The horde doesn't need a devastating defeat

I actually didn’t see that quote before. Probably one of the few times I have agreed with Zerde before. Part of why I’ve liked the Alliance is somewhat on heroic fantasy elements. Peace, Mercy, Honor, Justice. So I don’t really agree with people that want to be nearly as bad as the Horde (and even a fair bit of their players here don’t seem to want to be that bad either). At least juxtaposed/conflicted at most.

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I don’t know if the Horde really works that way. If backed into a corner and threatened with extinction, they might grow even more violent and aggressive, not hide and beg for mercy. Orcs certainly aren’t getting on their knees to plead for forgiveness. If the Alliance takes Grommash Hold, I could see that as the beginning of prolonged, brutal guerrilla warfare from the Horde.


I agree.

Burning Teldrassil did not break the Night Elves like Sylvanas wanted it to.

I don’t see how destroying anything of the Horde’s would break them, either.


Well they are going to keep attacking anyway so why not defy them symbolically?
Afterall if the Orcs realize no matter what they do they will be forgiven what would be their incentive to ever stop fighting?

They will get infinite retries and just need to keep trying until they win.
Thats what happened with the first Horde. Then with Garrosh’s Horde and now it is happening with Sylvanas.

If I had my way the Gnomes will be airdropping the stuff they used in Gnomergan but alas the evil route is denied to me no matter how effective it will be.

Bfa is the alliance killer expansion.
You see it is almost impossible to play on the alliance, no tanks, no pugs and the lore laughable at best.
The horde at least has some loyal players but are in shambles too.
I fear the faction system is holding this game and both lore and mechanics are suffering from this.

But alas glory for sylvanas! Yay :confused:

Nope. Couldn’t care less about it.

<Matches the literal definition of a city.
<Tries to call Tel a planet.
< Not a belief so much as it is an objective fact.
< Can’t tell the difference.

We’re not talking about genocide.

Then why do you constantly refer to sources that call it a “zone”? Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

No, they didn’t. They lost their ships to the Naga. Lost
Not Horde.

< Tries to compare losing a faction leader to losing a few irrelevant wardens.

Explain how this is a thing when your forces were nearly completely decimated at UC.

To one race of many in your entire faction.

Horde does and still will, though. Your personal opinion on honor isn’t really relevant to the discussion.

I think you’re trying intentionally to not be taken seriously now. That or you honestly misunderstood what I wrote as saying Teldrassil counts as a planet, in which case I don’t know how to help you.

Then why did you bring it up?

What sources did I refer to that call it a zone would that be? Here’s some advice, the little arrow in the right hand corner of quotations can help you go back and look through conversation and previous posts.

It was your analogy. You compared Sylvanas to yourself stealing someone’s wallet, and to the Naga as the person you convinced to beat up the person so you could steal their wallet. As such, the Navy is the wallet, which was lost to you.

I compared losing a Val’kyr to gaining the forces that said Val’kyr raised to defect to the Horde.

The full Night Elf forces that had left to Silithus wasn’t at Undercity, so they and the Night Warrior’s power put the Horde in a losing position at Darkshore. The Horde’s main base in the Eastern Kingdoms, the Undercity, was abandoned by the Horde, leaving them in a losing position at Arathi. And the Zandalari never looked under their ships for bombs, so they lost their navy at Dazar’alor. None of which required the Alliance forces that had been at Undercity.

And Rastakhan was just one king of an ally to the Horde that was immediately replaced with his daughter Talanji as the new queen, so the Horde lost neither Zandalar or its people.


I mean, hard for me to think anyone arguing Teldrassil is a city is discussing things in good faith.


Including the baby ones? Like in the hatchery we just raided?

In an ideal world, one strives to balance these two, as Justice is a cold, bloody affair of absolute parity.

But, sometimes, you have to let it off the leash, when Mercy has been denied.

No. Those are caviar.

I don’t really agree with the form of ‘justice’ you believe in.

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That’s… fine with me? It’s not as if your disagreement somehow changes or negates it.

Just voicing my opinion. Much like you were.

Don’t feel bad your point is how the real world operates so I am assuming it is the correct one.
It isn’t foolishly idealistic and naive.

They have constantly handed over victories to the Horde and always alienating the alliance player base. I think we want to see an unconditional victory where the alliance gains something meaningful. I’d at least like to see the Forsaken rendered nearly useless after this expac… leaving the Forsaken players to pick up the pieces like the NE players always do.

Why do horde cout troll king as a loss he wanted to a be a seperate ally of the horde at best with his daughter the zandalari become full members.

One reason is that he was a new, interesting and likeable character with a lot more depth and potential than characters that have been around for a lot longer.


Understandable though as far as the whole silly war loss meta horde losses a king thst has an independent attitude abd gains a far more submissive queen to mold

You stated it will be relevant. It’s only relevant when plot demands it. So no, afterward, it won’t be relevant because “honor” will have done its purpose for the writers and be forgotten.

You tried to, in jest, call it a planet because you failed to understand the basic definition. An absurdist claim like that is no less moronic.

Because you seem to think that genocide relates to size of a settlement when it has nothing to do with it.

Whoops, wrong night elf. You all look the same. Argument prior argued that they’re zones, Hetaera.

Wallet wasn’t the goal though; winning was the goal. Wallet is consolation. The victory, again, which comes in the form of the fight, would be the person who won it.

Which is still an unequal comparison because those night elves are, again, replaceable, which the Val’kyr is not.

That’s one faction’s worth against the entirety of Kalimdor. Furthermore, you lost your city and all the resources you’d had in there - try fighting a war without equipment.

Hardly. We trade control in Arathi every week, implying that it’s fairly even. Second, you lost the majority of your entire military - not just a faction’s worth - at UC. Hardly a losing position.

Except whatever/whomever was manning those ships and a faction leader. If we killed Malfurion then I guess you can’t really have a gripe about that then, hm?

Hard to be 100% sure, but the goings-on in the Nazjatar hatcheries (namely the zoatroid harvesters carting naga eggs off to some shadowy portal) suggest that N’zoth has his minions doing stuff to the naga in their eggs, so…yeah, while not a sure thing, unfortunately it’s entirely possible that any naga born after the Sundering have all been deliberately altered so that they’ll be born evil.