The horde doesn't need a devastating defeat

Sure. But for proper parity the game has to make you alternate between genuinely uncomfortable for a few years, alleviated by only mild unease for a short period, then back to uncomfortable. No worries, it’ll only last ten years.

I mean, since we all want to spread our love.


Sure. If there was absolutely any conceivable action the Alliance could take that would make me uncomfortable. But Teldrassil has written me a blank justification check. With Gilnean, Theramoran, and Southshore interest.


Lets destroy all the cities and kill all the leaders let chaos rule

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The Alliance met all of its military objectives save for capturing Sylvanas. But they destroyed an entire Horde zone and forced Sylvanas to blow up her own capital in a failed attempt to take out the Alliance leadership.

No, they didn’t win the war outright. But if that is your only victory condition, then the Horde were just as unsuccessful in Teldrassil.

As for “pyrrhic”, how so? A pyrrhic victory is by definition one which is not worth the cost. Yet after defeating the Horde at Undercity, the Alliance went on a roll, advancing throughout Lordaeron, launching a counteroffensive in Darkshore, attacking Zandalar and, per the most recent raid, “winning on all fronts.”


I tend to say it feels less like a bictiry even though it is because it was sylvanas who blew up the city instead of the alliance.


I mean, does it matter? The Alliance forced her into a position where her last ditch effort was to try to take them out by blowing up her own city. And her last ditch effort failed, leaving her with nothing to show but a blighted wasteland.

It’s like if the Russians destroyed Moscow to stop Napoleon…and Napoleon won anyway.


Yeah but it will never feel as much of a bictiry be suse she chose to lose it. Sylvanas could have easily not blown it up. Just to me the alliance blowing it up feels more satisfying.

I mean leaving behind s blighted wasteland is the more or less the forsaken war plan of blight everything till it csnt support life


Russia won. Lol…

The Russian campaign was a disaster of epic proportions that led to coalition that finally brought him down.

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I don’t ever recall seeing worgen children.
I would prefer not to think of the implications it would take to make them.

You got a consolation UC instead.
You don’t get everything you want.

We need to see more nightelf suicide squads in their underpants. That was funny.

UC was not a consolation. It’s blighted behind repair. Not to mention it was a trap. So no that doesn’t even count because Sylvanas’ plan was to destroy it anyway.


“That defeat doesn’t count because we played it badly and Sylvanas beat us!”

But did we lose a city though?

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Yeah you’re leader release a toxic cloud. And even if the Alliance had taken it at least UC still stood and its non combatant citizens are still alive-ish. The same can’t be said for Teldrassil. It’s not even. Not even close.


I wasn’t aware any gods were involved in WW2?

The premise I laid forth was simple. Elune brings down divine punishment upon the Horde. I even added toward the end how this can help to bring that sense of division to the Alliance as you have those who think it’s justified and those who are horrified that innocent men, women, and children are being made to suffer like that. It’s even an opportunity to give Alliance players a measure of agency where they can help Anduin trying to bring relief to the Horde, or Tyrande enhance their suffering.

In the end it’s a big enough whack that the Horde lacks the manpower to continue the War, and those who suffered through it and realize there’s no fighting Elune, decide that something is simply WRONG with their leaders and demand a restructuring. Let the war end with the Night Elves and Elune getting the last punch in a big way, and let the Horde do it’s soul searching as a result.

No Horde characters need to die, no Horde cities need to be destroyed, but it will ultimately be a monumental event in Warcraft history dark enough to rival the burning of Teldrassil. The moral scales will be balanced once more with both factions coming out of this a good shade of dark grey.

UC is basically unsalvageable with the amount of blight released there.
We evacuated. Ok.
We still lost our city.
You just killed Rhast.
Half our leaders are defecting to your faction.
You don’t need any more.

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I’m not at all convinced that Undercity is actually lost, and I’m pretty sure part of the last raid is going to take place there. Blizzard spilled a little green on it and didn’t turn it into a smoldering crater for a reason.


Without Jaina, they wouldn’t have even gotten in the city. But she was still there.

I thought Elegy specifically notes some people getting out to regroup with the army.

Because it is all pixels anyway, it felt like a loss because I had to watch Sylvanas smirking at me in the closing cinematic. Plus, the Alliance got portrayed as so bloody incompetent that they stumbled into UC by virtue of a series of improbable deus ex machinas.