The horde doesn't need a devastating defeat

Now where in your quoted definition does it state anything about a built structure? It’s not there, is it?

Retcon is new canon, yes. Hasn’t been retconned yet, so you’re not actually making a point.

Care to prove that claim? One is literally called a village. You should take your own advice that stating something does not make it so.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out Teldrassil isn’t a city. And the literal definition you are using doesn’t cover anything about structures that are built, so you’re literally not showing that Teldrassil is a city by your misuse of some wording in a definition you quoted.

the capital or chief city of a country or region.

That would be Darnassus, not Teldrassil itself. See Sacramento compared to California.

First results of Googling the definition of city.

What now? I’m entirely satisfied with how the Alliance has won battles against the Horde. I want more of them.

You’re the one who said the Horde has lost more, and literally made a list of places and people lost, not battles lost. That’s what we’re discussing, not who got the most satisfying military victories. Get your arguments straight.

What now? Sylvanas throws away Val’kyr plenty. It was the same mistake she did as at Andorhal, putting a Val’kyr into the battlefield where they would be vulnerable. The other four she has lost because she herself keeps dying.

Start of Cataclysm? Eight (she lost one to bringing her back after committing suicide off of Icecrown Citadel). Then she lost three in Silverpine raising her when Godfrey shot her in the back of the head, so that would be five left. Then she lost another one at Andorhal by putting the Val’kyr out there to turn the tide of the battle, so that would be four. So by the end of Cataclysm she already was down to four. Hell, she’s lost more to herself than she has to the Alliance.

Didn’t take any power from the Val’kyr at Darkshore. Here’s a youtube video if you’d like to see it again:

Which we have covered the Undead Night Elves joined the Horde, which is a gain for the Horde. The Alliance has not received any replacement Night Elves yet for the ones they’ve lost.

Turns out raising Sylvanas is more important than raising more Forsaken, as the Horde has lost more Val’kyr to raising her than they have lost to the Alliance.

If they were so invaluable Nathanos wouldn’t have put the Val’kyr in the exact risk that lost of one them to raise the Night Elves as Sylvanas commanded him to.

Christie Golden has a full time position at Blizzard.

Nah. See previous statement. I think the Alliance is doing great. The Night Elves especially have been portrayed as being able to stand up to the entire Horde on their own. I’m saying that, and I’m saying Sylvanas is an inept warchief.

That’s not my point. If that’s your point, I don’t care about your point. Check the title of the thread. I don’t care about what the Horde loses. I only care about what the Alliance has lost.

You’re the one that said the Horde has lost more than the Alliance. My point has been proving you wrong because the Alliance has lost more than the Horde.

I don’t care what the Horde loses. That’s not what I want. The Horde doesn’t have to lose anything at all. I want the Alliance - and the Night Elves specifically - to gain more than they have lost to make up for what they have lost. That would be good enough for me.

Here we go again. As stated before:

Rastakhan was a single person.
Kul’Tiras fleet was lost as well.
Deathknell and the Bulkwark were not lost at Tirisfal Glades, unlike Shadowglen and Rut’theran Village.
Val’kyr raise Sira and Delaryn and more for the Horde.

Teldrassil was a much bigger loss than what the Horde lost at the Battle for Lordaeron.
The Alliance Night Elves have not been replaced.

So, to correct this for you again:

And once again, Rastakhan was a single person, compared to all the people that died on Teldrassil.

Why are you talking to yourself again?

If you had kept your fleet than the Alliance would have kept theirs, too. But clearly that couldn’t happen, either.

Darkshore was separate from Teldrassil (literally separated by The Veiled Sea).

Kailothal didn’t mention Darkshore at all. He compared Teldrassil to Elwynn Forest. Darkshore compared to that would be Westfall.

To clarify:

Parenthesis being my additions, obviously.

We are indeed not counting contested areas, as I agree that the Night Elves have won Darkshore back and are fighting for Ashenvale back as well.


I think this will go on for all eternity


I don’t think Kîllawar’s used to people who will keep talking to him.

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Maybe though this has gotten off track

Not really. I come here to discuss Night Elves with people. Kîllawar is providing me the opportunity to do that. That makes me happy that I put up this thread.

It is a zone a land mass more or less an island thrust up into the sky. If you truly beilive the horde has lost more trying to minimize damage done is not the way.

I mean when you think about it azeroth the land masses were shaped and rebuilt by the titains

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Teldrassil was grown. It’s a plant. A magical plant, but a plant, nonetheless.

Darnassus was built. It’s a city. Dolanaar was built. It’s a town. Etc.

Now you’re starting to get it.


According to Killawar, there’s no difference between Goldshire and Dazar’alor.

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You know how the night elves got all ther dirt up there was never explained i assumed they grew the tree under an island and lifted it up

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That’s according to your desperate perception of me.

Which is another incorrect one.

