The horde needs a devastating defeat

Fine but since you’re asking to destroy a capital city and that both lost one, you also had to lose a city by being overpowered by the horde only to destroy it yourself and having the leader you hate laughing at the horde.


Yeah, I play both factions in a genuine manner, though to be candid, having been gone for a bit I need to catch up on the Horde side past the faction raid.

But, as can be seen here, there’s pain on both sides. On the Alliance, it feels like your faction is the draft paper for the next Horde story. “What major catastrophe are we going to endure this xpac and never really get to give an equivalent one sided hit on?”

On the Horde side it is more, “Well, things look like they might be stable, which of our major character is going to waltz over to Stormwind, eat a bunch of orphans, and then skin puppies alive while screaming “For the Horde” for… some reason. Dammit.”

…and then spend the next year and change getting lectured on how eating orphans and puppy murder is bad, like they had any control over Warchief McHordeface deciding the proper response to everything is cartoonish villainy.

So, careful what you wish for. Both of the above are good reasons why I’m firmly pro-end-faction-conflict, and spend all those resources on a better shared story.


The Horde destroyed two cities actually so we need to destroy two but I am happy with one.
Thanks for the offer though.

I am honestly extremely opposed that Horde players would be allowed to share any future hub with the Alliance players.


I’m down for it. Already play Horde.

But are you ready to not have any original story again? You’re only allowed to scavenge from the other side. Anything you do is a direct reaction to the other factions story. Ready lose all racial identity in order to turn into an “alliance-lite” that has no distinct identity of its own? You wont lose a faction leader, but anyone who isnt the offical author’s pet will be browbeaten and shamed into complying with the official party line even when it contradicts what your race or character stands for. Your favourite races story, characters, and lore will be brutally retconned in order to mold it into a proper vassal for said faction. Your faction will lose everything it had in common with its origional iteration. You will be a shell, a faction with no depth, identify, or purpose other to react to the other’s story.

Most of all, are you ready for that human potential?



I shouldn’t have to keep saying this. The Alliance SHOULD have, but we need TWO factions in a TWO faction setting.

Yeah, because apparently Sylvanas is now a 7,000-D chess playing Superwoman. Look, I think it’s stupid too, but that doesn’t mean the faction deserves to suffer for it.

Exactly, so why does the whole Horde need to beaten further into the ground because we have a crazy, semi-omnipotent, 7000-D chess playing superwoman as our evil warchief of the week? Defeating her and the Forsaken should be enough of a major defeat, leave Sadfang and my Orcs out of it.

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But we deserve to suffer? Who died and made you king?

Sadfang needs to be executed by Tyrande.


The big, rugged, chin man himself; Varian.

No, Sadfang’s fate should be decided by Malf.

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it would be nice if they give them their own magical city so i don’t have to see them in dalaran a city of the alliance with statues of alliance characters ruled by alliance characters.

honestly, i am not entirely opposed to that idea.
if only they spend the same time giving their cgi cinematics to tyrande, or the nelfs, the actual victims of this story.


This game is made by the Horde for the Horde.
Why would they ever waste money on building anything for Alliance playerbase?

It makes perfect sense, the entire blue faction is crumbling.


We all know how that will turn out. Might as well have Anduin make the call.

This is not in debate; of course the NEs are the victim of this story (and I sure as hell hope that Blizz has at least one more of those nice cinematics in the chamber left for Tyrande and the NEs).

As for why they went with the Saurfang crap in cinematics … well they saved money on the fact that Saurfangs model is essentially just Grom from the WoD intro cinematic painted green (seriously, I cannot unsee this now); and they knew that they would not actually let us his experience his story in game (its all away from the perspective of the Horde PC, which makes siding with him … rather interesting from an in character perspective).

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Theramor was never a capital city.

Yeah bacause BFa is orginal story and not just a copy of Mist…

But everytime we get a lost, we get to win everybattle until the end of the expansion.

Lol because we didn’t already lost racial identity? The orc a trying to get their honor back for the second time, the darkspear have nothing and the forsaken already turned evil to the point that they cantbe redeem anymore.

I am ok with that. With blizzard less story is a good thing. On your side you have to be prepare to hate nearly every character development.

You mean like with the forsaken? Like how Sylvanas action at the wrathgate have been retcon? Or like how even the alliance action are retcon just to give the horde even less reason to fight the alliance in a war that we started??? (Purge of dalaran). Btw you have to be prepare to have your leader constantly justifying the horde attack on the alliance.

This is the only thing that i can agree… How are you guys living with those human potential thing…


honestly it feels like blizzard is actively destroying the alliance for the horde benefit, and i am so tired of it.
and i will not accept their forced peace using my favorite characters to convince me. (and honestly, i can’t hate the characters being forced to do this,but rather is more directed at blizzard)
not unless they create a conflict or something like that in the alliance first.

i will never switch to horde,like blizzard wants.

thats not entirely true, theramore was going to be the alliance capital in early days, but lets say that you are correct, then what is gilneas? is not a capital city? so that makes 2 capitals and a major city!


Have you already been able to go to the action house in those city? Did you had any of the feature that other capital city had? If gilneas count as a lost for a capital city, than kezan also count as a lost capital city for the horde.

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and was kezan lost at alliance hands?yes or no?


They don’t really. Jaina wasn’t even in Legion and Anduin showed up in a handful of cinematics and had no presence beyond that. Kadghar (and I guess Turalyon when we hit Argus) was the only real human of note in that entire expansion; and thats sort of to be expected when ever anything Sargaras is involved. Outside of that it was Illidan; Magni; and Velen that stole the show. Hell, the NEs got 3 zones, 5 dungeons, and 2 raids devoted to content at least associated with their lore in the last expansion. Do people really have such Goldfish memory?

EDIT: I don’t really count the Naga themed dungeon because it was just us wandering around a beach and beating up sea creatures. So by “technicality” its 6, but I feel like that one doesn’t really count (despite it being called the “Eye of Azshara”).


We are only counting the ones that were caused by direct Horde or Alliance actions. If you want to count natural disasters too then the Alliance list of destroyed locations becomes much more longer.


Nah, I want to hear it from Malf. I’ve heard enough humans this expansion.

Well … by technicality the eruption of Kezan was partially caused by Gallywix’s mining of Azerite under the mountain. The Volcano would have still erupted, but even he admits that its likely that the severity of the eruption was probably caused by his own mining operations making the Island (and the Undermine) so unstable. So … yeah, he’s the worst leader ever.

we can agree on this one, the human potential meme that some people seems to think is happening is simply not true.
“oh my god WHY THIS HUMAN EXIST?!”
when in reality… only khadgar was a protagonist for 2 expansions.