The horde needs a devastating defeat

Honestly … I have actually no idea what Malf will do in the case of Saurfang; though I do agree that HE rather than Tyrande should have that choice. Tyrande in contrast absolutely should get a shot at Sylvanas (and I still claim, at LEAST get her one remaining extra life … forcing Sylvie to condemn her own species to come back).


Why both making the opening statement if you’re just going to throw it away like that?


Its like the reverse humble-brag. Truly disgusting.


Not sure what you mean, care to explain?

The Alliance is never even given the opportunity to rebuild NOW. So it’s Horde bias if the next story would be the Horde rebuilding after suffering a massive defeat


The Alliance is never even given the opportunity to rebuild NOW. So it’s Horde bias if the next story would be the Horde rebuilding after suffering a massive defeat


The Alliance lost one capital city, and Theramore is more or less just gone. What they have not lost in the slightest is characters so far; which are far, FAR harder to rebuild and replace (because it takes years of development to make them compelling). If the Alliance is out for Capital Blood … cool, go for it? If Blizz wants to invest in rebuilding Gilneas and turning it into a genuine capital city (or at least a quest-hub capital like Surumar) … go for it. If the Alliance playerbase is out to strip-mine whats left of our already underused; underutilized; and underdeveloped roster … well that would certainly be a punishment that would last with the Horde for years to come (as it would likely render us into total irrelevance until Blizz finally decided they wanted to rebuild us).

When I mean “rebuild” … I’m really not referring to territory and cities. I’m talking about the core Horde narrative; representatives; and lore that would need to get rebuilt (from scratch) if what the OP is suggesting were to occur (which takes Far FAR longer to accomplish).


Yes. And their populations have been growing since then since the previous game. Remember how WC3 started with the Scourge of Lordaeron and the fall of the Alliance and ended with the Founding of Durotar and the rebuilding of the Horde?
The Alliance has been losing since then


I think Amadis had a comprehensive discussion with you regarding this notion that Horde characters are dropping like flies.


What happens remains to be seen; but I’m uncertain your one to comment on that considering you’re calling for the heads of Sylvie; Nathanos; Saufang; and Gallywix. So … yeah, I’m sticking by my point. Losing that many A and B list character would be catastrophic for the Horde narrative going forward (SOME of them certainly, but that many…) This is especially important when the fates of characters like Vol’jin and Thrall (due to Metzen) are up in the air (and Blizz is so desperate to fill the ranks of the Horde in BfA that they’re having Rexxar, Gazlowe, Voss, and Garona working for us).

Hell, conceptually, Mayla, Geya’rah, and Talaanji are all the same darned character lol! Thats our new blood, three characters of the very same character archetype (young, idealistic woman who were forced into a position of authority before their time through the death of a father figure).


Of course I am. Them and Saurfang.
But it hasn’t happened and probably never will.

Your point is fictional. You haven’t lost any characters in fact it is the Alliance that has more character than the Horde has.
Your only issue is that your faction has no relevance outside of faction conflict which is true.


When horde gets a victory, we are then told to feel bad about it because we were being evil. Im sure we will be told we deserve this crushing defeat as well and then be told to get over it in 2 expacs when we need to work with the person who slaughtered us.


There’s a Game of Thrones quote, though I’m sure the saying was used before it.
“Everything before the word ‘but’ is horse sh*t”
It was a nice gesture to acknowledge Horde players have issues. But at the end of the day, your ‘with that being said’ is just indicating you don’t actually care. What you want from the story is the priority.


And yet you continue to claim that their is this extreme Horde favoritism? Interesting that we’re so much the favorites our Orcs have nothing to do with the fall of the Legion (an AU Orcish Horde did); and our Forsaken have a bit part in the fall of the Lich King (hell, pretty sure they killed more Alliance and Horde than Scourge). And whenever Blizz does focus on us … its to show how weak, unstable, and just inferior in every way the Horde is to the Alliance (and we need them to save us from ourselves in their infinite mercy). God I love being the favorite child!


Because the Horde had an entire expansion just about them called WoD. I think this is the 8th time I am telling you this.
Legion was pretty neutral until Argus because the whole story was about the Draenei home world and Illidan’s crusade.

So no. Your precious orcs had their moment for an entire expansion. Alliance got one single patch and you still haven’t stopped crying about it.

Clearly you have never played the Alliance and really seen what weak and unstable looks like lol.
Playing Horde is such a breath of fresh air. All characters are motivated and enthusiastic compared to Alliance.


i do understand that they have issues, but i do also understand that WE have our own problems as well, i am sorry if my top priority isn’t the horde, i mean, that is exactly why i made the thread, apparently alliance players can’t get any sort of payoff on them because “but we are a playable faction!” when worse things already happened to the alliance player, so tell me, it is wrong for me for wanting a satisfactory conclusion for the alliance story?.


easy for you to say, you dont have to live with the alliance

anyway i feel for that gob shaman up there. alliance nerd zeitgeist is based on their aggrievance, centering on the horde. you, yes you horde player, must be made to suffer “as i have suffered”


Horde players have suffered enough. Sorry our suffering isn’t cathartic to you I guess? Go ahead and blow up all our cities, they’re mostly useless anyway unless you’re an RPer. I’d rather have our characters get meaningful development and have them be likable (and not killed off in raids) if that’s the trade off.


never enough!

edit: any reason this isnt posting on my paladin?


When the alliance wants revenge, they are told that its morally wrong and they should feel ashamed for wanting it.

Like I’ve brought up earlier, role-playing a nelf is like RPing a battered spouse where the abuser never goes to jail or faces punishment or retribution. It bothers me on a personal level, being treated like a doormat. Small wonder the people who like faction conflict are the people who have no dog to lose in this conflict.