The horde doesn't need a devastating defeat

“I think you’re unhappy, and I think that’s great because you say what I like is bad!”

Projecting that you’d like it if someone suffered?

Sounds pretty edgy.
This you.

My helmet is red.
We learned colors in preschool.
You can do bette… Retracted.

And I suppose that’s classified as spam.
Not if I make my body a little different each time. Now we’re just having a debate, whilst I show you to the forums.

You’re typing a lot for a man who knows he’s gonna get hit with his picture again.

The levels of trolling here have never been seen before


< Knows the intricacies of spamming forums
< over 4,000 posts

I’m fairly certain you don’t know what stuff like neckbeard, edgelord, or snowflake actually means.

< Doesn’t understand literal dictionary definitions

Show me where any of those things are in any actual dictionary. No, Urban Dictionary doesn’t count, neckbeard.

Oops, forgot -

Oh, did you forget?
No, you couldn’t have.
Why else would I have to keep repeating myself?

Any chance you two will agrer to disagree and perhaps start fighting over another topic?


Yeah, sounds like the best course of action.

Killawar, be a big boy and walk away.

Already happened once. It’s why he refuses to make a point now.

No thanks; I want to stay and see if you can get the colors right.

It’ll at least be one thing, right?

You both could walk away and let me end it here


We can run down the definition you gave.

Azeroth is an inhabited place. It is of greater size, population, and importance than a town or city. It technically fits the definition. But you know we wouldn’t call it a city based on what I went over. This is exactly what you are trying to do with Teldrassil, and it is blatantly dishonest.

The Merrian-Webster definition of a knife is ‘a cutting instrument consisting of a sharp blade fastened to a handle’. But you know using that would be silly. Even if it technically can fit that. Same as calling Teldrassil a city. Because we have other better words and use is part of language.

‘Nuh uh’ does not address my explanation. These things do technically fit these definitions. But we all know linguistics is more than just a checkbox of technical aspects.

1 Like

Except that we know Azeroth fits this definition as well:

a celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star.

Knife: a cutting instrument consisting of a sharp blade fastened to a handle
Sword: a weapon (such as a cutlass or rapier) with a long blade for cutting or thrusting that is often used as a symbol of honor or authority

Calling either one of those two the other is incorrect.


Those things do not literally fit the definitions.

Teldrassil being a region conflicts with the fact that Kalimdor has distinct parts of itself, Northern, Southern, etc…

Region: an indefinite area of the world or universe

Tel is definite.
A state? No, there’s no declaration of that.
A country? : an indefinite usually extended expanse of land : [REGION]
So we’re back to region, which it isn’t.

It’s not blatantly dishonest when none of the other definitions seem to fit because that’s literally what it is.

Why? They technically fit the definition. You are agreeing with the point I made earlier.

Yes, they do. They check all the boxes. If you accept you wouldn’t call Azeroth a city then you accept you wouldn’t call Teldrassil a city. Because the same concept applies. We have better terms for these.

Now this would be cherry-picking. Another definition on Merrian-Websters for region is.
An administrative area, division, or district
We could also use the term province. Words have multiple meanings for a reason, because language is about conveying meaning. Not checking boxes on very specific terms.

It is when you understand how language works, but choose to intentionally ignore it.


Absolutely not.

You failed to find a definition that Teldrassil meets.

That would be cherry picking.

District: a territorial division (as for administrative or electoral purposes).
An area - that is a universally applicable term:

a particular extent of space or surface or one serving a special function: such as

a : a part of the surface of the body

b : a geographic region

If you were to go by that then Tel would merely be a district and not a territory itself - which makes no sense. Division works much the same way.

Province would equate Tel to UC, because you could call UC a province as well - which is what this debacle started out for: Tel being somehow worth more than UC, but thus far, given these terms, they’re both the same as the same terms apply.

Nothing ignored, every single term discussed above doesn’t apply accurately .

well, i am glad that both threads received this much discussion, thanks Amadis.

This is actually the key question here, many of us, myself included at first wanted nothing more than extreme revenge.
But me at least, after thinking, and thinking :thinking:,months of discussion
How we can do that without alienating half of their players to have the same feeling than we did? swinging the pendulum back to then?
like i said, i seriously doubt that they will ever get “justice” for the purge or rasthakan considering that comes from one of the biggest alliance heros and protagonists.

So nelfs players, i have a question.
Would you guys be willing to accept the villain bat of tyrande or any of those nelf characters considering the consequences of being a villain often in this game means raid bossed and killed every week for loot or a mount?

or that they reveal that “elune is a void lord” or something like that?
because from what i have seen, people want justice,yes but many also don’t want to get their fav characters turned into villains.