The Horde: A Different Type of Heroism

If I saw someone wear that Tyrande skater dress I’d probably shove them into a locker for being a nerd.

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I think my first thought upon seeing someone in WoW clothes (Horde or Alliance) is ‘hey, cool’. Maybe ‘neat they’re showing their interests’. And then I continue shopping for eggs.


Personally if I see someone wearing a Horde logo I begin to hoot like a chimpanzee and throw my milk at the offender while yelling “For Lordaeron! For Khaz Modan!” and yet Costco had the gall to ban ME


Kyalin, please be careful, if Twitch bans WoW emojis, we will all suffer

If so - Azshara can only be used by tauren, will everyone else be killed?

Your aim is terrible btw, barely got any on me.

No, that’s stupid. My entire point was that The Night elves should do what’s in their best intrest diplomatically to take a material reason for war off the table, and if they’re too obsessed with “vengeance” to think rationally, then they should consider that a ton of Horde soldiers have died fighting causes beneficial to the night elves, and that if they weren’t there for Hyjal, all the Night elves would be dead rather than a small minority.


Wait a minute.
Horde soldiers died for things that were important to ALL. Horde soldiers did not die fighting the Horde soldiers who killed the night elves. Never.
And if you use that logic, where is the Horde’s gratitude to the night elves for their death on Hyjal, beneficial to the Horde?
Since the night elves donate their resources in the name of “peace and prosperity,” what kind of resources will the Horde donate?
How about giving up some of your population to be torn apart by the night elves to appease their anger? Not? Then suggest something else, because until now the Horde has only taken, intervening only in issues that threaten the Horde (global threats).


Солдаты Орды погибли за дела, которые были важными для ВСЕХ. Солдаты Орды не умирали, сражаясь с солдатами Орды, убивавшими ночных эльфов. Ни разу.
И если использовать такую логику, то где благодарность Орды ночным эльфам за их гибель на Хиджале, благотворную для Орды?
Раз ночные эльфы отдают СВОИ ресурсы во имя “мира и процветания”, то какие СВОИ ресурсы отдаст Орда?
Как насчет отдать часть своего населения на растерзание ночным эльфам, чтобы успокоить их гнев? Нет? Тогда предложи что-то другое, потому что до сих пор Орда только брала, вмешиваясь только в вопросы, угрожающие Орде (всемирные угрозы).

If the Horde didn’t help at Hyjal they would be dead.
This wasn’t some selfless favor the Horde did to just the NEs.

It was motivated by their own survival.
And its in bad taste that the Horde can argue for any small reason to commit genocide but when the victims want a pay back…
Well they just have to look at the bigger picture don’t they?

Until next time the Horde feels like attacking the NEs again. The writers are going to make the Horde commit evil again might as well give something to the NEs to pat themselves on the back before the next war.

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I think it is fine to accept both are bad.

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I agree but Waygs seems to argue any slight against the Horde warrants a BFA prepatch.

Again, yes.

Even after Daelin’s failed attempt to eradicate Thrall and the rest of the orcs, the Alliance of Stormwind continued to staff/fortify Theramore and surrounding bases in Kalimdor. The forces are all hostile to Horde and friendly (not neutral, but friendly) to Alliance. Jaina has to constantly reign the troops in Theramore in. Northwatch hold is staffed by people from Theramore.

The Alliance of Stormwind isn’t just dealing with internal problems. It’s troops are descrbed a being stretched thing specifically because they’ve been sent off to battle the Horde abroad. There’s not a single Horde stronghold anywhere near Stormwind to threaten, but Stormwind’s forces are off in Kialimdor and what remains of Lordaeron fighting them.

The whole conflict with the Forsaken in Vanilla is about them solidifying their holdings in what was once Lordaeron and Stormwind basically sending soldiers their to assist local proxy forces in “reclaiming Lordaeron”. The Forsaken in Vanilla showed zero interest in moving into Ironforge territory, let alone marching south all the way to Stormwind.

And if a mission in WC3 where orcs attacked humans that followed them across the ocean is enough to make the orc’s narrative all about “orcs terrorizing humans” then the same story that includes humans following retreating orcs across the ocean to antagonize/destroy them entirely means the human story is even moreso about “humans antagonizing orcs”.

And Kalimdor is only the Wild West" in the sense that people from other lands assume they can come out of nowhere, treat the natives likes crap to take what they want. The Tauren had lived in Mulgore, the Barrens, and other parts of Kalimdor for eons before the Centaur/Quillboar nearly drove them to extinction. Then Dwarves/Alliance are coming over and wiping out entire populations of Tauren and other races in pursuit of their own ends. Not that the Orcs/Trolls are particularly better regarding Centaur and Quillboar, but at least they’re there at the behest of the native Tauren.

There was a contnual thread in WC3 and early WoW where the Stormwind, the Alliance, and Humans in particular, couldn’t actually keep to themselves and had to spread their military and sense of superiority/vengeance. They went around wiping out whatever they didn’t understand while squabbling with one another and their own allies (with some racism/classism thrown in). Not that the Orcish Horde was perfect either-especially not the Forsaken- but both had appreciable flaws that balanced them out with the WC3 and early WoW Horde in a way that’s far removed now from this whole Alliance=good and right/Horde=bad and wrong dichotomy.


Right, but that basically ammounts to extortion. “give us resources, or we’ll burn your homes and slaughter your people” isn’t what i’d call a fair deal. I’m sure the Horde has things it can trade in exchange for lumber, especially with all the new member races.

