The Horde: A Different Type of Heroism

If you support it.
If you defend it.
If you block every attempt to make it up.

Then you are part of it.

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It was me. I burned down Teldrassil and blamed Sylvanas for it, I confess. It was the only way to get Lordaeron back.

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Yea, seems you blocked me.

Why doesn’t the forums hide you from me in that case? Junk system.

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Scream. By the way, how do you imagine the scream? Judging by the translation, this is just a cry.
Take responsibility! With your hands …
Stop. What demon do you refuse to become an instrument of correction if you are not responsible as an instrument of destruction? You won’t get anything, right?

  1. why do you keep saying global South, the entire world is not south of the US.
  2. when I say it suppose to represent it, I would say in the same way Overwatch(the organization) is suppose to represent all of humanity. That you can roleplay/imagine yourself as an actual Stormwind citizen and not be out of place even with whatever physical feature you have. (even though Overwatch is clearly model on a US based military organization)

If you had told me Magni would become a diamond and end up as the speaker/neutral quest intermiediary in Vanilla/BC I would have probably laugh in your face. My point is no one what the heck Blizzard will actually do.

Draka is literally a warrior/rogue that keeps referencing her orcish origins. Yes.

I have thought for some time that the framework of Cata/MoP could have been retained while mitigating some of its worst elements. Go back to LK, swap Saurfang JR for Saurfang SR at the Wrathgate. Then Thrall names Saurfang JR Warchief going into Cata. Garrosh is the head of the Horde/Orc military. Cata plays out as a series of clashes between the Horde and the Alliance with Garrosh becoming more militant as the xpac progresses. Theramore becomes an unsanctioned Garrosh black op which causes Garrosh to oust Saurfang JR in a coup. Move Siege of Orgrimmar up to the first raid of MoP as Saurfang JR raises an army to reclaim Org and the Alliance comes in from the other side looking for payback for Theramore. Garrosh flees at the end of the raid and ends up in Pandaria. Old God shenanigans ensue.


As much as I agree that that’s awful solution, it’s still better than what the actual game developers have been doing for the past several expansions- taking good lore and retconning it wholesale until it’s broken.


Ooh, I didn’t consider this part.

How do you deal with BFA questing and raids?

?? Look up what Global South means lol

Which is incorrect to apply to WoW.

Nonwhite, Nonwestern, nonGN peoples are not represented by in-game Humans.

We could confidently predict they were likely going to use an Alliance-derived neutral character, however.

??? That isn’t what Noble Savage Trope is.

Dude if you don’t know what words mean, ask what they mean instead of arguing against me regarding them lmao

Most all the questing didn’t touch on Teldrassil. Horde-side, fun fact, it is never mentioned in our questing.

So where it is mentioned Alliance-side, e.g. that Tyrande/Genn vs Anduin interaction, just easily changed from “They destroyed my home and killed my people” to “They tried to invade my home and kill my people, and took Darkshore”.


Or we go all the way - all of BFA was an N’Zoth induced vision. None of it actually happened.


If we’re talking a full on BFA retcon (will never happen), I think a hilarious way to handle it would be to have us exit the shadowlands into the recent past just in time to stop the post-legion tensions from boiling over. Hell, let Tyrande go Lee Harvey Oswald on Sylvanas.

…they did say time flows -differently- in the Shadowlands.

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OK, at this point I seriously think you’re incapable of differentiating between PLAYER expectations and complaints about grievences we should have been allowed (if not for Blizz’s obsessive need to Purity Test the Blue Faction) … and those events and justifications that Blizzard actually narratively and tonally validate. Because not ONE of Stormheim, Silithus, or SI:7 in Org were allowed to narratively or tonally be validated by the writing of this game. As justifications for the WoT. In fact, they outright undermined them constantly.

Hell, given that BfA is written like a Love-Letter to Daelin Proudmoore, and how it validated him completely after all these years … not sure how more invalid you could make the Horde in this game.


how is it that every thread that discusses one of the factions derails into the same 1k+ posts every single time


This was unironically what a lot of people expected already, given the narrative discrepancies between “Horde version” and “Alliance version”, e.g. what Genn says in BOD.

But alas.


That is, all the work of the bronze dragons is down the drain?

Although … In theory, this can be fashioned into a plot involving the dragons of Infinity. Or Eternal?

Because nobody is willing to walk away. If people didn’t feel “compelled “ to respond to some of this stuff, many of these threads would sink out of sight quickly.


Maybe it was supposed to loop like this the whole time. Bronzes have let us go back in time to fix things before.

On the offchance that you read this, I don’t actually want to ruin things for horde players. I just believe that a resolution forTeldrassil needs to involve the Horde one way or another. It doesn’t have to be another war, or anothr battle, or even another skirmish. It can be strictly peaceful. But the Horde must be involved somehow.

That’s all I want. And maybe Gilneas resettled. If you think that is ruining it for the Horde, then that sucks, and i’m sorry for that. But these are just suggestions that most likely won’t be realized anyways so whatever.

And those who aren’t blocked by Waygs, tell him to unblock me. I don’t think I have done anything to deserve that kind of treatment.


Oh, so we still hand the Night Elves a massive, humiliating military defeat where their allies largely don’t help, where the make pants-on-head stupid strategic moves, where geography is ignored, and where the Night Elves once again lose massive chunks of territory to make the Horde more powerful.

While the Horde still yes attempts a genocide, only this time they fail to succeed.

I’m sorry, I don’t see how this scenario actually fixes much outside of that Teldrassil still exists, which just suggests to me that you missed the point of what people on both sides have been saying. Sure, you’re evading Saurfang and Sylvanas’s story - but the Horde is still unambiguously the invader and aggressor here. Meanwhile I still feel terrible because we’re losing territory to you again after Cataclysm and MOP’s humiliations weren’t resolved.


Fix what? We already live in the “correct” timeline.