The horde doesn't need a devastating defeat

Nope, Lor’themar. Its from Nathanos’ book “The Ranger Lord”; with Lor’themar boasting that Nathanos felt intimidated by the Elven Rangers (and Nathanos believing he could match Theron “shot for shot”).

Then ask blizzard not to throw a simple skilled archer vs a Moon Goddess of War’s Avatar and her husband arguably the most powerful mortal alive. Even if power levels mean literally nothing, on some level you are supposed to respect the individual importance and skill of THE Archdruid, and The High Priestess of Elune.


Not until he met Thrall, who lacked the demonic energies in his veins. THAT SAID, it’s debatable. Because blizzard really likes to act like NEs and NE associated lore just wont physically leave NE lands. It’s kind of why the Centaur v Tauren situation and the Centaur ever becoming so powerful feels like a plothole, since Cenarius would have gotten worried about all that sudden chaos in Desolace when all the life energy was absorbed, and later checked on his lost son.

I don’t have to … I know the reason that scenario ended the way it did. Long story short, it has to do with the MASSIVE power imbalance between the Horde Representatives and the Alliance ones. There were few on the Horde that could have handled Tyrande BEFORE she got her DBZ power-up (so there is almost nobody on the Horde that could have let her show off her new powers now).

Place ANY of our Faction Reps in that situation, it would have ended up the same way (Nathanos or no). It would have been Blizz desperately trying to find some stupid justification (and mcguffin a solution) to why SUPER Tyrande isn’t just going around insta-killing all of our remaining faction reps. Long story short, Nathanos was the unlucky sucker that pulled the short straw to take the ire of the NE fanbase for NOT DYING to a character that could NEVER hope to show off her new powers against the Horde Leaders (sorry folks, we’re just too damned weak).


I’m not finding this book. Can you help me out?

So he should have just died. Problem solved.


But Nathanos is literally one of the only characters who can be resurrected, AND it would still be a loss because you can make it take 1-2 Val’kyr like Sylvannas did when a normal guy shot her in the head and killed her.


He is literally her lap dog.
He’s useless, has no power, and just licks the ground she walks on. For Tyrande to not be able to just blow him tf off the planet is absurd.
I’m not angry that players didn’t kill HIM over the Valk, I think if you had to pick one of course the latter was more important, but I just think it shows absurd writing to keep him alive after confronting the NIGHT WARRIOR version of Tyrande. Like, what a joke is the Night Warrior if she can’t kill a nobody like nathanos?

Nathanos’ revival into the lore was literally a self-insert by a creepy af sylvanas fanboy dev…I’m not making that up btw, it’s literal fact. And it’s shown in how he exists, he is nothing but a f-boy for mommy sylvannas, idk how anyone respects that.
I’ve seen Horde and Alliance argue about MANY things, but one thing most of them come together on is the hatred of such a pointless cringey self-insert like Nathanos.

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He wont be … I have no idea why people seem to assume Sylvie would EVER do something like sacrifice one of her Prime’s to bring him back (she wouldn’t … she SUPER wouldn’t). She’d be pissed at his death, sure … but she’s not about to risk her own eternal soul for him.

Take two: Saurfang sure doesn’t like him.

Beyond that, have we even seen Nathanos interact with any of the rest of the Horde leadership?

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Im not going to try to argue who/ what elune is or why it would or wouldnt do something. Im also not going to do a bunch of what ifs.

What we do know is that tyrande can call upon power, from elune, if she (tyrande) chooses. How or why elune answers isnt something that has been expanded upon. We simply know elune does.

By your own words, you ask that she call on the power granted to her to indiscriminately kill. So she chooses not only to evoke elunes power but to use that power to kill, not just combatants but children.

What we didnt choose to do is indiscriminately kill by what ever means, magic, technology, god imbued powers is what im talking with my compairison to ww2 and the Nuremberg trials.

You can try and argue other topics all you want. But, there is indeed a real comparison on how to handle a genocide and its not to butcher the populace.

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Then he dies, and Horde loses a useless character to the Night Elves. That’s a fair trade for the garbage they did to the Night Warrior-Aspect of Elune when adapting her from her old idea into a new one lol.


Because she almost did just that to get him a new body in his short story?


And yet … he’s the closest thing to a replacement we have for the Forsaken. Unless Blizz decides to invest an absolutely MASSIVE amount of time and assets into developing Voss VERY soon; Blightcaller is the most likely to end up being Sylvie’s replacement when she’s gone as the Forsaken faction leader. And tbh … conceptually, there is a decent character concept underneath that Sylvie fanboy nonsense (and if ever allowed to be distanced from that … he might be OK).

Or … I suppose we could just leave the Forsaken in the same mess the Darkspear have been in for several years (rudderless, with no representation, and thus have no hope of relevance).

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I find that (wishfully) unlikely. I do not see him staying alive without Sylvanas.


It could have been a chance for the writers to show Sylvanas as something other than a heartless shrew since they swear she’s not getting Garrosh’d.

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That’s the issue. Everything he is, has -always- been the hype man for Sylvannas. He is loyal to her, not the people, and never will be. It wouldn’t be satisfying, it’d be forced and boring.

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I have to agree with this.
He’s literally nothing without Sylvanas, he is not respected, feared, or even valued outside of being Sylvanas’s pet.

I have no idea who would lead the undead if not Sylvanas, but it most surely wouldn’t be him.


Yup, nothing like … 180ing her character out of convenience for the plot without an established motivation that is strong enough to overcome her own perpetual fear of her own afterlife. There is a REASON I rage quit for several months after what I saw they had her doing in Stormheim. I literally bought and expansion, than played about a week … then left because I knew EXACTLY this was the route they had planned for her and the Horde (it is the only functional writing reason in the world to replace someone like Vol’jin with her; to stir up crap).

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It’s SUCH a pitiful cringey self-insert that I don’t think there’s any way of distancing the character from it.
If he was brought back into relevancy without that cringey dev being part of the story process, then maybe he could have become a better character - definitely. But thanks to that dev/writer he was made into a laughable lap dog.
I respect the jam in-between Gallywix’s toes more than I do Nathanos.

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