The horde needs a devastating defeat

And you know what Anya, as long as your goal isn’t to leave the Horde Faction crippled for future stories. I truly wish for you to get everything you hope you can reasonably get out of this mess. I want YOU to get your territories back. I want YOU to get whichever form of glorious new capital you can hope you can get. Hell, if you want to take down that horrific pleasure palace or Org … take em.

Just … if Malf decides to spare Saurfang; let us keep him. If Nathanos DOES grab onto his ONLY lifeline and turns on Sylvie; let us keep him. You can take Sylvanas (I’d deliver her if I could … in fact I’d rig it so you could take both her lives for eternity); You can take Gallywix (ditto with him). Just leave us enough characters for future faction growth and storytelling…


TBH? Is it that big a deal if they don’t get those territories back?

All seriousness here, if it means we can all move away from BfA, I’m down with losing everything from Gilneas to Tirisfal, including any claims to anywhere else in the northern EK, save for the blood elf lands. And those I’m willing to give joint control over with the high and void elves.

Just so we can move the hell on from BfA and pretend it happened in WoD’s timeline.

It’s really not surprising. Het would call turning the entire game into a Blue Team unified nation “Horde Bias”.


Yeah I don’t really care about Lordaeron all that much.


Yeah, cause Lordaeron and Zul’dazar were resounding victories for us…


I don’t know what alliance characters ever got humiliated defeats?

Allaince characters normally win their personal fights.

Jaina pushes Thrall
Variants almost had Garrosh
Malfurion owned Surfang
Jaina owned like 3 of our racial leaders, Nathanos plus Zul together

There was that Genn and Salv fight but it was more of a draw. Sylvanas won the fight but lost the objective.

Normally horde wins by super weapon or under handed tactics,

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The Horde army always wins while the Alliance characters usually come out on top.
The Horde has been extremely successful so far if we ignore little setbacks that really don’t matter in the grandscheme of things.

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No, you already put up the quote earlier and it only proves my point.

The first thing he literally says is “I will not slay innocents.”

So obviously our intention here, if not throughout this entire campaign, wasn’t to kill innocent people.

Second thing he says is, “If they do not raise arms against us, we will spare them.”

Key word; Spare, as in, we’re NOT killing them.

The third line “Enter Lor’danel and capture any civilians you find there.” is likely the only one you read, because the fourth line is “They shall be questioned and then released.”

Another key word; Released

We’re not torturing them for information, we’re not imprisoning them, and we sure as hell don’t execute them. We’re literally asking them a question and then getting them away from the battle.

I don’t even know why I’m even bothering, you don’t play Horde, you’ve very clearly proven here that you have very little knowledge of the Hordes’ side of the story and how they operated the War of Thorns. You don’t care about the faction or its’ playerbase in the most remote sense. I have nothing else to say, because I’m a Horde player and it won’t matter to you anyways.


Now, lets go on a COMPLETELY different tangent to give us a break from this toxic topic.

Horde players, what would you prefer as a Goblin AR?! Assuming Gazlowe actually is getting built up to be the replacement for Wix (to justify ANY AR joining under us); GilGoblins (if they got a respectable model update, with a more distinct facial profile for their aquatic theme) … or would you prefer the Vulpera (and their completely unique Goblin rigs)?!

Alliance players, you can chime in on this too … which of these two lil Goblin rig races do you feel would be cooler for the Horde to have?! Its the battle of the century, Neri vs Nisha! Go, go, go!

Lordaeron and Dazar’alor was merely a set back!

Nisha all the way! I want an alpaca more than you understand.


So he has a minimum amount of morality. I don’t see how this is relevant to pretending Saurfang staged a rescue mission when in the novella there is not a single mention of it.

I never said Saurfang went in there killing all the kids like he liked back in the day.

Yes I agree to this part. He says it clearly.

He never says “Let us evacuate these prisoners/civilians”, there is no prisoner camp in orgrimmar for all the Night Elves the Horde captured.
Like what happened to them?
You and Droite are both head cannoning this daring rescue operation. It never happened. The only word Saurfang uses is “release” as in let them go where they will.

Gilgoblins. I will accept no substitutes for my precious gilbies.

Give me gilbies or I declare war on Blizzard.

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Vulpera, 100%. So the horde can talk about how evil the alliance is with their Purge Squads.


We were only trying to save the world from fox furries.
You’re welcome.


Wait. I have to pick between gilbies or alpaca?

Ok, no, this is totally not fair. I’m cashing in my Horde Bias card right now and demanding gilbies riding alpaca.


Queue the “Alliance needs a devastating defeat” thread calling for blood for the innocent Vulpera the alliance killed and ruined.

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Lordaeron was a huge victory for Sylvanas, she knew she could not hold it so she did incredible amount of damage to the Alliance while saving her own forces.
Lordaeron gave horde a chance to equal the playing field otherwise the war would have been over right then.

and Dazaralor was a victory over the Zandalari at great expense for the Alliance. The Horde was virtually untouched.


I do like me some Nisha, I feel her savegry would fit right into the Horde. That being said, I’ve really warmed on Neri (socialist Goblins, who would have thought of such an absurd thing)?!

Pretty miraculous that a faction that is on the brink of complete, utter collapse is able to contend with a supposed powerhouse. Eh, we just need to give the Horde a few more victories, eventually things will even out.

On the other hand, I suppose Kelpin do bring Sea Giants into the Horde. Maybe we’ll be able to ride one of those things instead. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Nothing spells victory like losing your capital city, suffering “incredible” losses for your parent state, and making refugees out of your entire nation. Truly huge.

As Teldrasil was a victory over the night elves at great expense for the Horde. The Alliance was vitually untouched.
