The Horde: A Different Type of Heroism

Could this be why the Alliance questing experience keeps force-feeding the players stuff like Brennadam, while there is no mention of it Hordeside?



Because Brennadam and Vulpera Murder were both removed for most of beta.

But Brennadam was suspiciously added back on live.

While vulpera murder was left out.

At least the Horde concentration camps we’re left out, behold Blizzards benevolence

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I mean, yes, the experience was engineered to make us hate you.

I had this realization when I was at Sprouts the other day and I see this perfectly normal guy wearing a Horde t-shirt, and here I am imagining all of the things I would have unloaded on him if he approached me. I ended up keeping my distance.

… and that’s kind of messed up.

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I want Zone revamp expansion. Even if each expansion revamps half a dozen zones at a time.

I am already tired of this comos BS storyline. I just don’t care.
Good raids and Gameplay are not dependent on this go big or go home attitude.


I can’t really buy into this thought, though. Night elves were an overwhelmingly popular alliance race, in the ballpark of humans themselves, I think. It doesn’t seem believable to think that nobody would care about night elves, especially with how much of their story routinely gets shoved down everyone’s throats throughout the expansions. Elves sell.

Maybe they thought the night elves were like blood elves - only the model matters? Or something like that.

Yet, when it comes to Night Elves, since Cataclysm, they have gone out of their way to piss us off and drive us from the game, while destroying our competence for the benefit of Horde players, and our independence for the benefit of human ones.

They seem to think that the appeal comes right down to the aesthetics and some kind of hippie bubbly nature theme that we see expressed in characters like Mylune and Lady Moonberry - and that is just NOT what they sold in Warcraft 3.

Recall, these are the people who were then (and probably still are) surprised that Night Elves were popular to begin with.

Nah last time realm pop was accessible, they were behind humans, and weren’t even half of the Global Alliance playerbase

I think only a third or fourth of the global Alliance playerbase

A shame. Would’ve given a Horde race a very hefty and fresh(!) reason to hate Alliance.

But why would the Alliance want the Vulpera dead?
Why not Forsaken? Orcs? Blood Elves?

Plenty of other Horde races the alliance hates for past actions. Killing Zandalari or Vulpera just didnt make much sense to me.

Or even if they had just made the Alliance and Horde versions of Genn vs Rastakhan use the Horde versions


Anything at all


The Vulpera were trading with the Horde, right? Perhaps someone decided that doing that made the Vulperan caravans a Valid Military Target™. By burning the caravan they burned their livelihood and it wouldn’t be far fetched to think a couple of live ones got caught within.

Perhaps someone thought the Vulpera are small and weak and burning their stuff is a far easier solution than going on lengthy negotiation sessions.

I didn’t know these separate versions existed until yesterday. Reading them side by side like that gives the impression that Genn is somehow artificially respectful in the Ally one. But then again, I am biased.

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“Valid military target”

Vulpera live on the coast the Alliance is trying to establish a base in and want to kill witnesses that would report back to Zandalar.


Fun fact I only added the Horde version to wowpedia two weeks ago

Some folks forgot :roll_eyes:

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Classic through WotLK continues a lot of the themes and internal conflict found in the story of the RTS. It maintained separate campaigns for Horde and Alliance by treating them as equally valid options. It continued a lot of what made the WC3 RTS successful. It’s them having returned to more WC1/2 stuff in Cataclysm onward that’s drawn them the most fan and critical dissatisfaction.

The Horde in Cata onwards ended up being the villains because Blizzard decided they would take those actions and came up with convoluted reasons why/how they could, while not doing that for the Alliance.

Even when Anduin mentions Arthas as an example of Alliance wrongdoing, Blizzard wrote Saurfang -the Horde rep in this discussion- as responding the two are not equivalent. Blizzard created this disparity. it’s not just some inevitable thing that just had to happen.

The Alliance as having established kingdoms waging campaigns far away from Stormwind in an attempt to wipe out a fledgling Horde that was sturggling to establish itself was very much a thing in WC3 and Classic. But when it came time to actually initiate conflict, Blizzard decided that all of a sudden the Horde was a mighty powerful warmachine not just bent on, but apparently capable of world domination. And meanwhile, they decided to portray the Alliance at pretty much every step as either not initiating/escalating conflict.

Blizzard didn’t have to establish them as medieval faires. And when they introduced more assets like they did between WC3 and Classic or Classic and all subsequent expansions, they could have introduced actual non-medival faires. They’ve done it plenty with all the non-Human races in WoW.

I did not ignore it. The Stonetalon peak incident is a singular mission and is not what the Orc’s story in WC3 is about. Furthermore, it’s not about Orcs attacking humans for attacking’s sake, but acknowledging that even after they left the Eastern Kingdoms to go all the way across the ocean to get away from the Humans- the Humans are still right behind them.

But make it that this means the Orc story in WC3 is about terrorizing humans would be like saying the Human story is about wiping out Strathholme.


No witnesses


Imagine if Bwonsamdi had been made a Droman of one of the Tirna Trees and we’d gotten a bunch of Caribbean and Latin American iterations of fairies due to Irish immigration

Oh please, the Horde even back in Vanilla had plenty/if not more rogue elements then the Alliance. From Sylvanas brewing her plague, to Varimathas invading Stromgarde to Warsong assaulting Ashenvale. Hell, we had an entire questline about Smiling Jim and even a Horde quest where you assasinate a human trying to warn the Horde about Sylvanas.

Except the Horde continued even in Wrath and BC to have more problematic issues. Whether is be the forsaken capturing a draenei to experiment on(who’s last words were literally "I pity you forsaken) to blood elves snuffing fel magic to outright use of the plague on all of our heads.

The stonetalon incident directly leads to the Horde having a conflict with the night elves(a soon to be Alliance race). Drinking demon blood and ultimately requiring both Alliance and Horde to deal with the problem.

It is effective a mini version of the Pandaria campaign. Only this time now big demon for a hellscream to kill/yell I am redeemed.

Not even close. The Alliance wasnt busy sending troops to try and wipe out the Horde(sans Kul Tiras who by Classic had left the Alliance). Classic Alliance was too busy dealing with its own problem(and Onyxia was literally keeping stormwind’s army from trying to help itsbeligured allies) Warcraft 3’s assault by Daelin was unsactioned by the Alliance.

Of the three classic battlegrounds only Alterac Valley could be consider as the Alliance moving on Horde territory and that has PLENTY of caveats that would easily derail this thread.

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Yeah it’s wild like they gave Huln a voice line (and we never see him again) but not Baine.