The horde needs a devastating defeat

Like I said.

No. I could quibble about what is a reasonable desire for a satisfactory conclusion in a game played by a lot of other people. But I more-so took issue with the empty platitudes. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if you understand and sympathize if you just want what you want over their consideration.

Looks at the absurd Draenei content in WoD. Looks at our primary Horde Rep in that expansion being Thrall. Looks at the total irrelevancy of the MU Horde in that story, while Thrall wandered around connecting with this mirror-world parents. Yes, absolutely ONLY a Horde expansion.

Also … screw you on Legion. You can’t just paint over Alliance reps with “Neutrality” and expect it to be even. I saw so many Alliance complaining about “neutral” Thrall in Cata…

  • Khadgar is the leader of the Kirin Tor (an Alliance organization), even he seems aware of this in WoD (when he has to bend over backwards to justify the Horde PC’s presence).
  • Magni is the previous King of IF; who’s Brother and Daughter still rule there.
  • Tyrande and Malf (characters we Horde are supposed to work for) are NE leaders; and I don’t recall you having to work for Liadrin in Surumar or Sylvie in Stormheim.
  • Velen is a leader of the Draenei.
  • Alleria and Turalyon are Alliance heroes from the second war.
  • Illidan may not be an “Alliance Character”, but he sure as hell is an NE one (and that didn’t stop him from tasking me with delivering letters to his waifu and brother).
  • Hell, I (a Horde) takes more orders from Vareesa (purge the Horde) Windrunner on Argus than my ONLY TWO reps on that world (Liadrin and Aethas).

Outside of Shadowmoon valley there was barely anymore new Draenei lore besides utter destruction the orcs were committing that you had to stop. Let’s top pretending here the whole expansion was a First Horde what if and the Horde got see all those orcish figures and we only got 1 character out of it called Yrel.

Yes I can. By the same token why are “my” characters shared with the Horde? Infact anytime Velen has shown up was in a neutral capacity like saving the Sunwell or assaulting Argus. Any other time we see Velen he is just silently standing in a corner.
There is nothing Alliance about any of those examples of yours, they are characters that are all neutral and for whatever reason the Alliance can never seem to have because they have to be shared.


I genuinely despise that the plot has brought us here. Fewer and fewer people have empathy and no one is happy.


They’re shared because Blizz doesn’t want to be bothered to justify why the Horde is being included in that story. Liadrin is the ONLY HORDE rep in the ENTIRE expansion actively shown to be fighting the Legion; Sylvanas does nothing but attack Greymane’s forces and go grocery shopping (she actually potentially endangers the battle against the Legion… such representation).

Painting over characters with Neutrality has never worked to actually provide neutrality. The Alliance complained for YEARS about Green Jesus (they still do), but objectively his power scaling in Cata is about even with the Alliance (Neutral) reps of Legion. Legion’s entire expansion honestly felt like these Alliance Gods saying “meh … you’ll do I guess” whenever they give us a quest. There is never a point where the Horde feels like it needs to be there in that entire expansion (hell, the Broken Shore is portrayed as our fault for just being too weak to hold the arguably easier line).


In all honesty, though, it seems pretty clear that the fact of Saurfang sparing Malf’s life is going to be what stays his execution in the end.

Perhaps that or some Lor’danel survivors recounting how Saurfang did indeed have some of them saved. It makes sense, Malfurion has always in a sense been like Velen in that way, where he always see’s the good in people even in situations where he really shouldn’t and save himself the trouble.


Can’t ya just taste all that faction pride?! :smiley:

I’m sorry, was that laying it on too thick? To all nine hells with this plot. It’s stupid, pointless, will ultimately go nowhere while the lore team pats themselves on the back for being so clever and subversive when they pull Sylvanas working for “the greater good” (the greater good) out of their backsides, mark my words on that one.

All it’s managed to do is engender bad blood all around, for all the worst reasons. I can’t wait for Classic, back when the story was more than shock-and-awe set pieces begrudgingly strung together by plot threads with no thought or care given to the characters involved. Back when the Horde hadn’t been narratively lobotomized and faction tensions expressed themselves rationally and understandably in intense border clashes and resource skirmishes. And it breaks my heart to think that the game’s best storytelling, as it applies to the faction subplot specifically, happened 15 years ago.


