The horde doesn't need a devastating defeat

Now THIS is the irony.

Why should they care? If they’re enjoying the game presented to them, how is some edgelord telling them that things were different in the past gonna suddenly make them NOT enjoy things? If I’m happy with a meal I just ate, and somebody tells me that that place used to make better meals, I’m not gonna suddenly hate said meal.

It’s easily possible that someone can decide something is bad and yet still find themselves enjoying it anyway, whether it’s in spite of, or even because of its faults. It’s weird that this is even up for debate.


But Sarm, don’t you know that if you enjoy a bad thing, that means you’re either ignorant or a contrarian! There’s absolutely no in-between!

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Some people have already done that with or without the information. Hell, I do to a certain extent, I am interested in Classic, but I don’t see it as better than bfa, at least not objectively.


< Ad hominem
You really don’t know what irony is either, do you?

All the internet cliches coming out today, eh? Apparently “edgelords” are the kind of people who tell people what they’ve missed.

Because if that same person told you, “Hey, submit feedback and you can make it better,” odds are you would - unless you have bad taste.
You’re acting like this is just active complaining when it’s just the direction you’ve taken the conversation.

You’re hollering about how peer-to-peer feedback is useless and that “you can’t change people” - like a defeatist - while giving zero justification as to why you think this way in the first place. You are sitting her complaining while other people are trying to inform others of what’s missing, attempting to drag the conversation down into the muck, then come out and say, “It’s pointless!” because you make it that way.

If you don’t know you enjoy something bad then why do you think it’s bad to point it out and say, “You want to try for something good? Give feedback.”?

Yes, odds are if you are liking something that’s bad - and don’t know it’s bad - you’re ignorant to that fact. That’s what ignorance indicates.

It’s funny that you try to pander to people the moment you see any semblance of similarity. It’s almost like you want to rely on others to make an argument because you fail to make one yourself.
“I don’t have to justify anything! You just need to change because you’re a bully who says things are bad!”

Wait until you play it. It would take a gargantuan amount of text to explain the dissimilarities.

I have played it, I went in during a stress test. I already have an idea of what it’s like.

Aside from that I’ve seen a already lot of information about the differences. I still don’t find it particularly amazing. An experience to be sure, but not one that will blast my pants off or anything.


You’re an edgelord for other reasons.

This is stupid logic. If I’m satisfied with a product and don’t see a need to improve, somebody else’s experience is not gonna change that. Just because you don’t see a need for change based on what someone else thinks about what you’ve experienced does not mean you have bad taste. It means you have different taste.

Because to them, they already are trying something good, and the feedback is unnecessary. You don’t want them to give feedback for their benefit, you want them to give feedback for YOUR benefit.

OR like Sarm said, if you like something that’s commonly held as “bad,” you simply have a different taste. Ignorance would indicate that you don’t know something about what you’re experiencing. This is not the case wholesale. Enjoying BFA and not knowing about the “good old days” are two separate occurrences here.

It’s called nobody agreeing with you.

There you go again. “If people like what I don’t like, then they must not know about it!”

Stress tests don’t do it right. It’s like saying you dipped your foot in a lake and called it inner-tubing.

Let me know how it works out when you get your hands on the real thing.

It’s more like, dipping my foot into the lake to know whether or not it has leeches and I find one is already sucking on my toe.

I don’t have to, I’ve watched other people play this game since at least tbc. Trust me, I have a good idea of what’s coming.

Ah kill is a vanila was thd best kind nice

Why am I not surprised that Killawar is a Classic stan?

More ad hominem with zero justification.

It’s stupid logic to try new things? Wow!

If over 90% of other people around you state that, “Yes, it was better,” then odds are, yes, you have bad taste and would be inclined to submit feedback that would at least say, “Yes, I want to try that this way.”
But I forget; you’re a snowflake; you don’t seek novelty or improvements.

“Trying to make something better for someone is unnecessary!”
And I’m allegedly the edgelord. That’s some goth-kid logic.

It’s both for my sake and theirs. Do you really think people just go around here simply for themselves? That’s an egocentric mentality if I’ve ever seen one.
Yeah, I come on here and say, “The game was better” solely based on my experiences and not the other couple hundred players I’ve talked to, let alone seen.
No, people don’t say, “Yeah, this game sucked, fix it,” just for them; they want other people to experience what they liked so they can like it with them. Like, with that logic, it seems like you play MMO’s by yourself or something.

And the reason why you like something that’s commonly bad would determine how good your judgement is - which is likely why you don’t want to explain your justifications for being content with BFA, because you very well know, evidenced by your refusal to justify anything you say, that your judgements are poor.

They are 100% not. People don’t have the experiences of the past and ergo don’t know what they’re missing out on. TLDR: If you give a starving man a piece of bread, it’ll be the best meal of his life.

< Except just about everyone who quit BFA.

Given his dialect, I can assume that he is not a Vanilla player.
I know communication isn’t a strong point of yours, but at least try to understand what I’m typing rather than work furious fingers the moment I reply.

I played vannila to cata vanilla was fun but i think wrath was my favourite and most fun time

I’m sure there’ll eventually be a “classic” server for BC and Wrath.

Have you ever heard the phrase “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?”

It ain’t broke to those people. It’s broke to you. That’s not their problem.

That’s not what snowflake means.

Even if that were true, people are not inclined nor obligated to do any of that simply because other people are dissatisfied. Again, this comes down to simply a difference in experience, which you are unable to change.

Again, they’re not obligated to make anything “better” because someone else says it’s bad. That’s your problem, not their’s.

… y’know what? I can’t be bothered to respond to the rest of your post, because it’s literally the same thing over and over again, just reworded. You can go ahead and make some post about how I have no argument, but ultimately again, you’re unhappy. And that’s the best reward I could get.

I sm not all that eager to go back in truth i am okay with the gameplay just not the horrid story. I am not somone who thinks i can go back and relive my glory days

Yes, and it’s stupid. Do you wait for your roof to leak before you replace it? Do you wait for your car’s engine block to shatter before fixing the red-lining thermostat? No.
Outdated cliche is outdated.

It is what it means because it’s human nature to seek novelty and improve things. Apparently though it’s not in your nature.
What’s implied swooshes overhead yet again.

Who said anything about obligation? And it’s not just people’s dissatisfaction; it’s about making the other person more satisfied in the process. You’re still talking like this “it was better” angle is 100% selfish.

People can’t give others new experiences? News to me!

Again with the “obligation” when the point was, “Hey, do you want to do something more (fun/enjoyable/etc)? Well then do this!”

You seem to think informing other people somehow forces them to abide by a certain code. No, it’s giving them the facts of it and the promise of a better time.

You 100% do not and resorted, yet again, to the same cop-out non-argument you did last time.

Next time, maybe actually try to justify why you like BFA rather than come on here and chastising the people who say it’s bad and that other people should try the game like it used to be.

Can’t even get the color right.
Put about as much effort in that img as Blizzard did BFA.
Still more in there than your comments though.
Stay unhappy, ya clod.