The Infamous Horde Bias

He wasn’t gutted by a trash mob, he was gutted by the Slyvanas storyline. DOn’t put that on us.


yea they did voljin bad while the alliance dude got a big send off

Just an FYI: Some people have real problems. This is not that.

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Your definition of “smart” must have a secondary meaning attached to it. Sounds like: “I’m gonna voice my opinion and since I know people will challenge it and I’ll get emotional, I’m gonna make it so I don’t have to see their response. I can avoid getting emotional all together this way.” Very childish. But I’m not surprised given the climate.

Literally the worst example you could’ve given. You want an equally in depth quest line between races where 1 has been playable less than a few years and the other has been playable since 2007…lmao. I won’t even mention the years worth of lore for blood/high elves since before vanilla. You’re just being a crybaby here.

All the horde ever got story wise was abandonment and “live long enough to see yourself become the villain”

Thrall — left
Vol’jin — killed
Cairne— killed
Garrosh— lived long enough to become a villain and killed
Sylvanas — the absolute worst and blatant retcon of a character in Warcraft I have ever seen — existed long enough to become a villain.

You go on about horde favoritism but all we’ve had is the same story over and over again just with different characters. It seems to me you are unfamiliar with what true bias is. Alliance has had way more layered stories with in depth sub plots within them.


How did I make you question your own sanity or are you really saying “stop disagreeing with me!”?

I didn’t ignore anything, I responded.

How can I say that the Alliance won’t act the same way if their racial leaders weren’t treated like the Hordes? I would like to think they wouldn’t but I don’t know and neither do you.

Who. I can name the Horde but I can’t name Alliance characters that have been completely ruined.

Bad stuff does happen to us. We don’t have a war chief because Blizzard keeps using us as horrid plot points. The story constantly involves the Alliance coming to the rescue when our racial leader goes nuts. The OP brought up the bike but the Alliance were the true winners. Someone brought up the bee. We can’t use the bee but they can use Kua’fon and Torcalli.

The only argument I buy is racials because that must be the reason all the #1 guilds are on this side.

Anyways, I’m starting to feel like a broken record. I still don’t see the Horde bias beyond racials. Every thing else mentioned is nonsense.


I just call it good old fashion cowardice.

Right? Ion literally said if you wanted high elves the Horde is waiting for you then he goes back on that no and gives the Alliance almost what they want.

I say almost because there’s always more to ask for when it comes to helfers.


It was a minor demon that killed Volj’in.

I never did, I put it on Blizzard.


Well of course. Always more to ask for and play ignorant to what they have. I will say as a horde for lifer, they killed off the coolest alliance character ever in Varian. But then again, the horde have lost triple that. Favoritism indeed


And this invalidates the OP?

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It’s part of a larger argument that does.


BFA zones were tremendously better on Alliance.

Between the tree (killing the Horde theme I loved) and the sucky Horde zone and adding self insert Nathanos as a “leader” I had to take a break from horde. SL was the first expansion I didn’t level vastly more Horde than Alliance and I don’t think I leveled 1 For toon to 60

Drustvar was an amazing zone.

I don’t even like Jaina but gd that story line was so good.


That’s fair but if this is true why are so many more people on Horde?

If you are a Thrall’s Horde person, this is unforgivable.

If you are a Sylvanas simp (most of the Horde today) who cares, Vol’Jin was just Red Alliance and deserved to die like Cairne did and Thrall should. For the Horde Kill Alliance or die (even if you did found the Horde)

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Thrall — Red Alliance
Vol’jin — Red Alliance
Cairne— Red Alliance
Garrosh— Orc suprematist who didn’t bow down to his queen enough
Sylvanas — true Horde and the only one who will actively kill Alliance Fur Der Horde!

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I get the fact that there’s no way to be perfectly fair for both sides. My irritation has been the constant whitewashing and weaseling to get Horde out of their consequence ESPECIALLY when the writers put them in that position.

The “fist pump” moment with Varian about ending the Horde was so freaking hollow post Garrosh, as it went right back to genocide and horrific war crimes under Sylvanas, who AGAIN weaseled out of being held accountable with the conclusion of Shadowlands. Great, she’s “exiled” to the Maw until they decide to bring her back down the road.

It’s tiresome and frustrating especially when the events cause lore conflicts for players, since that removes the choices and decisions for THEM by railroading their characters.

We should never have another BFA style situation. It’s also somewhat disgusting when we had folks like Cannibal Corpse at Blizzcon making toxic statements, and the Devs turning a blind eye, much as they also did with their own toxic and abusive work enviroments.

Do better, Blizz.

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What?! Unlike his red Alliance son, Cairne was fighting for dead tauren.

Lmao red alliance. I like that

Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.

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Another honerable mention IMHO, though removed now;
NONE of the Horde allied races required dungeons to unlock, all of BFA’s Alliance races did. Kultiran’s even required ALL the dungeons.
Alliance races of Legion are literally endgame, you can’t unlock them on lower levels unlike high mountain.

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