This is a two way street. I have to share my characters and you have to put up with mine. There is no winning this. It bothers me that when this expansion is over once again Horde will be running around with Cenarion circle or dalaran.

But lets get back to the main point. It was your insinuation that Horde characters are the ones dying off and that is simply not true.
Alliance is losing both characters and locations much more than the Horde as much as it pains you to admit it is true.

The only thing you seem to be upset about is your characters are not relevant. Well you were given the Nightborne so now you have relevancy for all things Night Elf. Congrats.


I don’t disagree.

I agree that the nelves have really gotten dunked on this expac and deserve some vengeance (Tyrande REALLY should have killed Nathanos and then have the Valk die on the rez) at the very least.

I just think if you’re going to have the horde get a victory they should not be beat over the head for being evil and the alliance also has the right to wanting vengeance and not feel bad about it (and vice-versa).


is not like i have any choice.
if they don’t let us have revenge on the horde, then RIP the alliance as a faction.because it will keep happening, the horde kicks our teeth and we do nothing about it, but let me tell you, at least me will not stay to see how it happens again.


Meh, I’ve always liked Malf (even when he was been portrayed as all goofy with Xavius pretending to be him). You get to the actual Malf in Darkheart Thicket and all he’s been doing is sitting their badmouthing the crap out of the Satyr … thats fun. Like, his representation when fighting the literal worst opponent for him to face (the Nightmare) was really not that bad.

Outside of that, I do also appreciate some of the major decisions he’s made over the years. His decision not to pursue the return of Elven Immortality especially was a contentious one; but certainly an interesting one (like seriously Maiev, who are you to believe you can pressure the Aspects to do ANYTHING?).


I feel you. Roleplaying as a Horde anything that feels the Horde should focus on rebuilding our own selves is an example of futility at its finest. As soon as the rebuilding phase begins, our latest warchief commits an atrocity against Blue Team and we’re totally committed to going full war mode. Want to play a loyalist to the Horde ideals of honor and strength? Too bad, we need crimes against humanity (and elfanity, gnomeanity, dwarfanity, etc) perpetrated and we need them now! No time for honor when there are civilians to execute! And don’t get too attached to your current warchief; they’ll either die a raid boss, retire or get killed by a demonology warlock’s pet.


Dalaran should go down and back to the Alliance since the Horde already has two magical cities.

It would be nice to finally designate the Greyfang enclave as a High Elf district, the Windrunner sanctuary for the Draenei, and a new district for the Shendra’lar


I love how Horde players just make up stuff.
All he did was ask you interrogate the civilians but don’t kill them.

He didn’t save crap.
The whole town got nuked by blight. Such a humanitarian Saurfang is!


You had me all the way up until you mentioned Tyrande. Tyrande is the biggest knucklehead there is. Maybe ,if Malfurion wasn’t always running away from her or getting caught and Tyrande being the stage five clinger trying to chase and rescue some wang-a-tang that she’s only ever gotten in her lifetime maybe the tree may or may have never gotten burnt down like California does. :cold_face:

Did … you play the WoT scenario on the Horde side? Saurfang deliberately has you going in and evacuating Kaldorei non-combatants during his attack. The Horde was also NOT using Blight during the WoT (if we were, it would have been a hell of a lot easier thats for sure). It wasn’t until after we secured the region that the Blight came in (and that’s argued to be justified because the NE guerrilla fighers are using the natural world against the Horde forces in that area. The Gobs are also relying on shredders and napalm to the same effect).


The problem with this Anduin and Jaina. They’re try to rush in help Baine. This would be the perfect time for Tyrande, Alleria, and Genn to strike out and hit Orgrimmar regardless of what Anduin wants.


They’re now even. They may be friends, but the people they lead hate each other

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Why are you Horde players deliberatly peddling falsehood?

Here is what Saurfang actually said:
I will not slay innocents. If they do not raise arms against us, we shall spare them. Enter Lor’danel and capture any civilians you find there. They shall be questioned and then released.

Where is this humanitarian evacuation plan? Hm? Hmmm?!

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Yeah, he will not slay innocents. If they do not raise arms against us (non-combatants) they will be spared. Enter the town and capture those you find there (because just trying evacuate them in an active war zone would have been like Taraujo all over again); they will be questioned, then released. Pretty common methods to deal with non-combatants in an active warzone?