horde we want alliance players to suffer.

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Yes they have, Alliance is Blizzard’s punching bag… how much more abuse do we have to take?

Devs admitted for the Cata expac they never finished the Alliance questlines because they were too busy finishing Horde’s.


Why are Alliance players perpetual victims? That’s the real question. You can give them a million dollars and they’d complain about having to hold a giant check.


Hey Maizou I know you said you were muting this so I will make it brief. You want an example of how little Blizzard pays attention to the Alliance just look at the Worgen race. Ignored till the last month of Cataclysm’s beta then 2 weeks before everything went live the race got the worst model in WoWs history to ever go live and was stuck with it for 10 years. Meanwhile Goblins get an entire revamped questing zone. Worgen have to make a horde toon to find out what happens after they leave Gilneas in their own lore as they are kicked to the Night Elf starting area and forgotten about. Then we every other core race in the game gets racials revamped who is the only core race still waiting for an update… Oh Ya Worgen. The reason Worgen are hardly played was the bad model but Blizzard just continues to ignore us and ignore any and all feedback we give about the race.

The list is far too long to list here as I have played since Vanilla WoW but ya there is a huge difference in how Horde and Alliance players are treated by Blizzard. You can try and rationalize it all you want but the honest truth is the game has always been in the favor of the horde and the only reason the horde can’t win is it would mean the destruction of the alliance and the end of factions as a whole.


It is called standing up for human rights, we Alliance players pay a sub just like you do. So I expect equal treatment! if you can’t see the bias then you probably are a very biased opinion on the horde. I mean do u not see that Alliance is dying? why do u think that is? its bcuz their obvious favoritism drew everyone towards the horde.

You are either an optimist or someone who doesn’t play alliance. There will continue to be barriers for alliance players because you don’t discriminate a group for 10 years and then just flip a switch and say all is good.

I am going to predict there will be horde players who won’t let alliance players into groups.


Send them my way. I’ll take any Alliance to whatever they want to do, let’s go pal around in M+ or raid, or run some old things for transmog. I’ll help however I can, I want this wall gone and forgotten so I can just play with friends.


Even though I am currently raiding with the Alliance threads like this make me regret my decision.

Horde is clearly the superior faction.

It was made for the same reason the mountains I mention were, it wasn’t made live because unlike those mountains people found it before it went live.

Did blizzard definitively know about these racials before the raids were released? Did several guilds switch factions publicly for these racials? If the answer isn’t yes, then that’s why it wasn’t nerfed earlier.

lol no stop living in 2007

the moment we got pretty barbies and their kens (a.k.a blood elves), we stopped being superior

all the people who needed pretty humans on horde to play horde made us lame

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I’m sure there’s also going to be Alliance players who don’t want Horde players in their groups.

In both cases the only people who lose out are the ones who choose to be selective that way. You don’t want to invite people from the other faction? You are intentionally limiting yourself and are a fool for it. (Not YOU but the general you)

Of course, there are always going to be jerks that play this game but overall it won’t be that bad.


Excuse me, sir, your zug-zug is showing.

zug zug is always best