The Horde: A Different Type of Heroism

What’s like that, but better? I don’t remember any other similar scenarios, only my own madness.

Why do you assume the Horde one is the true version?

The Warcrimes book basically laid it out pretty explicitly.

Both factions have done awful things. What happens is, each insult or agression against your faction leads you to do a bigger one to their faction which is then answered in kind, and so on, until it blows up and you get a Garrosh or Sylvanas.

If the Alliance truly wants peace, they need to do their part to end the cycle. In cata they were the first to actually break the post-wrath peace treaties (spurred on by a false flag attack), and before BFA there was a whole litany of aggressions including trying a major military backstab and assasination attempt that lead to Sylvanas being able to talk her way into getting her war. Neither side is innocent of escalating things, and only the most foolish Partisan posters would claim otherwise.

Basically, by enabling your warmongers, it will enable their warmongers, who will then continue escalating until you get a massive blowoff. Right now the biggest advocates for peace are in control of the Horde. it’s in the Alliance’s best interest to make sure those advocating peace don’t look like fools.


Alliance was already forced to be the bigger man and let old hatreds go in MoP.

Not interested in doing that again. How about you enjoy it this time?


So what are you sacrificing for peace? Which of your own will you kill? Or will you give up some land?

Say, are you ready to give up Azshara and let the elves that hate you so close to your capital? In the name of peace, of course.

That’s a load of crap, my friend.

In Legion, Genn backstabbed the Horde, attempted to assassinate their leader, and the Allaince as a whole was high-fiving over it and cheering him on afterwards.

Pretending the Alliance was anything other than immensely hostile to the Horde pre-BFA is hilariously dishonest.

Undercity, Sylvanas, Nathanos, and Gallywix :smirk:


We give you Azshara! Get her back!

Why is it a load of crap?
Its what happened in the MoP finale with Varian’s ultimatum.

Not the only instance of this in BfA either, by a long shot. Brennadam, The Gorilla’s and Gobs in Zuldazar, the attack on the Vulpera. All events that were either whitewashed on the Alliance and/or hidden from the Horde players unless they played the Alliance side. That sort of “ugly side you don’t get to see” and “whitewashing of the other side” is something NEVER found on the Alliance.


Unlike all of you hopelessly partisan and biased posters, I, the completely neutral and impartial exemplar of reason and rationality, shall deign to give you the correct solution to the problem, which is that one faction needs to give up everything for the other faction

strokes long professor-like beard, lights a corncob pipe

Only pandaren with a green background. This is the ideal of neutrality.

Reminder both the Alliance murdering Vulpera and the Horde bombing Brennadam was removed and stayed removed until the end of the beta

but only Horde Bombing Brennadam was added on live


Horde Forsaken Night Elf concentration camps were also removed.
So there is that.

Imagine being asked to forgive that little gem haha.


I do cause your attitude is basically to shut down the issues other posters would have with that awful scenario of “let´s villain bat twice displaced Worgen cause I care moar about tit-for-tat”.

I´m just desperately trying to make you see how something that won´t be an issue for YOU may be a HUGE issue for other players… it´s literally what has happened to us Hordies THRICE (do you think Orc fans that started playing the game thanks to WC3 felt “happy” when WoD retroactively told them that no, Orcs were bad cause they were born Orcs and that makes them inherently evil? Do you think fans of WC3 Sylvanas liked it when the game made her the poster child for “victim becomes the victimizer” cause god forbids a female character coded as a survivor of metaphorical sexual assault gets actual justice in the narrative instead of getting villain batted for daring to feel deppresed over the traumatic event instead of shrugging her shoulders and acting like an inhuman cinnamon roll like Blanduin?)

LISTEN to us, because when we tell you that no, villain batting does not make the hurt and annoyance dissapear, we don´t do it because we try to dismiss your own hurt but because we HAVE EXPERIENCED this, and our experience didn´t make the hurt disappear.

So… the Stonespire incident back in Vanilla? Or the Goblin stuff back in Silithus? And mind you the attackers were never made to feel uncomfortable back then.

Newflash man, if you think Hordies don´t know how it feels when your races get killed with impunity, think again. Cause we know how it feels… it may not be as “showy” and dramatic as you guys have had to stand it, but we deffinitely know how this feels.

We feel it everytime Blizz decides it´s time for us to lose a racial leader / character previosly coded as a hero for us with no good reason apart from “we need another pruples dispensor for the raiders, sucks for you we rather prefer the Horde to be made the villain of the story for the whole playerbase”. Not only places can generate positive attachement for players, characters too can generate this emotional response in people.

This is no competition man, I repeat the fact you code this as "players that “win” vs. players that “lose” says all we need to know about your motivations.

If you ask me, before scenarios depicting the Worgen as average evil minions, what the Worgen NEED is to get their proper importance inside the Alliance narrative, to reclaim their place as an equal to Stormwind and not as the furry pets of Anduin et al.


With how much they sneak this crap in (its in the Darkshore warfront too), it genuinely does feel like there is a High up dev who resents the WC3 Vision of the Faction, and the players that signed up for it. And likes to sneak their “vision” of “Evil Races for the sake of being Evil” in behind the Horde players backs. BfA was riddled with that sort of “hide the evil we’re shackling them to” from the Horde playerbase.

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Yes, and outside ofa dubiously canonical slapfight over a macguffin in alt draenor on a zone made for pvp with no real lore behind it, the Horde was going out of it’s way to not antagonize the Allaince between then and BFA.

The absolute worst thing you can say about the Horde between BFA and MOP was that they retreated from the broken shore rather than stay and die in a futile last stand that would have doomed the planet.

Since then, depending on if you count the Horde PC’s adventures as canon, they’ve been responsible for helping to save Stormwind twice, The Exodar once, assisting both leaders of the Night elves, and helped to put a stop to the greatest threat to the planet (or second greatest if you count the void).

Then the Alliance backstabs them, massacres a bunch of their civillians in Silithus, floods their capitol with spies as a show of force, and endorses a coup against their warchief… and then are surprised when the Horde hits back and escalates.


I think you mean wc1 and wc2

Imagine a Horde Player being forced to play with that in the game.

Which, again, lines up neatly with the IGN article about how the lower level dev team is concerned about the culture among the higher ups, exemplified in the recent Former Trump Official hire in a senior position.


You are talking about post MoP content.

I am telling you in MoP Alliance was asked to forgive and forget all the crap Garrosh and the Horde pulled in Cata and MoP for peace.

You disagreed. Why?

Are Stone Spire Dwarven Archaeologists? They were all killed, no?
Goblins of Silithus - then don’t use them as a pretext for war. Did you agree?
Goblins and tauren resisted their murder, no? You have to do nothing. They kill you, and you go on washing your clothes. There are corpses in the streets, and you, as if nothing had happened before, go to the store. Complete disregard for the attack on you.

Can you elaborate on the consequences of the villainous bat that the worgen will receive?