The Horde: A Different Type of Heroism

If I had image posting privileges, I’d be able to show it isn’t.

she’d probably call someone a skinhead for having a horde tattoo.


I mean… what if its a Sylvanas tattoo?

If I saw anyone with a World of Warcraft tattoo I’d think they’re a weirdo. Just get a poster or something

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One of my closest friends IRL is a Night Elf main obsessed with the race and the only other wow player in my medical school is Alliance and I actually don’t think about “confronting” them IRL about narrative beats lmao

Most we do is make fun of the dumb writing together cuz it’s dumb

Periodically poke fun at each other like, when we’re working out together and I go hard on a PR he’s like, “you’re so horde man”.

This is what I meant in the other thread that y’all need to talk about how the game is affecting your real life in therapy.


Hey now this game saved me after my last suicide attempt when I was 17, planning on getting the warlock fancy crest eventually

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It’s definitely not healthy that a mere t-shirt makes someone want to verbally attack someone and associate them with a certain 1930s German organization.

And I don’t why Kyalin thinks I would attack you, you’re extremely intelligent and I respect you and your opinions. :wolf:


I don’t know. When the game isn’t fun, it effects my real life by boring me. :frowning:


I was more referring to your commentary on certain Alliance ideologies being potentially racist - something that people have on these boards taken as a sign that you are calling people racist.

Which, for the record, I’m not slamming you for. But I am pointing out that if you are going to make an issue out of someone pointing out that a fictional faction’s ideology bears disturbing parallels to some dodgy real world ones - then you should do that across the board.

There is a difference between calling out racists tropes and your commentary about the t-shirt…they’re two vastly different things.


That’s a them problem. I have not said that as I have never said a white person playing a troll is somehow blackface.

Now when folks on this forum insist slavery is okay sometimes, or racism is okay sometimes, or the Japanese had it coming with the nukes, that is racism.

No Kyalin.

The line is assigning random strangers to some fantasy race written by Blizzards incompetent writers in real life to the point that you, by your OWN ADMISSION, felt inclined to confront them for wearing the “equivalent of a fascist symbol IRL”.

Girl what


If I felt inclined I would have done it.

It was a passing thought that I wouldn’t have acted on that I nevertheless brought up as an example of Blizzard conditioning fanbases to hate each other. Then people chose to make a federal case of it.

As for the way people took your commentary being a them problem, no disagreement there. Flak only gets heavy when you’re over the target after all.

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Kyalin, I mean this seriously, the thought should not have crossed your mind. Even briefly.

Holding Blizzard writers accountable for problematic tropes? Makes sense.

Even for a moment thinking a random unsuspecting Horde player in real life in the produce section of your local market ought to be confronted for things in-game due to the choice of the aforementioned writers abysmal incompetence and inability to write a story without mishandling a historical event parody, racism, sexism, or Otherwise? Not okay.


Yeah, no, I don’t have to accept this. You don’t get the right to police passing thoughts, and I seriously doubt that you’re imposing a standard that you would ever hold on yourself.

I shared this experience to describe a problem. You and others have turned it into a struggle session.

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every single person in this thread have told you that it was wrong and not normal behavior. It’s a standard normal functioning people do indeed hold.


You could put a guy in an alliance shirt, a Yankees cap, with a Chicago Bears tattoo and the thought of harassing them for being a hypothetical supporter of the NSDAP would never cross my mind.


I do, actually. A rather important part of Dialectical Behavior Therapy in fact.

I do not accuse my IRL friends who main Alliance of things.

Is the fitted’s rim bent or unbent, with the sticker or sticker removed :eyes::thinking::face_with_monocle::face_with_raised_eyebrow::triumph:

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Yeah, we know you’ve got a problem. Holding your ground on it isn’t making it look any better.


These are the hard questions that need answers.



I have the quote for you, from Terran Gregory: