This is the first I’ve heard they removed the Sliver of N’zoth. Source?
Multiple sources, including Wowhead have confirmed this to be a thing. At least one of those should be on the front page right now.
Could you link them? There is nothing on Wowhead or under the comments that says the Sliver of N’zoth was removed. I got the toy after the prepatch dropped just to tame these serpents.
There’s also no mention of the toy being removed here either:
I dread the moment ha-li and rei lun becomes tameable.
I could have sworn I read it on Wowhead in one of their recent articles. Can’t find it now though. Odd. Maybe they were wrong and re-edited it?
He’s not tamable unless Blizzard changes their mind but yeah, I’ll be first in line for Rei Lun and Anh-De.
Hunters you have tsulong and elegon. Why the need for nalak, huolon and rei lun? Just stop.
We are just as entitled to these spawns as anyone else. We don’t have any claim over them, and neither do you. Seriously, I’ve seen way more attitude about this from non hunters toward hunters. If anything needs to stop, it’s that.
These aren’t rare.
They’re unique colors.
Sure as soon as Blizzard makes them untamable.
You only think they are not rare because of the availability from an instance. And the colors are still as vibrant as the other 3.
That’s not a theory, it’s a fact. Any Hunter can just walk into a raid and tame a beast. There’s no challenge.
Nope. Nalak, for example, is the only blue cloud serpent that’s tamable. With or without lightning. He’s very unique.
I was able to get two of em on MG, but this happened at like 3 and 4 am. Especially when a gnome hunter wasn’t around who’d ninja kill the thing regardless of a tame line, or a mount farming group was there. In the end it sucks but =/ Blizz does these kinda things, and often.
Or maybe, just maybe, they want identical pets out?
The toy seems to not have been removed, but tbh I would like a different way to tame these looks…besides pvp, and I am sure others would agree as well. I just think Huolon, needs a little work so that both mount collectors & hunters can have a chance. It just dies way to easy and, the timer is so very long.
I couldn’t find it anywhere in my toy tab, but it is still usable on my hot bar. Maybe it’s only visible in War Mode though or something. Either way, I had my fun.
But anyway…
I would like to salute the team of hunters that played me hard yesterday afternoon. I went back to TI in War Mode since I had to kill Ordos for the week, but I figured I’d swing by and maybe get a chance if no one else was there.
Got to the spawn point, saw a lone NE hunter standing at the spawn at the edge of the cliff. So…I blasted them off. Cool, right? What I did NOT see coming, however, was the sneaky hunter sitting in the tree above me near the spawn point. They killed me dead in like 4 shots.
I wasn’t even mad. That was some great planning. So I resurrected and moved on with my day. Whoever the spawn was meant for, they earned it.
Now Blizzard…can we hunters get a named beast with the same model to tame that ISN’T him yet please?
This is sick, 2 days watching that damn serpent die every hour…beganing to think we are being trolled.
Gonna have to with it. When Oondasta became tameable there was a literal raid of hunters taming it & releasing it for days just to troll the mount farmers. I still won’t even bother going for that mount because of the salty taste that left & wrote that one off completely.
My suggestion would be to tame it after Shadowlands drops. Less people around.
This rare has no CD, so they can Spam farm it…unlike the other world bosses who do. Thats what makes it sad, and also such a pain to even try for.
Okay, I stated this is a bad deal for both. I own the mount, and I am looking for a tame. I am advocating for both sides, not sure why you feel the need to not read all of whats been said. But then again, seems trolls will troll.
I think I’ve been lucky taming rares. Everyone has always been respectful about it, if I’m there first people are a ok waiting while I tame it, if I don’t get there first I’m a ok waiting for it to respawn. I wish more people had the experience I’ve had, then it just wouldn’t be an issue