The Huolon Situation

If you weren’t already aware, with the Shadowlands pre-patch, cloud serpents are now tamable by hunters. One of the more sought after pets in the pre-patch is Huolon in the Timeless Isles, which if you’re familiar, is a rare spawn that has a chance to drop a mount. This causes nothing but grief between players; flat out, Huolon should not be tamable. The only viable solution to make everyone happy would be to add another model the same as Huolon in the game specifically for hunters to tame. Making a rare spawn that drops a mount tamable is bad for everyone involved; hunters have a snowballs chance to ever tame it, and the mount farmers camping there are annoyed with the angry mob of hunters. I say this as someone with no interest in either the mount or hunter pet; this should be addressed. World bosses and rares that drop mounts should never be tamable. Causing grief between the player base is not a type of difficulty I want to be a part of. I’m not against having the same models available for hunters to tame, but there needs to be a separate way for them to do this.


I dont see the problem many “mount rares” are tameable, and imo if your camping at the spawn point waiting for him to spawn you are farming the mount in the wrong way anyway, as you can reset the world instance to force spawn him.

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I’m just coming back after skipping BFA, so please correct me if I missed something, but zones have never been able to be reset the way a dungeon or raid would. How would you “reset the world instance” to cause Huolon to spawn?


I’ve seen one hunter who supposedly has it tamed or they just renamed it Huolon, I can’t tell as I never really seen him that up close before.

I am a hunter and think its BS hunters can tame out from mount collectors Huolon or Nalak or Oondasta…I would never do a tame and pull a kill away from anyone …if I was interested in those models for Hunter Pet I would do it off hours and very close too Reset time frame…after which most of gotten in their kills for the week…but that is just me.

I have had a ton of Oondasta kills stolen out from me lately even on damn Reset day some hunter just got to grief others and do it on reset day, Shame on you hunters. You’re just being bloody nerds doing that now.

Some hunters have resorted too doing a tame…then go away …abandoning the tame and doing it again 15 mins later…


Lol I have been watching that area for fun sometimes when I am bored and there are hunters there arguing with people to go away so they can tame it but of course people don’t cus they want the mount


Yeah and some of those hunters are getting in their tame…then moving away out of sight …then abandoning the tame and just go back and do another tame too deny other players in a kill…its quite simple to do as you see I am a hunter and know how they do it.

They should make those bosses only tamable in Warmode so if a Hunter gets it then they deserve it.


Geese lol savage

Some hunters might get some satisfaction out of that, after years of rare pets being killed just to spite them.


At this point I don’t think they care. They know what happened with Oondasta and still went through with this. When they could have created similar looking tames for hunters.


Huolon specifically spawns 100% of the time on Zone resets.

Yes and no. Depends on how many people are doing it. Unlike other methods, resetting the zone only works if nobody else is doing it on the realms you’re targeting.

Furthermore, you’d need two accounts if you’re using the RP realm method, or have a character a high enough level on an RP realm, which most don’t. Not only are trials disabled currently, but even if they weren’t, they can’t make LFG groups for the solo zone reset trick anymore due to being too low level for the LFG requirement.

Well there was a time when hunters would kill the other hunter or pet they were trying to tame esp on PVP realms…there were also other classes that would deny a hunter a Tame on spirit beasts just so they could get that item that was worth 25 gold…I know I stole a Pally kill during Cata …he was trying to kill Ban’thalos had him down on the ground trying to kill but as I watched Pally was losing his health fast…so just as Ally Pally died I threw my freeze trap and tamed Ban’thalos out from under his kill.

The Pally ran back got his body and proceeded to chew me out for stealing his kill :slight_smile: I well played that Pally in order to get Ban’thalos. I named Ban’thalos …Hedwig :slight_smile:

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I’ve had that happen on my hunter a few times, and it absolutely sucks waiting hours for something to spawn just for a rogue (almost 100% of the time) to jump out and kill it. But griefing other players just because some bastard did it to you doesn’t help anything. It’s not like those hunters are spiting the same person that killed their rare pet spawn 3 years ago, they should know damn well how much being griefed sucks if anything.


They consider incentivizing players to steal each others’ objectives to be “content”.


That’s… not happening.

Huolon spawns at the bridge. By the time any hunter has a chance to start casting Tame Beast, you are more than capable of one shotting it, or at the very least, pulling aggro from the hunter, dropping the tame.

This is an issue with world bosses because they have invincibility frames that allows the tame to go through. This is not the same case with Huolon. If you let a hunter tame Huolon out from under you, that’s ENTIRELY on you.


This is a person that completely misses the point and thus allows this nonsense to continue to happen.

It’s not about whether or not we can gimmicky get around it.

It’s about it being HORRIBLE game design. Plain and simple.

The fact that we have come up with work arounds to bypass things like this (that don’t work 100% anyways) shows that it was poorly if at all thought out when implemented. Like almost everything in this pre-patch.

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Why would they abandon a tame to come back? It’s not like we can’t have more than one of a pet. I personally have 3 of those. Moon Guard is almost dead in the early morning hours :grin:

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I mean there is soundless, which is also tameable, Nalak, Rukhmar, Oondasta, I could go on…

there are also mobs that most see as hunter pets like Loque’nahak that people kill just for an achievement, what a mob is meant for comes all down to perspective.

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