The horde doesn't need a devastating defeat

The quantity of people involved.

They both break out into song to teach Tyrande a lesson about peace and friendship.


Quantity didn’t turn out to be a factor. Makkatorque’s machines negated the Forsaken army’s numbers.

I’m talking about the people who streamed into the city through the hole in the wall. the fight involved them and the machines.

I do not believe the number of people who came through the hole were very many:

    Anduin Wrynn says: Genn, I need you to cover our backs. It's too risky to funnel everyone through the side of the keep all at once.

    Nathanos Blightcaller yells: It is you who is outnumbered now.
    Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: That army is enormous… Give the word, and I will teleport us to safety.
    Anduin Wrynn says: If we turn tail now, we just become prey. No. We’ll fight - and die, if we must - for what we believe in!
    Nathanos Blightcaller yells: Your time is up, King Anduin!
    Nathanos Blightcaller yells: VICTORY FOR THE FORSAKEN!
    Alleria Windrunner says: Let us even the odds, King Wrynn!

It wasn’t the entire army. But it didn’t look insignificant to me.

Insignificant enough that Jaina and Nathanos believed the Alliance could not win with their numbers, and yet Mekkatorque’s machines were enough to overcome the Forsaken’s numbers.

(It’s the tech advantage Droité has always wanted.)

That sounds accurate.

Interesting side note I’ve noticed from these debates, the argument between revenge on Sylvanas; and revenge on the Horde. Strangely, these are not the same things. I honestly have no doubt in my mind at this point that Sylvanas has an exit strategy from this situation, so it honestly does not matter how many Horde Storm-Troopers the Alliance kills; Emperor Sylvie is unlikely to be that effected. She’d likely just continue to use the faction till she cannot; then bails.

It is part of the reason I find it so fascinating that so many NEs were enraged by the fact that they snagged a Prime instead of Nathanos. I agree, you should have snagged MORE, but of the two the Prime was the more valuable target if you wanted to hurt Sylvanas. Its sort of why I laugh at the idea that if HE had died, she’d sacrifice one of them to bring him back … because she wouldn’t. Even if he is her “Champion” … at the end of the day he is still a Forsaken (and the Forsaken are tools).

Long story short, Revenge on the Horde is justifiable stance; but don’t mistake it for also being revenge on Sylvanas herself too. You want to hurt HER … you gotta hit her primes.


I don’t want to kill Nathanos to hurt the Horde or Sylvanas (though I would be content if it did hurt Sylvanas).

I want Nathanos killed just because I don’t like him.


And yet I love the guy. Its fun to have a guy who doesn’t kiss my butt all the time, and he kind of reminds of a perpetual old man who’s just always screaming at those darned kids to get off his lawn. He’s a breath of fetid air in a breezy world of Faction Representatives; and despite being a perpetual grump … somehow he does seem to work more cooperatively with the other Horde races than Sylvie (he really only seems to value efficiency, but he’s not picky about who that comes from).

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There are very many things wrong with your statement.

Why should I care about a prime I never heard about? Valk’yrs are faceless, nameless mobs who’s powers seem to fluctuate depending when we are dealing with them.
Besides I have been killing them in scores since Wrath.

Their sole power seems to be giving Sylvanas a second life like we are playing Mario Bros.
This vengeance is on the Horde in its entirety. Not just Sylvanas. Why would it be just her? It’s a FACTION war. Not a character war.

No. I want to hurt the Horde like they hurt me. Narratively speaking I know on a personal level you had nothing to do with it. /kiss.


I think you would be hard pressed to find any Horde leadership that actually likes working with Nathanos. Certainly not anyone on the rebellion.

Because he’s an ardent Sylvie loyalist? Its like saying we should enjoy partying it up with the Dark Rangers. Though, that may be just me not being as optomistic about Voss as you are (she … needs SO MUCH work to be a viable replacement for Sylvanas; and considering she’s the only other person than Nathanos that could POSSIBLY be that replacement, thats a problem). Her lack of development is also extremely problematic in a faction being over-saturated by new extremely underdeveloped Female Faction leaders (seriously, Geya’rah, Talaanji and Mayla are all the same damned character archetype Blizz! Did you think I would not notice?)

Because no one likes him? Lor’themar even agrees with Thalyssra about working with the Alliance specifically because it would piss Nathanos off.

They’re not exactly the same. But they are related.

Sylvanas would have never gotten within a hundred miles of Teldrassil without the Horde. A Horde that willingly, in some cases even gladly, launched a wrongful invasion and committed genocide on her orders, in her name.

Edit: I agree that hurting the Horde in no way phases Sylvanas in the slightest. But the fact that it doesn’t hurt her doesn’t magically absolve the Horde, and put them beyond the reach of justice.


Lor’themar and Nathanos’ spitting match actually predates Nathanos being dead; back when Sylvie made Nathanos a Ranger. So … Lor’themar doing things to just piss Nathanos off is something he would have done before current Nathanos. Their relationship has always been frigid.

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Strangely enough … I seem to recall the Orc and NEs relationship starting out with the reverse situation; with the NEs under Cenarius attempting to eradicate the Durotar Orcs because he wrongfully believed they were agents of the Legion. With that being the case, do you really think if he hadn’t been stopped by Fel Grom that he would have just stopped with the Warsong Clan? Or would he have gone just south of Ashenvale to purge Thrall’s group to ensure that foot-hold situation he was worried about didn’t occur?

I think you’re confusing Lor’themar and Halduron?

    "Halduron," Lor'themar said quickly, "do you remember Nathanos Marris?"

    “Of course,” he said, frowning. “So what?”

    “Aurora told me he was raised as undead,” Lor’themar replied. “Sylvanas called him to her service. He is known as the champion of the Banshee Queen.”

    Halduron leaned back in his chair, balancing on its rearmost legs and resting his palms behind his head. “Funny, that,” he said. “Sylvanas was always championing him. Kae—er—some—were not keen on letting a human train with the Farstriders. Myself included.”

It’s rather amusing the Blood Elves didn’t even know Nathanos was alive again until after Wrath of the Lich King.

Not if Medivh wasn’t garbage at his job.

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