The horde doesn't need a devastating defeat

Undead are physically undead. They’re biologically different by a large margin.

Race: a group of people sharing the same culture, history, language, etc.; an ethnic group.

They are literally a race. Your ignorance is astounding.

They are literally a different race; there’s no “forcing”.

Firstly, it is that way for Forsaken. Quest in Icecrown states this. A man is infected by the plague and you have to go to Shat to get the Christmas Lights to take him before he becomes undead or his connection to the light will be destroyed. Secondly, Sylvanas gives people three options when they’re raised:
Follow the Forsaken.
Walk their own path.
Return to the grave.

Meanwhile, you try to pass off mind control, yet that’s the reason why Baine is defecting.

Forsaken =/= corruption.
She doesn’t control children; there’s not one child undead in existence.
Horrible exaggerations here.

Is it actully stated that hell is where all undead go or just the extra evil ones ?

All of them. Calia apparently is the exception, what with being raised by the light. There are some other special cases I’m sure, but they’re the vast minority.

Hmm dick move blizz dick move


I just…

In what possible universe does defending your home against literal alien invaders (demonically-tainted, no less) make one a terrorist?


In retrospect it doesn’t.

Key words: “To an orc”.

You are correct, elune is a fictuonal charcter. What you suggested is a leader uses an indiscriminate killing tool on a populace. In your suggestion tyrande chooses to implement this tool. Just like how we chose to have trials in ww2 instead of killing the people at random and not to use mustard gas on the axis nations adter the war.

Surely even the densest peon realizes they only attack when you go into their forests. Even their increased presence in Azshara was a response to increased Horde activity, and Garrosh’s renewed invasion of Ashenvale.


Really? I thought Sylvie ended up in super hell because she was an evil awful person. Those Desolate Council members were good people. So Elsie doesn’t get to join her husband in the after life?

Is there lore to back up ALL Forsaken going to super hell when they die?

Its kind of like this:

If you think those situations can be compared in anyway you’re crazy.

You need to tell me when that happened because I don’t even recall that.

You’ve got that reversed.

At what point did they abbandon they Horde for the Alliance or support the Alliance war effort? Baine may have but freeing him did not actually help the Alliance. The war is still going.

The other leaders feel differently.

Saurfang had nothing to do with Dazar Alor, or either warfront.

Even though they followed get command to return when the signal was given. They did so and she still killed them.

The Alliance has had victories but the Elves haven’t gotten justice and that’s the issue here. Justice would start by pushing all Orc posts out of Ashenvale, the heads of Nathanos and Sylvanas, and death or imprisonment of all those who participated in the War of Thorns.

They don’t deserve anything not after Teldrassil.

No, but they can be allowed to clean up their own mess in UC.

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The Dark Ranger killed in the Alliance War Campaign asks if the darkness she sees is the darkness Sylvanas warned her about as she dies.

Though, she’s loyal to Sylvanas, so… it’s possible she may not be entirely morally upright, herself.


It all comes down to that first initial meeting.

To the night elves, the orcs were invaders into their forests and the night elves themselves are defending their territory.

To the orcs, there were no signs or markers indicating the forest belonged to someone. They were refugees, fleeing imprisonment and basically slavery, who suddenly were attacked from the shadows by an enemy who only stated their intent and issues after the killing had started.

As in the real world, initial meetings leave a lasting impression.


Yeah. I’d say she’s probably a bad person. Most of the dark rangers are.

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“Their” being the operative word.
Horde wants lands too.

There’s some info on the wiki regarding their interactions with the light in how it causes them great pain.

The quest chain in Northrend makes you go to the Christmas Lights in Shat to get to the guy infected w/ the Scourge plague before he dies specifically so he can not go to hell/be abandoned by the light.

Speaking of Dark Rangers, there’s Velonara, who says this, in Legion:

I fell in battle as the mad prince cut a black scar through the land I loved. But at least I was at peace, I suppose. For a time. Until the Banshee Queen pulled me back from beyond and damned my soul into her service.

Though she doesn’t elaborate on what entirely “damned” means and entails.


Well that knd of explains the forsaken no matter how good we are only hell awaits so might as well be as evil as posssble.

The pain occurs because the Forsaken soul is imperfectly attached to their bodies.

We also have ample incidents where the ghosts of slain scourge are restored to their former selves, and do not seem to, at least, have any particular terror or discomfort on whatever awaits them. (EPL questing)

I don’t think it is a given that slain Forsaken are doomed to Super Hell in any capacity.


" We don’t know if they all are.

We know Sylvanas ends up there. Arthas ended up there too. But they are both bad people.

Though Arthas and Marrowgar make the same reference to “seeing only Darkness”, and Marrowgar, as a giant amalgamation of adventurer bits, is a bit harder to judge. Then again, we Adventurers are pretty bad, too.

Uuna, a Draenei child, ends up yanked to a very similar place, though. And The Blighted Lands, where Jaina ends up, also shares many characteristics. And she was quite specifically delivered there.

So, odds are, there’s no moral judgement involved at all. There are bad things that snatch up souls to torture in some dark, spooky places for their amusement. And, so far, we see them snatch up undead souls, lingering ghosts, and someone flat out dumped on their doorstep."

From the old forum.

No, it’s closer to saying that the Void Elves don’t deserve to take Quel’thalas. Both of these areas are already controlled by the majority of the remnants of Queldorei and Lordaerians.