The horde doesn't need a devastating defeat

I wish these forums were a place where a person could say “Take it to private messages” and people actually could. And would. I want to read this thread for the parts that aren’t all the same increasingly rancorous and stubborn arguments going 'round and 'round again and again not actually communicating with each other in any useful manner, but I’m having to do so much skimming to get past those that my eyes hurt.

But I’m forever grateful for my mom for (many reasons but also for) pointing out to me once that you don’t have to attend every argument you’re invited to.


Azoroth is a city, the cities are neighborhoods, the towns are street corners, and the factions are just rabble neighborhood gangs having a turf war. Teldrassil was the only decent 7-11 on the block.


Yeah but sometimes they are fun to watch

Well said. Bring on the 12 Plagues of Elune already.

Personally I wouldn’t mind learning some of the rational behind certain deaths. Let’s say, for example, in an effort to shame Tyrande, Anduin brings the corpses of Orc children and lays them at her feet, demanding how she could have faith in a Goddess who would kill children.

So Tyrande kneels before each, communes with Mother Moon, and learns what each was likely to accomplish in their life.

“This child was destined to rise through the ranks of the Horde to a position of power. He would have slain your sons and brutalized your daughter, and burned Stormwind.”

“This child would have brought great advancements in the ways of Shamanism to the Horde and the Orcs in particular. She would have ushered in a glorious age of prosperity and balance for the Orcs. She was taken because one of our children held a similar destiny and was taken from us. The imbalance has been redressed.”

Basically not just a, “every generation has its monsters,” but also a, “these people who could’ve made a difference will never get the chance, because you robbed our own of the same.”

It’s a structure that you lived in.
You weren’t growing it for food; you made a house out of it.
And what do we do to make houses?

This sort of thing is what draws me to NEs as well, but I don’t see any of it as meaning nelfs would necessarily be cool with the wholesale slaughter of innocents. Maybe they would be, I’m not a Blizzard lore writer, but yeah, no. I think that compassion and savagery, ruthlessness and mercy, are entirely compatible, and are traits intrinsic to how I RP my nelfs.


If I put a treehouse in my backyard tree, does that mean the tree itself is now a building, not a tree? I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone arguing at such extreme levels of bad faith as you are. It’s astonishing. It’s…weirdly, dazzlingly, disgustingly impressive. someone should do a study.

But not me, my hazmat suit is reading around 400 rem.


It’s more like you growing that tree from a sapling and treating it like it’s your child, then building a treehouse in it.

So whether you want to say “growing” or “building” the fact remains the same that it is a construction of yours.

So all people are constructs of their parents? This is some daft logic.

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People don’t live inside their children.

People don’t live inside tree’s either. Even Darnassus wasn’t IN in the tree, it was on top of it.

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Okay. People don’t live on top of their children either.

Debatable. Old and retired, they move in, and live on their children’s income. Granted I don’t know what we’re arguing about at this point. You stipulated that something grown is a construction, and is blatantly false.


I’m not speaking figuratively. This is purely literal. 1/10 troll.

A little less blood, a bit more thunder, eh? Too bad I can see you’re an Orc. Nice try, laddie.

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No MG RP here, thanks. I went to GS on a dare once. First few doctors I went to afterward thought I had uveal melanoma.

Mazel Tov!

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Being made of matter doesn’t give something objective value.

I never said everything is subjective.

There is a difference between having a basis for meaning and cherry picking definitions. People don’t walk around cross referencing dictionaries in everyday life for a reason.

Words aren’t made to describe just objective things. And how we describe objective things varies.


It’s made of atoms. Atoms have corresponding numerical value. Numerical value is value.

You say language is subjective yet the definitions are concrete.

That’s because they generally know the definitions already. This seems to be the exception.

Everything subjective is rooted in the objective, so yes they do.

bruh I can go gank at deathknell still