The horde needs a devastating defeat

I would be happy if the bronze flight took us back to the burning to save a vast majority of the civilabs then we would have lost less and less need for blood


I disagree, I think the Horde had enough devastating defeats.

HOWEVER, the problem here is we DESERVE nothing less in the wake of Teldrassil, but we simply don’t have enough characters to lose.

The Horde has already been pummeled to the ground thus far losing many of its’ characters. Its’ races have also been greatly diminished like the Orcs and the Darkspear. As far as I’m concerned this war shouldn’t even be possible, very few of the Horde leaders are in support of it, yet somehow their peoples apparently support Sylvanas over their own leaders(for some reason).

The same Horde peoples who rebelled against Garrosh for far less are perfectly fine serving Sylvanas, a character whom last we saw, was arguably as poorly regarded as Garrosh thanks to things like the Wrathgate. Now all of a sudden most races are willing to trust her more than their own leaders, it simply doesn’t add up.


They don’t already do that in every single expansion? When is it The Alliance’s turn?


Name one that was suffered at the hand of the Alliance. Undercity doesn’t count, the literal last words were Sylvanas mocking the Alliance about how they hand’t won at all and then she almost killed them all.

Name one.


The problem is Blizzard keeps writing these stories that the Horde is super awesome and conquering everything.
Alliance just keeps losing tangible stuff like locations and they never have any satisfaction for avenging anything.

Heck they don’t even get replacements. They are not allowed to even kill the characters responsible. So yes, of course these topics become incredibly toxic.
Alliance players demand justice and Horde players either laugh in their face or justify why it shouldn’t happen.


Siege of Orgrimmar


Really with how blizz says the alliance are einning it would be nice to really show it even as just a cut scene


But…varian let the horde go with a literal stern reprimand. One that wasn’t even followed up.


That requires effort and devs that actually care about that niche of the alliance. At best, you’ll get a Twitter explanation or a off hand comment in an interview. Just like Tyrande’s “revenge.”


The one where we helped you regain your capital, made an empty threat, and got literally nothing out of it except more of our troops’ deaths? The one where they literally tell us in game that without the Horde rebellion we would have lost? Because we are apparently that weak?

Does that sound like an Alliance victory to you? a Defeat suffered at the hands of the Alliance? Sounds like a Horde victory to me, one that they gained by using and abusing the Alliance and then lying to their faces.


Ah yes, who could forget the crushing defeat at the Siege of Orgrimmar? Certainly not the Horde players. After all, parts of their capital city are still in ruins and on fire. In another year maybe that’ll get fixed. I mean, Stormwind didn’t get fixed from Cata until Legion.


Everyone disliked that.


I dunno, the raid itself was great. The outcome was nonsensical at best ofc.


That’s what bothered me with the allied race. I feel like blizzard could have use it to power up the horde to the alliance level and than just have fair fight without needing to use sneaky nuke…

We could have a whole civilisation of nightborn but then decided that only those who wanted would be part of the horde. Worst they decided to somehow boost the void elf number so they could look as much as a powerhouse as the whole nightborn population…

We could have the powerfull ironhorde leading the horde military force but instead we just got a bunch of them that manage to flee draenor…

We could have the most ancient empire with us but they had to make them suffer two assault before joining the horde…

This is why we can only have the horde destroying the alliance with a low blow and why the horde cant lost that much.

Than you have to be prepare to have you’re faction being butchered every 2 expansion, having all your powerfull leader die or lost their power and fighting yourself non-stop. Also you have to be prepare to being so awfully evil that even you wont even be able to defend you action and will lost any faction pride in a war expansion.

Also since the alliance lost of cataclysm came from the fact that the alliance had more for the first three expansion, if you want the horde to lost more you need to let us having more everything for the next 3 expansion before losing city and even have those lost the horde still need to have as much as the alliance.

Really want to switch place???


Why should that be our problem that Blizzard forces Alliance to make stupid story decisions for gameplay reasons. The Horde SHOULD have been destroyed at the end of MoP, if the Alliance acted with intelligence. Gone and the assimilation of the rebells.

Yeah, as well as killing around half of the Orc population and multiple radical Horde leaders.

It sounds like a time when the Horde was being relentlessly punched in the face every time they tried to set their heads straight.

Who cares whether its’ the Alliance winning, its how about how many times the Horde has been through the blender. The Horde has essentially been turned into oil, it’s been blended so much, all you need is a match to set it on fire and watch everything fans loved about the faction burn into nothingness.


What do you mean, who cares if it’s an alliance victory? It’s not as if that was literally the question or anything…


and this right there is exactly why i made this thread.

“i want the alliance win for once!”
“who cares about the alliance, think about the horde!”

What devastating defeat? orgrimmar? where the alliance did nothing than an empty threat and not dismantled them like they should have?

lordaeron? where we were saved by literally deus ex machimas because apparently we weren’t expecting the blight or how we won “nothing” (sylvanas words) and she destroyed the city herself.

or dazarlazor that did nothing but make the zandalari join the horde and gaining an advantange that means nothing because we already lost to sylvanas playing 70d chess while the horde managed to defeat 2 faction leaders? in our supposed victory!


Its topics like this that genuinely make me consider the “Mostly” Red Kalimdor and the “Mostly” Blue EK as the route to go (not a GOOD route, but the route); all it would take is that prophecized “Massive betrayal that will leave the Alliance throne’s running red with Blood” to occur at the worst possible time to render the Alliance in the lovely little position of this idiom: “Vengeance is a luxury that not everyone can afford”. My guess something akin to SW getting put in danger, along with the MAJORITY of the remaining Kaldorei refugee population; forcing Tyrande into the position of losing her one-man guerrilla war in Kalimdor, or saving her species.

I mean … setting aside the fact that the NEs needed a deus-ex-machina god call to justify why Tyrande’s incursion into Darkshore wasn’t a MASSIVE disaster; can you really think of a conceivable way for the Forsaken to actually take back their territories in Northern EK? Like, genuinely, outside of Calia Menethil (which would destroy the Forsaken racial fantasy to a foundational level); how in the hell are they supposed to get back their homes? And somehow the prospect of the Alliance getting ALL of the NE territories back; on top of ALL of the territories that were once prevented to them because of the Forsaken isn’t a “victory” enough?


The horde could lose every city but one to a other enemy force that the alliance would still whine about horde bias and would demand to destroy the only last horde city…


Let us start with one that Alliance actually destroys and see where we go from there.