The horde doesn't need a devastating defeat

I don’t think they realize that killing a Valk’yr is probably the only thing that would upset Sylvanas since they’re her extra lives/ the only thing between her and damnation. She might even value them more than Nathanos lol.

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I think it’s more the fact that said Val’kyr didn’t even have a name, until the introductory quest for Darkshore. Unlike the perpetually snide Nathanos’ constant antagonism, and escape on winged plot armor.

And, as I said, upsetting Sylvanas does absolutely nothing to address the rest of the Horde, who willingly, in some cases even gladly, waged an unprovoked war and committed genocide in her name. Even if a couple of them aren’t so keen on her now, months later.

In other news, if nothing else, this thread has let me see Amadis get really, genuinely sassy. And I’m counting that as a win.


Destroying a single city isn’t genocide. Otherwise Theramore, Camp TJ, and the first sacking of Stormwind would also be genocides.
Jeeze man, even the Stonemaul ogres would count
Stop using loaded words to talk about losing a city or two.


It’s the loaded word the novella itself calls it? As well as Sylvanas’ internal monologue about it being the end of the Kaldorei as a functional people that makes it true. I suppose “attempted genocide” fits better, as enough survived to eventually rally. But that’s splitting overly verbose hairs.

As was stated up the thread, Darnassus was a city. Teldrassil was an island/small continent, with other towns, like Dolanaar and Shadowglen, as well as vast tracts of wilderness in between, with scattered settlements. Not “just a city”.


You are kind of fighting a pointless battle then agsin all my side lost more battles are pointless but thry have decided that the horde will slways have lost more even if it seems no matter the loss there is always a gain.

Lorewise, Durotar and the Barrens use to be a Forest before the Sundering :slight_smile:

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You sound like someone who negotiates for peace after getting your lands attached. Chamberlain anyone?



Math is hard.

< Literal definition says so.

If that’s what you want to call slaughtering them all, sure.

By betraying it? No.

< Sylvanas didn’t help the Naga, she used them.

< Contested zone is contested, or are you going to stop complaining about DS?

Then you don’t lose DS.

Except the fact that Tirisfall is about three times the size of Teldressil.

This is why Horde players need a devastating loss. They just don’t know how good they have it.
Thanks Killawar.

Thanks proving my point.

That’s fair i suppose. There are quite a few different flavors of disgruntled night elf player on these forums though who all want different things. My response was more directed at those who want to get back at Sylvie and those who say that killing the Valk’yr doesn’t matter.

Again, I don’t disagree with this necessarily. I’m of the mind that Saurfang is every bit as responsible for Teldrassil as Sylvanas and that if you’re going to blame one you need to blame the other too. Him feeling bad about it after doesn’t change that he was all for it and planned it at the start and during the war.

Fortunately for Saurfang though he seems to have been forgiven for his part in the slaughter of night elves by… Jaina, Anduin, and Shaw? Just going to leave that there lol.


Glad you agree.

You mean the betraying of honor and everything the Horde stands for that you admitted Sylvanas did earlier?

Neither parts of the definition you quoted applies to Teldrassil. You would want to make an attempt at explaining how either do, be my guest. Historically speaking, I don’t think you will be able to.

So you agree it was Sylvanas’ victory then. Then we add that to the list.

Are you going to stop complaining about Southshore, Deathknell, and the Bulwark?

Then you don’t lose Southshore or Deathknell or the Bulwark. Let me make some corrections for you:

I see indeed that math, like definition, is not your best study material.


In all fairness to them, we’ve yet to see Sylvanas be particularly broken up about it. Or… even mention it in passing.

From a meta perspective, it is a big deal. In-game, she feels made up on the spot, and entirely inconsequential.

Oh, I have plenty of blame to go around. Sylvanas. Saurfang. The troops that invaded Night Elven lands. The racial leaders that supplied said troops. The mages that lit the payloads. The shaman who exacerbated the flames. The grunts that fired the catapults. The peons that constructed the catapults. The smiths that forged armor and weapons for an unjust invasion. The farmers who supplied rations for the troops. Etc.

I mean, to an extent, I expected it. Ever since a dev declared that Tyrande had achieved her vengeance. Despite Tyrande not even achieving basic justice, much less the extra step of vengeance.

I just didn’t expect the genocide of the Night Elves to be swept under the rug in such a Human Potential-y way.


To be fair, none of these actually knew that it was for the invasion. They all thought they were going to Silithus, too. Though some were questioning that. But benefit of the doubt, they probably didn’t imagine that they were going to attack the Night Elves.

However these all definitely should be held accountable.

But, they don’t even have names or faces in game. I’m not sure they will ever really be acknowledged or brought up. Or even if they are, they might just get away and never come back like Thalen Songweaver. Blizzard has not been good at showing consequences for war criminals that aren’t a big name.


The funny thing is that it really looked like the Night Elf vengeance story was going somewhere during the Night Warrior arc. The Night Elves got a series of quests with Night Elf heroes, a cinematic, a warfront, and a new character customization option. But then all that content ended with the Night Elves in an ambiguous stalemate. Its like the writers recognized that the Night Elves needed more story but then that story got cut off midway. Tyrande got vast amounts of power…and we haven’t seen her since. The Night Elves kinda took back Ashenvale…maybe. The Night Elves were made to look like legitimate threats to Sylvanas’ forces…but were then promptly ignored by Nathanos and Sylvanas who have more important evil schemes to work on I guess. I don’t want to complain too much because I enjoyed that content. And things might turn out okay in the end. Best case scenario is that this was just part one of a greater Night Elf storyline and we’ll get some follow up in a later patch. But I also wonder if the burning of Teldrassil was just supposed to be a shocking kick off event for the expansion but it was never really planned to be a key plot driver for the expansion as a whole.


It fills me with dread that they are going to put this whole story in a book and make us pay 30$ to read terrible writing like they did before.

Apparently the guy that make cinematics had to fight with the narrative people to give the Night Elves that cinematic and attention. Blizzard just doesn’t seem to care.

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Wait so originally, we were just going to get the questing without the cinematic, and basically just attack and watch night elves get free-willed into zombie loyalty?

…did a night elf steal somebody’s sweet roll or what?


It was in this interview

I don’t specifically remember when but it was in here.

This is also something i hope as well, now that the kultiran fleet is gone i think that is time to switch the main protagonist role from humans to the elfs, particulary nelfs.
They did said with terror of darkshore that “we are building the foundations for future stories”
but since we have little to zero idea to what stories are going to be those, here we are hoping that they didn’t lie, maybe next xpac?
or in the patch and a half that we have left?

hopefully the next step of the war campaing is focused on kalimdor with the nelfs and not anymore on kultiras and zandalar.


The Burning of Stormwind’s Pumpkin Patch.

(But only the pumpkin patch.)