The Horde Council is a joke

Did you not read at all? He never claimed it because it would have lead to chaos between the Alliance. So for all intent and purposes Alterac was just Alliance lands and not land that belonged to any particular nation.

Nah, more likely it will be Stromgarde 2.0 and both dwarves and orcs have to leave unconfortable side by side.

BTW, I hope you enjoy the Kul tiran fort in Duratar, I’m guessing that is never going away :grinning:

Alterac’s fate was between the surrounding human kingdoms in the then-Alliance (most of whom withdrew from said Alliance). “The Alliance” doesn’t own Alterac any more than they own Lordaeron.

Then again, I know who I’m talking to, and suddenly questioning why I am.


Alterac was a spoil of war that was being fought for between the major powers of the Alliance, which included Kul Tiras who was no where near Lordeaeron.

So agian, the Forstwolves are a bunch of squatters in lands that were held by the Alliance.

me like blue alliance right good horde bad wrong red bad me like blue


Which has been the case for most of warcraft. :grinning:

Hence why most of our factions leaders have escaped being killed so far. As for Alterac, as I mentioned it is split again between the two factions. Blizzard has effectively forced both factions to go “play nice or else”.

I have an idea on what you want for Galleywix, kinda just a goofy background character. I would be all for that but I think they should address his crimes in SOME kind of way.

In my scenario, he’s lost his position of power and his money, which is where a goblin hurts most. He’s reduced to begging for loans from the other cartels, and players are encouraged to laugh at him. I think that is enough.

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Been watching the dragon prince later and maybe Blizzard can give him the Kharim treatment.(with Xal’athath playing the role of Aaravos)

Hehe XD would be pretty good.

I get where people are coming from in not wanting to kill off more Horde characters, even if they were detrimental to the Horde or even not apart of them anymore.

Personally (and one of my hottest takes) Blizzard should stop killing off ALL characters, even raid bosses and big bads.


Largely agree. Every time we kill a God, an Aspect, or even just a central figure in the lore, we are effectively deleting an important thread of the tapestry.


Side note but I laughed out load at that moment.

Even Aaravos was tired of his endless monologing.


The problem is… this path does lead into insanity via the “I’ll get you next time!” trope of a saturday morning cartoon villain. Which while WoW does embrace from time to time, should not be central to how it handles its villains.

It can also lead to some stories being repetitive whenever they show up.

That being said, there is a fine line when killing off an antagonist works and when it doesn’t. What Blizzard did in TBC to certain characters like Kael’thas, Vashj and Illidan is an example of the latter. However I feel Kil’jaedens death at the end of the Tomb of Sargeras raid is a case where his story was basically over.


Honestly if blizzard would just put actual effort into fleshing out the replacement characters for the ones they replaced it wouldn’t feel so glaring when they only focus on the same 5 characters they haven’t killed off from wc3


I agree. Imo Jaina should’ve been narratively retired following BFA as an example.


We can have other outcomes then “next time!” Or just killing them.


'member when blizzard put the wrynn family’s blood elf with the horde’s leadership because the horde had no one?

i 'member.


Yessir. :smiley:

Forums had a weird bug for a handful of us & we were stuck on forum-profiles of random characters of ours & couldn’t switch (some of us couldn’t even post at all, depending on the browser used).

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Happened to me last month. Couldn’t log into the forums for two days

Yeah for me and a few others it was like two weeks :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Thought I was the only one until I came across the website-bug report forums and discovered it was more common than I had anticipated.

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happened to me the other day.