The vice versa is also true, however. Lots of night elves have died for for something that was important for the Horde. The pendulum swings both ways.


Kyalin, with all due respect… own to your issues. Cause a company selling you a video game will NEVER be responsible for the violent fantasies you may develop thanks to their product, this is NOT how things work.

Stop acting defensive, and listen when we tell you, cause we don´t do it to “bully” you, but because it IS a concerning issue and I at least believe you should have some professional support to check it (girl, maybe you believe it´s the story in the game and actual serious REAL issues are the real cause of such angry response… what you told us is NOT a normal response regarding frustrations towards stuff like the story depicted in movies, games, etc. I hated the story resolution with the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, this doesn´t mean I authomatically get the impulse to lowkey insult people that DID like it; I just stopped paying attention to what I disliked and treasured what I liked, period.)

If the story of a video game makes you feel the impulse to go and insult -yes Kyalin, insults ARE a form of aggresion- random people you DON´T know then yes, maybe there are some issues you may want to check before they actually cause more damage to yourself or actual collateral damage to unsuspecting third parties.

She´s in denial about having an ACTUAL problem, of course she can´t help herself.

It´s actually worrisome, unchecked psychological stuff can end up in SERIOUS damage the more one leaves it on ignore.

I´d say a “nerd” is more like it, but I bet you wouldn´t feel the impulse to attack them (either verbally or more seriously, physically).

That´s the thing Kyalin… normal happy people NEVER get conditioned to hate onto other people just because of sportmanship to the point they end up in the middle of aggresive tribalism (that´s a phenomenon that only is successful when the individuals have the mental landscape and project their own anger issues onto an external trigger like sport teams, etc.).

You won´t have to convnince me how this can become a REALLY serious issue, I live in a country in which the Police has to babysitt soccer games when those are between rival local teams because before they ended up doing that, people got killed for using their sport team t-shirt.

Sure, you don´t have to, but you should. Cause the longer teh time you try to put the blame on Blizzard instead of actually looking for the trigger of all that anger, the closer you will become to those soccer fans that stabb people to death for daring to like their sport team´s rival team.

I´m serious, that´s NOT normal. Don´t get offended, my intention is NOT to hurt you, I actually feel worried about this (call it “living in a viollent country full of violent people” if you must).


This thread has gone places.

Part of what motivates Thrall (in game) to settle on letting the Blood Elves in is the very similar territory incursion into Quel’thalas with the dwarves abusing the ambassador role to spy (he was sketching key locations and passing it onto Night Elf infiltrators) and Night Elven military camps attempting to use scrying magic and willing to fight and kill once discovered.


Even if I accepted this, which I don’t entirely, that’s not the evident intent of a fair number of the people here. Outside of the SF Discord people - who are some of the most toxic and mean-spirited people I have ever encountered, in any setting - you largely have tribalists for the other side, intentionally missing the point. The reason I mentioned that episode was to lay out a form of conditioning that I agree is a problem, and that I become aware of when that kind of thought enters my mind.

Rather than taking that as an opportunity to continue the discussion about how Blizzard wants parts of the fanbase to hate each other - something that they’ve been extremely effective at, and you see that here every day - I was accused of everything from wanting to effect physical violence to actually doing it. Post-clarification, we went not even into thoughtcrime but pre-thoughtcrime. Thoughtcrime would be holding onto an idea and believing it. It’s successor is having a thought for a second or two, dismissing it, regarding that thought as bad, but still being put through a struggle session over it because the SF discord clique and a collection of Horde posters are worried that they might resemble the remark. (Which, by the way: unless you hold the ideology being mentioned yourself, you don’t. Those of you who would actually have deserved the remark know who you are.)

I’d call this deranged, but I’ll tell you what it really is: it’s tribalism. This is a Horde dominated board, and while many of you think it’s just fine to be toxic to Alliance players, there are no evident limits to how far you will pursue instances of anything but fawning loyalty to the faction that you like - such as how Droite demands a purity test for making suggestions to help the Horde. Why? Because you feel that you have the numbers to affect it. It’s worse of course elsewhere. Alliance players actually HAVE been subject to physical attacks at cons - even in the heyday of when I was playing I wouldn’t be caught in Alliance merch because I figured that people WOULD act on thoughts that they DIDN’T just dismiss - and that was BEFORE BFA.

And yes, I’m sure that the term “victim mentality” is just BEGGING to slip off your tongue. You’d love for that to be the case instead of this just being me calling out the garbage ways in which WoW communities, including this one, act. No, I’m not a victim - I’m just not accepting of the insanity that you’re peddling.

No, I am not submitting to your struggle session. Take that crap elsewhere.

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I am just going to say that the person that so genuinely worried and doesn’t want to “offend” is typically the person to speak to others in a demeaning way like “Honey, love, dear” before starting their condescending rant.

Pretty sure I did that anywhere, I would be fired.
Or have a long talk with HR.

I’m amused you keep blaming it on Blizzard and the SF Discord when everyone winces at your self-righteous indignation.

You keep trying to shift the topic as if it warrants a conversation but it doesn’t, no sane rational person would feel that way and the fact you’re expecting to have a reasonable conversation about how you want to call people horrible things in real life because of their in-game choice which could exist for a multitude of reasons from real friends playing or just wanting to raid reveals much about you.

You can hide behind pseudo intellectualism but you need help.


Don’t you host a discord server full of racists and LGBTQ haters?

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