The Horde: A Different Type of Heroism

There is a certain poetic irony about them being brought down by the same people they abandoned to the Scourge in building that wall, wouldn’t you admit?

Fandoms are sadly like that. Most are very cliquish and very toxic when it comes to the gatekeeping and telling others what they are allowed or not allowed to enjoy. :wolf:

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No Horde - The Alliance disintegrates and no one else is influenced by human potential and can deal with issues of recovery without fear of dying.
No Alliance - The Horde can safely explore a new world that no longer hates them. And there are no moral issues.
Is not it so?

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Azshara remaining in horde hands is basically the justification for locking them out of Ashenvale forever (or until enough time has passed that everyone comes together over killing every last threat to the universe)

I don’t think the night elves want it anymore after the Goblins made the place all homey (and it was never a place night elves had a real presence in), and taking it back just means you’re putting the Horde in a situation where another cataclysm style crisis means they’re likely back in your backyard just to survive.

If you’re demanding land just to demand a land… then that attitude isn’t gonna result in an actual tenable peace


What part of It solves nothing are you not grasping?

Now I’m trying to remember if I actually saw this somewhere or I am just misremembering or what, but I feel like I recall seeing some sentiment regarding Blizzard and the “faction motivation” issue. From what I remember, they basically misjudged both sides going into BfA - they thought the Alliance players needed a really hard kick to get invested in a faction war storyline, and also thought that Horde players would happily oblige so long as they were pointed vaguely in the direction of the color blue and given a one-off line about honor.

Which would explain both the gross overcommittal in Teldrassil, and the fact that the Horde basically doesn’t even have a war campaign story. Naturally, Alliance players didn’t appreciate being kicked in the teeth to start things off, and Horde players were unhappy to play the villain for what appeared to be smoke and mirrors.


I remember at a lot of people I’ve talked to about BfA collectively sayingWTF blizz?! or How can they be so tone deaf about their own player base?.

BfA just showed how out of touch blizzard and it’s devs really are when it comes to what we paying customers actually find fun or engaging. :heart:


But you pay nothing for this land. Suggest something. Let’s say a bomb controlled by the night elves, capable of destroying Azshara entirely. Or the constant inspections of Azshara and Orgrimmar. How annoying it is when someone meddles in your business, m …
Pay. What will stop the Horde from attacking again? Because the first time Azshara was leased to you for free as a guarantor of your non-invasion. So what’s the point of trusting you for free this time?

I have provided my own solution. The only huge detail left out is that half of the audience leaves immediately. But in terms of history, no problem, is there?

The payment was the lives lost at Hyjal. The Tauren who died reenforcing the night elves at the WOTA. Basically every Horde hero who died ever defending Azeroth.

Your line of thought basically ignores the fact that for all the awful acts that have happened due to the faction war, that the Horde has done a lot of heroic things to help keep the whole planet safe in the meantime.

Without them the night elves would have failed at Hyjal and everyone would be dead.

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I swear I thought I heard something like that too (that Teldrassil was deemed “needed” to motivate the alliance playerbase), but I could just be chalking it up to 2+ years of forum conspiracy blending together from trying to make sense of BFA.

It certainly got a lot of Alliance players invested. Many hate the Horde so much now, it’s seeping out of fiction and onto real life people, who deserve none of it.

As for Horde, they attempted* to give it motivations (motivations that I, personally, really like on paper), but committed to none of them. If Blizz had allowed the Alliance to truly hurt the Horde, whether they deserve it or not, the Horde striking back to save themselves would have made so much more sense.

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I legitimately just chalk it up to wanting a big spectacle to kick off the expansion, and a need to start the villain bat process for Sylvanas to set up SL.

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What?! You’ve been leased out Azshara just so you don’t get attacked again! It was not a gift “in memory of your deeds”, it was a sacrifice “in memory of your atrocities.”
And the night elves must perpetuate this sacrifice just because you repeated your atrocity and were defeated again ?! Absurd!


Что?! Вам сдали в аренду Азшару только для того, чтобы вы не напали снова! Это был не подарок “в память о ваших подвигах”, это жертва “в память о ваших зверствах”.
И ночные эльфы должны увековечить эту жертву только потому, что вы повторили свое злодяние и снова потерпели поражение?! Абсурд!

Perhaps, if you believe the Gilneans were obliged to die and be raised alongside the rest of Lordaeron. I don’t. Dying for no reason at all isn’t heroic, it’s just stupid.

perhaps they were correct about that. But I think they forgot that such investment doesn’t dissapear with a click of the heels. Their shortsightedness will be the end of them as a company at this rate.


Maybe, maybe not. But I think it’s pretty obvious that they were not prepared for the responses they got, on either end. What I think makes that evident is the haste with which they seem to be trying to bury the plot points - they didn’t think they would be dealing with them for so long, and probably just view the BfA plot as “baggage” to clear up as soon as possible so they can get onto the “story they want to tell.”

You can also see this in the way they basically tried to wrap up as many Legion loose ends as they could in BfA, while ignoring some, uh, pretty obvious ones.

I mean, we still have a sword stuck in the whole planet for Pete’s sake.


The feeling of defenselessness doesn’t come from the lore of the story. It comes from the meta. The writers manipulated, altered, or flat out ignored anything they had to in order to make the War of the Thorns work, from ignoring the local environment, to strategic incompetence, to local allies such as the Worgen and the Draenei not evidently caring, to changing catapult ranges when it suited them, to every number of factors.

The feeling that the Night Elves never win against the Horde also doesn’t come from the story. If you look into the strict canon, the situation is way better than it is portrayed, and it’s been like this since Cataclysm, which also looked like a flat out loss for the Night Elves, when in reality that was how Blizzard was portraying a victory.

The feeling of helplessness comes from the feeling that when the Night Elves and any part of the Horde are pitched as being in conflict, the writers will favor the Horde every time - to the extent that they will do what they did to make the War of the Thorns work, to deny catharsis or revenge, and to twist victories to make them look like losses.

It is a metanarrative issue that in turn feeds general player perception about the playable races involved.

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Imo it was the following assumptions

  • The Alliance playerbase buys into the European Pure Perfect Race fantasy, and enjoys killing the Horde “savages” ie they believed the worst stereotype of Alliance players is the majority (thus they thought nobody would care about the Night Elves since they’re not that fantasy)
  • The Horde playerbase doesn’t actually care about tradition or honor but enjoys roleplaying as a POC Coded Evil Faction ie they believed the worst stereotype of Horde players is the majority
  • Both faction players were knowingly tired of Faction War stories, which is a marketing problem for them, so they did something to force us into a war
  • They believe turning the playerbase against itself is a narrative success (this is confirmed by a Danuser and Ion quote)
  • Corollary to the above: if the playerbase is turned against itself then there’s less time to criticize Blizzard (proven false by the past few months)
  • Whatever the original plan was with Voljin Warchief was wholesale abandoned for Evil Sylvanas Plot Arc during the Great Abandonment Of Warlords Of Draenor
  • They underestimated how much people care about the story of the game

Lol apparently the added a game model cinematic for Huln


The Tauren that’s been dead very dead super dead for thousands of years.

With voice acting (I think Baines voice actor)

And Baine has zero, ZERO 9.1 questlines or VA lines as of right now

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