The Huolon Situation

No. Bad ugly hat man, Bad.

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im a hunter and i see no need to tame the serps honestly only one i did tame was the spectral serp


Wee hours of the morning? You do realize that there are different time zones?

I personally don’t want the serpents. I’d rarely if ever use one. But there are other’s who want it so there should be something done.

Maybe as someone already said, make a different model that looks like
the rare so no one gets all upset.

Screws a bunch of people?
What about the hunter who has waited for hours for a chance to tame that pet only to have it killed in front of him?

It’s ok to screw the hunter over right?

Funny thing about those rares that drop mounts. They respawn in 15 mins.
And yes, I realize time is valuable. It’s valuable for both mount farmers and hunter’s as well. Not just one type of player.

While I don’t agree with some hunter’s being spiteful, I can see their point as well.

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Only serpent I have is Elegon. Probably won’t use it, but it is a nice looking pet.

No, you can’t.

the perspective im looking at is from 10+ people versus 1 person. to me that seems selfish behavior. but i agree that blizzard created this situation and ultimately it’s terrible for the game, nobody wins.

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Soundless is tamable? Is this real life?

I’ve tried that and, at least at the moment, it doesn’t work for Huolon. Too many people even at 3-5am, even in War Mode. Tested and disproved, sir. It’ll settle back down eventually, but there will likely almost always be competition. That isn’t the problem though, in my opinion. I think the main problem is that he can be one-shotted.

I think they should buff him up like MoP world bosses and give him a damage nullification period. That gives hunters a chance to tame (provided they are quick enough, tested and proved as much personally with Oondasta) and it gives everyone wanting the mount ample time to get a hit in. Lowering his spawn time might not be a bad idea either. Instead of 30 minutes to an hour, maybe make it 15-20 to be in line with MoP’s world bosses.

Blizz probably figured Timless isle has been around 7 years now so it wouldn’t be a big deal to make those cloud serpents tamable

Like usual, however, they didn’t think it through all the way.

Timeless isle is very old. If you haven’t gotten Hulon mount by now too bad. I’ve had hunter pets (that basically drop nothing!) killed right out from under me mid tame by spiteful players even though I was there first, camping by myself for x hours.

I have no sympathy.

By all means add in alternate npcs with the same skin to tame. Could even make them challenge/special tames that one shot anyone who isn’t a hunter that tries to hit them. Go nuts


If I see Hulon up I’m killing him. Hunters trying to tame are not my problem.


or make it so once a tame is going the target becomes un killable…so the hunter has to be the first to click tame other wise its going to die

Rare mobs should not be fair game for taming.

Although, that being said, there’s nothing stopping players from interrupting a Hunter trying to tame Huolon by damaging it, right?


It’s same thing with Oondasta. Everyone said wait few months it will be OK. Well here it is over a year later and it’s still a problem. Don’t think that Huolon will be any different.

Not like Blizzard didn’t see this when they made the change to allow world bosses to be tamed and yet to say or do anything on it. I just stopped farming Oondasta on my army of alts as I know a hunter will come along and tame regardless if they have or not, but just to troll people.

One of the few things that really jerks my chain that Blizzard doesn’t address this.

Hope they dont remove the ability to tame it. Or at least give another option to tame with the same model.

Soundless has been tamable since the opening of that zone…hunters got kicked from groups cause of other hunters taming him while in raid group…I had to swear up and down I wasn’t going to tame Soundless just to get into a group for the kill…

Yeah I have had quite a few kills stolen from on Oondasta that last couple months I have been heading out to world bosses of MoP…when I show up for Oondasta I state I am here for the kill.

Just watched people at Huolon, for 5 hours trying for a mount / tame. The issue I think is he dies to dang fast, I mean taming aside people can’t tag for the drops easy ither. Some just are so mad, at one or both they kill it out of shear frustration. Oddly enough I tamed Nalak, in 3 hours of waiting …Huolon is gonna be a very very long time to get, unless they change something with this npc. I mean they could buff the timer, and or maybe make him a little harder to kill? Just sucks the mechanics with this kill / tame, and out of all of them it should be fixed / changed. Also on a side note, the taming of the Ivory & Thundering ivory. Now to limit the ability of these tames, that I think are not intended to people with a toybox item no longer in game is uncool. I suggest not removal of them off of hunters who did, but please add npcs for them that can be tamed normally so we all can get a chance at them :3

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