The Horde: A Different Type of Heroism

Just a reminder to all whom it may concern, posting is not praxis. Especially posting about Elves and Goblins in a dying MMO lore forum populated by like 6 obsessive weirdoes

It’s easier to complain about things than it is to propose constructive solutions so of course everyone is advocating the laziest option.

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And it wouldn’t have killed them to use a different hexcode color for some of the major Alliance characters in WC3

It was an active choice.

Cop out, speculative about what the gamer world has historically looked like (historically false btw!), and white knighting an active, intentional design choice.

Not in the IRL ethnic group basing. WoW remains, and will continue to remain, a game where all the Monster/Animal Races are based on Global South peoples, affirmed with each Allied race they add to the Horde. The in-game Humans will never be based on IRL Global South peoples.

And this has meta implications for the writing the writers need to take responsibility for, because it is irresponsible.


That’s convenient for the Horde (or so these people believe), so yes.

Again, resolving our issues doesn’t matter to them. Why do you think they made a special “no Alliance allowed” thread where they could discuss how they could deal with the Horde’s issues in complete isolation from the other half of the game?

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Why not the Horde horrified by Sylvanas’ actions try to save the tree by communing with water elementals to ensure as many people as possible have a path to flee before the fires overpower everything

Lets assume its azerite fire.

So the Horde less responsible.
But there are ways to make things better than just giving up.


Baal can we please just stop this dance and get to the point, which is that all people who like the Alliance and all of Blizzard’s writers are racists? Just get it over with, it’s so obvious that this is what you want to say.


Kyalin you know there is no solution that is acceptable to the entire playerbase.


Which solves the entire problem at the root:

  • Horde villain bat is undone
  • Night Elves get their home back and genocide undone

I really don’t think it was some kind of elaborate decision to make the Horde more evil.

They’ve said that they like it when players of opposite factions fight, right? I think it’s a sloppy attempt at trying to pin the sides against each other, narratively.

“We show Alliance how savage the Horde is and we show Horde how racist the Alliance is.”

Except the latter never happened in a way visible to the Alliance player.

Which is an intentional design choice, and arguably done with malice.


You still tried to burn Teldrassil, and the night elves saved it, not the Horde. Are you sure this will save you the bat?

Racism is irrational hatred against a religious or ethnic group.

I would say at this point some Alliance hatred against the Horde is perfectly rational.

Um may be another descriptive word would be appropriate?

To which you’ve concluded that you should toss my part of it in the garbage and only fix yours.

No, that’s not fair, and if that’s really the stance you want to take, then don’t expect further support from my end on anything that would help the Horde.

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Yeah, that’s the point. They want to keep the Alliance players thinking that their faction is nice and fair, and want Horde players to think that their attacks and aggression is justified.

At least I think that’s their ideal scenario. They fail to deliver, though.

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Literally most of Video games end of century had a lack of female character problems. And a minority problem as well. Nevermind gay characters. How many asian characters actual had lead roles in video games that didn’t come from Japan?

And it is a choice that they clearly wish they could have improved on, again as shown by the Reforged if they could have they clearly would have added things like Female death knights or Female demon hunters.

The humans of Stormwind have literally been retroactively changed to be well, humans, supposedly representing Asians/black and Hispanic features. The monster/animal races are suppose to be that. None humans with certain humanoid features.

Really as far as Blizzard is concerned the “humans” are really suppose to be that. Humans from everywhere on earth.

That should be the goal for both faction’s writing.

The new intros describe the opposite faction and for Horde they get their enemies identified as the “imperious Alliance” which I guess is better although it’s kind of hard to present the Alliance as imperious given their net loss of territory relative to the Horde over the course of WoW.

Maybe the Alliance is imperious and just really, really bad at it.

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Maybe, whatever, you get my point. Genn calling Rastakhan a savage in one of the versions is clearly there to make him look unreasonable


There is no solution.

There is literally no solution.

There is no fathomable series of events that resolves this issue in a way satisfactory, positive, and constructive to the playerbase.

It was a narrative mistake, a failure of a story choice, and they’ve written themselves into a corner, and dragged the Horde playerbase down with them, while creating the Teldrassil “black hole” as you’ve put it.

There does not exist a resolution to this plot that is good and functional for everyone

So yes, it should just be Hard Retcon’d out of existence.

Sure that works too.

Phenotype isn’t culture or historical beats.

My culture is not represented by Stormwind, and that is impossible to retcon given all the human kingdoms are functionally gone.

People aren’t just phenotype.


That was a second hand account from a Horde soldier.

The Alliance encounter is the one that is firsthand experienced. So I assume its the one that is more accurate.

Though I wish we saw more of this kind of talk in more Alliance content.

The human who leads the Alliance expedition in the new starting zone is a Knight of the Alliance who is also a black woman, incidentally. In BfA the bulk of Kul Tiras questing is done alongside a Hispanic Woman and a Bisexual Man.

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