Simple solution is make it so the tame is tapped and unkillable.
100% agree with the original poster
Or better yet have a timer on the rare so it’s tamable within that time for hunters and when it’s over it’s available to mount collectors. Makes it’s fair for everyone this way and less fighting over the situation, imo. xD
I just tamed him, and seeing how I was treated so badly and with such rude remarks. I shall not share how…The moral to the story is, you really should be nice to others. I treat everyone nice until proven they are not worth it, and those who have showed me kindness will get my help. The easy road is paved with those who are mean or rude, the far harder road and less traveled is paved in kindness and respect.
Or just release an identical model thats obtainable another way, rather than a full-blown war among the community…
Absolutely not, Oondasta is a rare model too. Keep it how it is. Just like the Spirit animals in Org and SW. Both have long timers and players can kill them too.
I mean realistically, there are 100’s of pet models to tame in game. If you want this one so much, bare with the challenge or leave it…you’ll find most people are actually pretty chill if you ask them nicely.
LOL I tried nice… and let me say it failed. Because deep down people are greedy and mean. But good luck to you, and if nice works awesome. Just be warned, it also can make you a huge target.
I mean doesn’t it go both ways? You’re taming the potential mount a lot of players want, and they’re trying to kill the pet you want. This isn’t a problem with the players, it’s a problem with the design around it,
As I said above they could make some changes, the fact it has no CD is a big one. Tho I doubt its gonna see any changes, but hey heres to hoping.
I think adding a cd would only solve the problem hunters, not for the enitre other party. Solutions need to work for both groups. He dies in a literal single cast, spawn protection or an increased spawn rate would help I think…Or another equally challenging model.
The simple solution is to just put an NPC with the same skin somewhere else. They’ve done similar things in the past, I recall.
Yeah there is an NPC with the same model/skin but you can’t tame it. It’s stupid.
I’ve suggested that but people were not impressed and claiming that it’s not the same, guess compromise isn’t really something they want.
I need them all.
If you haven’t gotten Hulon pet tame by now too bad.
What someone engages the mob for is irrelevant. A hunter taming is no different than someone waiting for a kill. Not that difficult of a concept.
make it so killing him drops a special item that when used teleports you to his lair and you can tame one of his children. make it so people can sell it on AH.