The horde needs a devastating defeat

Look how quickly we moved the goal post from “Saurfang led a rescue mission to evacuate citizens!” to “Well at least he didn’t murder them!”

You know who we need? James Cameron because the bar is really, really low.

Btw here are your grateful victims.

* Lor'danel Citizen says: [Common] Gloin uden lo -  **Elune help us!**

* Lor'danel Citizen says: [Common] An nud landowar me ador -  **It all happened so fast...**

* Lor'danel Citizen says: [Common] Mod ras nuff regenthor lo -  **Why are they attacking us?**

* Lor'danel Citizen says: [Common] O melka ne odes an bor nud bur Garde bur -  **I would be dead if not for you. Thank you.**

* Lor'danel Citizen says: [Common] O lithtos an wos ras mod Garde bur -  **I thought it was the end. Thank you!**

* Lor'danel Citizen says: [Common] EloDerung ash bor nagan o goibon -  **Lor'danel did not stand a chance...**

* Lor'danel Citizen says: [Common] Melka ras Majis EloDerung ash nostyec ko koshvel noth -  **Curse the Horde! Lor'danel did nothing to deserve this!**

Ugh, I should have had the option to slap Saurfang and violently stroll through town with my Infernal and Voidlord buddies right there.

We’ve killed far more for far less, buddy.

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He did EVACUATE civilians.

Taking them into Horde custody and then releasing them after questioning is evacuation. Unless you’re suggesting that we should have just let them run off into the woods of an active Warzone; like Hawthorne did at Taurajo? Yeah … that would not have ended well … Capture them, get them out, let them go. I mean, we could have just slaughtered them all. There were plenty of active combatants within the Towns limits as well; so even attempting to get the non-combatants out was a costly risk for Horde troops (considering, y’know, apparently NEs can fight off 8 to 1 odds).


And yet he never said anything close.
He said we need to interrogate them and then release them because he doesn’t like killing civilians (ironic but whatever)

Thats what release means.

To get tortured by Forsaken in Darkshore later on? Lovely.

It is the Horde way of life.


Jesus … it really is like talking to a brick wall. Screw it, I’ve used up all my empathy at this point (thank you for that). I’m tired of just being honest in saying that both sides have it bad, in this crap story. The NEs SHOULDN’T get their territories back. Sorry, you lost em, just like the Forsaken lost theirs. Doesn’t matter if this Faction Conflict storyline was expertly written or not, the two races most at risk of losing things in such a conflict focused story were always those two races.

You genuinely could end up with ALL of EK (except the BE territories) and ALL of the NE territories back and you seriously do not seem like you’d be satisfied. Its not enough. THAT would not be a “reward”. You want the Horde Faction gone in all but name, you don’t want any more stories with them, you have absolutely zero empathy for the Horde playerbase being put through this crap AGAIN (because its just easier to pretend we all like playing “weak” ineffectual bad-guys).

So … screw it. Do it Blizz, do the “Mostly” Red Kalimdor and the “Mostly” Blue EK. Render the Alliance in such a state they can’t enforce crap on the Horde and let it be done with.


Droite, I totally heart you. I love that you’re still trying to fight the good fight here, and by any reasonable definition you’re not wrong in the least.

But you’re arguing against a wall. You can provide any factual evidence you want, prove your argument beyond a reasonable doubt, and Het will just shift the argument to something else entirely and claim it proves you wrong because he doesn’t like the thing you argued.

It’s a waste of time and typing.


Dude I don’t care I have already considered all those places lost to the Horde.
All we get is a Warfront and that is it.

Sorry I refuse to headcanon that Saurfang rode in there like superman saving all the innocent people because that would have been literally stated by him.
Instead he said “Interrogate and then release them”
No evacuation.
No rescue mission.
We just had the whole zone nuked by the Horde for good measure.

I don’t have any empathy for them and my empathy changes nothing.

It is already happening (see crossroads).
We have been dealing with Horde favouritism for the past decade. we are used to it.


No one except Dues Vult mouth-breathers and Garrosh fanboys want this.

How about we go back to the nelves and forsaken getting their old lands back than merit this expansion any credibility? Beats letting those clowns in Ivrine destroying the work of their betters.

Or you could just give BfA legitimacy just to spite forum posters.


I don’t want it. I truly don’t. I understand the consequences that it would have on the NE and Forsaken racial fantasies; but I also cannot fathom a concievable way the Forsaken could get THEIR territories back (even if I except that the Night Warrior provides the NEs with enough power to one-man-army all their own territories back; which … tbh I could). But if Het gets her/his way (and I doubt it) and the Alliance gets the heads of BOTH Sylvanas and Nathanos … there is no way in hell the Forsaken are getting those lands back unless the absolute worst should happen and Calia gets installed by the Alliance as their leader.

Calia (another Alliance character) is given to the Horde and they get Lordaeron back because it is her home and the Alliance are good guys.

This is WoW. Logic needs not apply. We can just explain it in a twitter post or offhand comment in a dev interview that’s focused on how sad Anduin is.

“The forsaken have a secret counter to blight and using this, rebuild Undercity into a goths’ wet dream. The alliance is unable to stop this, as Calia defends their actions despite not being accepted by the post-sylvanas Forsaken.”

Boom, logic fixed. Hire me, Blizzard. I’ll be the best you ever had.


You REALLY just want to battle me over everything, don’t you?

If you actually PLAYED Horde, which at this point I’m fairly convinced you don’t, since most of your arguments thus far have come purely from the perspective of an Alliance player.

During the final push, Saurfang tells the Horde player to evacuate whatever civilians they can from Lor’danel, when Sylvanas sends us there to attack the town.


Are … are you for real? Did … did … you just imply that somehow Calia Menethil being placed as the Forsaken leader would somehow be some form of “Horde Bias”? My god …


Give up Droite.

It isn’t worth it. Your time is worth more than engaging with someone being so purposely obtuse.


Everything is horde bias. Have to work with Thrall during cata? He’s a horde character and he CAN’T be neutral thus bias. Horde has to work with Malfurion during Cata, well that’s a horrible loss for the Alliance as one of their proud characters has been lost to neutrality to satiate the horde bias.


Feel free to quote that dialogue line.
Not saying you are lying but it would be nice to see it.
WoWhead is pretty organized in writing these things down.


I have a thought in regards to the night elves and Forsaken and new homelands.

Give the kaldorei Feralas, and have them revitalize Eldre’Thalas/Dire Maul as their new capital. It has all the makings of one, just needs to be repaired and repopulated. And it would make a really cool level 120 multiplayer story scenario to recapture.

For the undead, have them rebuild Stratholme, Andorhal, or Caer Darrow as their new homeland/capital. This maintains the spirit of their pre-BFA homelands, with strong thematic parallels, but allows their story to move forward. Familiar, but fresh. And it would make much-needed use of these zones that typically haven’t had too much done with them since the Cataclysm.


Well you got Sira and Delaryn. Wouldn’t be the first time Horde is stealing Alliance characters.
The first two NE characters to be relevant besides the druids in Valshara.


You’re not wrong lol! :smile:


BFL was an alliance victory. Just because Sylvanas gave you the middle finger as she was running away doesn’t mean you lost.

What alliance wants is horde humiliation. Crying is for night elves and humans, not Orcs and zombies.