Well they both satisfy your definition of a city

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an inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village

Does it though?

Cause I’m pretty sure Daz is a bit more important than GS.

In the same sense that Tel is more important than Fairbreeze.

Not how it works in some places I’ve visited. The city takes precedence and starts cutting out counties.

That how it works in places like england and america America apprently

the largest territorial division for local government within a state of the U.S.

the largest local administrative unit in various countries

one of the territorial divisions of England and Wales and formerly also of Scotland and Northern Ireland constituting the chief units for administrative, judicial, and political purposes

These are the definitions of a county


Fixed that for you.

And the whole point of that debacle was that you have poor taste. Like I said, you can eat poo, but it’s not a good choice.

It’s almost like you spend too much time online that you resort to high-school ad hominem during awkward situations. I’d hate to have you at parties.

Obviously because you’re getting attention? What’s the point of it?

No, it’s really not.
Hence the term, “How good is it?”

But I’m not the one resorting to childlike tactics because?

Expand your diction.

So are you just going to regress further into childhood or?

Try Merriam, first definition.

Tge domain of a count csn br more than one city it is srill a track of l as nd not a city

So you don’t have a point against Imerus. Imerus is correct.

I just gave you a run down of what a metropolitan center is.

And? Still doesn’t change the current standing of lore.

I compared Teldrassil to a state or province. I showed how you were misusing the definition simply because Teldrassil is bigger than a town or village by saying so is a planet.

So you’re arguing with yourself again. You’re the one who keeps quoting definitions and saying things have to adhere to them exactly as you’ve quoted.

That matches Darnassus.

I’m glad you can follow that much.

Now if you could only make the bridge to understanding Teldrassil is a state or province - or region - and Darnassus is the major metropolitan center of that region. That is Darnassus is the city, not Teldrassil.

No, saying “Teldrassil isn’t a metropolis” is the same as saying it isn’t a city.

So which is it? Does the game follow Merriam Webster or not?

I’m not looking for vengeance. And no. While I am satisfied with how the Alliance has fought and won its battles, I am not satisfied the Night Elves not having gotten back more yet than they have lost.

I did. Check the corrections.

See the list you literally keep posting again and again.

I am implying that Sylvanas does not think about putting the Val’kyr at risk over wanting to raise people.

I definitely think she can lose what she has left. I hope she does.

I act like she can still keep raising people as long as she has even one. And until she doesn’t have any their numbers don’t matter.

As you point out, retcons can happen all the time. Did you check out that youtube video?

See above. As long as she has even one, the Val’kyr numbers don’t matter.

And again, you gained Undead Night Elves. The Alliance has not gained Night Elves to replace the ones lost.

This is indeed Sylvanas being made more important than countless Forsaken that could be raised instead of her.

And I think Sylvanas is an idiot, too, in the way she puts her Val’kyr in danger and disregards their value.

Blizzard thinks otherwise.

She just writes the story Blizzard tells her to write. Blizzard picks who wins and loses what fights and how.

Count the corrections again.


Saurfang literally thinks this is the case in A Good War:

    If the Horde managed to kill both Tyrande and Malfurion, yes, it would be a great victory that would weaken the Alliance, but the objective was supposed to be conquering the World Tree. That wedge would split the Alliance no matter who ruled the night elves.

These are all fair and legitimate complaints.

But have nothing to do with what the Alliance has lost.

Were not destroyed like Dolanaar and Rut’theran Village.

Hey, I’m glad you finally understand that the Alliance lost more.

Val’kyr aren’t faction leaders, either. I compared Sira and Delaryn to the Val’kyr, since she raised them and they joined the Horde. Turns out Sira is so important that she gets to lead the entire Horde army at Darkshore. You should take that up with Blizzard.

I’m glad you know how this works. You sure are sticky, huh?

Well hell, at least you admitted it’s bigger than a city. That’s at least a step in the right direction.

Hey, Ollanu got you there. Azeroth as it stands today was built by the Titans.

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And for count a European nobleman whose rank corresponds to that of a British earl

Poor taste in this regard is based on your viewpoint. There is no standard for someone’s taste, so you saying I’m eating poo is really just you pointlessly flinging it.

If you can find me some unshakeable standard for taste, that’d be great. Otherwise, you’re just flinging crap.

Hey, at least I’d be at one.

What’s the point of anything on these video game forums? I could ask you what the point of going around belittling people for their opinions is, but I know it’s just because you’re unhappy.

In the sense of quickly defining BFA as “good” or “bad,” the terms are extremes. You are literally labeling a product as positive or negative. “Is BFA good?” and “How good is BFA?” are two entirely different questions with entirely different, yet similar, answers.

Because you take yourself very seriously, and you think very highly of yourself. I don’t take myself seriously, and I take you even less so.

You’re a neckbeard. You don’t treat people with respect, and therefore you are due none yourself.