The Horde Council is a joke

As it is yours.

One would dictate repetitive losses is punishment to the players on the faction.

I don’t know whether to call it arrogant or hypocritical, to use a basis of argument then ridicule someone for using that same basis. lol

Yes Karestae, I’m fairly certain we ALL know — That they’re intentionally ignoring that fact. lol


I’ve had that too. It just randomly logs you out and when you log back in, it places you on a random character. For me it seems to always be my warlock that I haven’t played since WoD’s launch. As that was when my warrior became my main.

I still miss Gladiator stance.

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You failing to understand something doesn’t make it bad or wrong.

You can understand and still find it bad.

Alterac probably needs to be rebuilt/phased into Horde Forsaken/Frostwolf territory.


Luckily you are not getting it. If Ashanvale and Arathi have to be jointly owned so does Alterac. :grin:

[quote=“Zerde, post:353, topic:2026109, username:Zerde-sargeras”]
That seems to have been the theme of the battle. All are now abandoned/no one ever got the decisive victory to them.

You’re acting like this is some major revelation, why?

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All 3 are the battleground of Classic WoW. Blizzard seems to have decided neither faction should get a definite win for any of them. :grinning:

That seems to have been the theme of the battle. All are now abandoned/no one ever got the decisive victory to them.

I am pointing out that this idea of Alterac becoming a Horde exclusive area will likely never come to pass. I say so be it, if we can’t have either of those to ourselves, neither should the Horde.

Frostwolves up in the mountains in a valley no one cares about, not bothering anyone. It is kinda funny that every time the dwarves kick up a conflict with The Horde it is with the most peaceful clans/tribes that are minding their own business.


What do you mean, clearly the Stonespire Tribe was super violent and ready to kill people.


They had the audacity to violently exist on ancestral lands the beardies wanted to diggy-diggy-hole in. Clearly they were asking for it.


Ancestral? The Frostwolves were there for a decade or two, left with Thrall then only came back after. Hardly “ancestral”.

they were talking about the stonespire tauren, read


My mistake. Regardless, from the dwarves side it was that the tauren got violent. So they decided to chase the taurens out.

Regardless both sides are dead so maybe the entire point was violence on either of their parts was not the answer and just lead to both side just being destroyed.

Allow me to sum up all Zerde posts past and future so that you may put him on ignore and never bother with interacting with him again:

“Alliance is always correct. The Horde is always wrong. Horde players should suffer for choosing the weak, evil, inferior faction that exists for my faction to beat up.”


You forgot the part where posts arguing with him suspiciously get deleted if they include anything at all that even slightly breaks ToS but wouldn’t result in any action anywhere else in the forums.


And yet you guys never do. And honestly, I have seen how other people interact with you dread. I dont think you are winning any popularity contest here.

What, do you think I have some moderator control or something?

I put this down to the fact some writer gets the notion to give the Alliance some teeth with an obviously bad action and then Blizzard as a whole—Being hyper risk adverse and seeing Shiny White Alliance as part of their brand—flinches at the last moment and it has to be somehow justified as some form of “It was just one bad egg”.


I’d modify that a little: “If a player chooses Horde, clearly that player wants to be weak, evil, and inferior and should not be surprised when they get beaten up by the Alliance.”


Show up uninvited and without permission
Diggy-diggy-hole someone’s holy land
Begin ethnic cleansing when the tauren object

Zerde: “Tauren at fault for (eventually) getting violent.”