The horde doesn't need a devastating defeat

Couldn’t it just be an alliance-only scenario so the horde player doesn’t have to be part of it? Just let them hear about it second-hand after the fact.


I don’t disagree on how a genocide should be handled when a mortal mind labored with their own views of morality and ethics is behind it. I disagree in how it should be handled when a God acts.

Let’s say Tyrande calls down a ritual to take a life from the Horde for every life lost. Brand new ritual. Tyrande, of course, is thinking of how useful it will be to wipe out almost all of the Horde’s military. Tyrande cannot know that Elune is going to target the innocent as well, nor is it likely she’ll be able to figure out why. Nor, do I think, she would care, as she has faith in Elune and would believe every life taken is with purpose.

And it wouldn’t be hard to argue with her if Anduin shows her the corpse of an orc child and demands to know how she can still believe in Elune, if Tyrande’s response is, “No doubt that was the next Garrosh Hellscream.” Because let’s be honest, there’s a 90% chance she’s not wrong. Heck, imagine if Chromie is there and shuffles nervously or something, or even admits, “Yeah, that one was going to burn Stormwind and reduce humanity to a few hundred…”

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No, I gave you some that ‘check the boxes’.

Words have multiple definitions. I already explained this to you You are the one selectively applying specific ones you favor. The point being that choosing a single definition to restrict or describe isn’t how language works.

Worth has nothing to do with it for me. You are the one subjectively weighting the value of the terms.

Ignoring that things can fit multiple words and that words have multiple definitions. And how common use applies.

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The likes of which don’t accurately describe it. And as previously mentioned, no they don’t “check the boxes”. You’ve yet to refute how it’s not a city and instead give half-checkmarked definitions that don’t hold up at the end of the day.

Then what is Azeroth in addition to a planet?

Words have objective meaning, there’s no subjectivity involved. Tel is a city. That’s the definition that has the least amount of hiccups.

You linked me several definitions and I explained how they do not work. You have yet to provide a way they do. You’re saying “they’re generally applicable” and yet each one of them was disproved.

That is where this entire definition debate started, so I suggest you find some dissimilarities between the two in an effort to prove your point, because currently UC and Tel are indistinguishable regarding the term that applies to them.

Steps into thread and looks around


Undercity=Darnassus, as both are cities.

Teldrassil=Tirisfal, as both are regions, counties, zones, provinces, or any other term you can think of that encompasses lands larger than a city, but smaller than a continent, under the rule of a single government.


Some Forsaken were attached to UC, no one else cared.
Some Night Elves were attached to Teldrassil, no one else cared.

I think his point is that UC was a city. Teldrassil was a zone that included the city of Darnassus. Tirisfal is a zone that includes the city of Undercity.

The burning of Teldrassil destroyed the entire zone, not just the city of Darnassus. The blighting of UC only made the Undercity uninhabitable. Tirisfal is still there.

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Most of Tirisfal is also blighted. I think maybe Deathknell isn’t, but I don’t remember for sure.


Northern Kalimdor would be the region.
I’m fairly certain Azeroth doesn’t have counties.
Zone: an area or stretch of land having a particular characteristic, purpose, or use, or subject to particular restrictions.
That applies to all four.

State: In international law, a sovereign state, sovereign country, or simply state, is a nonphysical juridical entity that is represented by one centralized government that has sovereignty over a geographic area. International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.[1] It is also normally understood that a sovereign state is neither dependent on nor subjected to any other power or state.[2]

It could be a state, but the problem with this is that it would also include Darkshore given that it’s represented by the same centralized government. Same goes for Sovereign Nation too apparently.

There are actual cities that are bigger than Teldressil though.

That’s a region, but the region is Northern Kalimdor.

City-state: a city that with its surrounding territory forms an independent state.

I guess?

I mean, that’s the basic set up of how most of the racial cities operate.

The city of Stormwind, in the territory of Elwynn.
The city of Orgrimmar, in the territory of Durotar.
The city of Ironforge, in the territory of Dun Morogh.
The city of Thunder Bluff, in the territory of Mulgore.
The city of Darnassus, in the territory of Teldrassil.
The city of Undercity, in the territory of Tirisfal.


Then I suppose that’s the term then.

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No more than calling Teldrassil a city is a poor descriptor.

Except you haven’t refuted that, you merely keep blithely asserting nuh uh.

Because we have better, more useful terms. Much like how planet is a better, more useful term than city for Azeroth. To which you are cherry picking specific definitions out of multiple ones and ignoring the common use of said words.

What do I think it is or what definitions does it technically fit?

I said worth and value are subjective. Words do have varies meanings and common use is important. That is part of why the meaning of words change over time.

No, you are disingenuously cherry picking while ignoring how people use words.

And that makes your point even more asinine, lol.


Apparently not.

Oh really?

Then what is this? Or are you not paying attention on purpose?

More like how that term actually doesn’t have any hiccups in it.
City does not.
Nor does city-state apparently.

The literal definitions that fit it.

Their value is determined by their definition.

Their meaning changes because of outside influences, not because we “use them all the time”.

Says the person that conveniently forgot the above paragraph describing how is alleged definitions do not apply.

Coming from the person who avoids acknowledging his definitions do not, in fact, apply.

Wow somone got kill to admit tel isnt a city


That would be because something was found that made more sense.

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It being a city never made sense given it had multipule vcities inside it


As prescribed, the hotspots in Tel were more like neighborhoods/districts themselves.

I dont really buy that honestly


If you say so