The Horde: A Different Type of Heroism

Kul’tiras didn’t leave until after TFT, citing a lack of support for Daelin among the rest of the Alliance.

I don’t care what the wiki says and you shouldn’t either. I use primary sources exclusively because people have been inserting fanon into wikis ever since they became a thing and WoW is no exception.

I dunno why you think that citing the “Alliance campaign” in TFT being about Blood Elves who would go Horde in WoW is evidence AGAINST the Alliance’s experiences in Warcraft 3 being marginalized.

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Because that started with an Alliance commander causing them to join Illidan instead. Survivors in Quel’thalas wasn’t so clear at the time or very distinct from Kael’thas and his group, so technically the major shift between Frozen Throne and BC was having the ones in Quel’thalas join the Horde rather than be part of an Illidan led faction.

This makes me smile. Infinitely powerful yet evil sword… forgotten in a dumpster because the owner forgot it was there.

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Also I don’t see why it’s valid to say that the Alliance’s story in Warcraft 3 was about its destruction and change and so it’s fine to sever the Alliance’s narrative continuity between WC3 and WoW but it isn’t equally valid to say that the Horde’s story in Cata/MoP was about its destruction and change and so it’s fine to sever the Horde’s narrative continuity between Warcraft 3 and and BfA.

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By their nature they all sight sources. So at worst they’re an interpretation of lore and you can go see what they’re working on and come to your own conclusion.

But, friendly reminder, THIS IS ALL PRETEND, so if I decide my Forsaken Mage facts rainbows you can’t actually argue with me.

Sure but then we get Lore Anarchy where there’s no common ground to work from and discussion is impossible.

Come to think of it this would probably make the story forums better.

Well to begin with I would have never asked Uther to. You need someone who is emotionally hard to do it. Anyone with an ounce of sympathy or empathy wouldn’t be able to do it.

Classic situation of “Know thy men/women.” Some times awful stuff needs to be done for the greater good. Sometimes that means walking through physical and mental filthy you’ll never wash off… There can be no forgiveness for those called upon to end lives. There is only the duty and surety of thought that what you do - you do for the sake of others.

Getting personal for a moment, I am an environmentalist and animal lover. My current line of work is in oil and gas where I have to capture and turn animals over for termination. Even when the contact with contaminants is minimal, unless the animal is of special concern/endangered we euthanize. The only “comfort” I get is that in the case of severe contamination we are ending its’ pain. We do it because we must. And to be honest it wears on you. Especially in the case of ones that would be called “trace”.

Sorry for the wall of text but figured it might help give context to my beliefs.

Side note that would be an awesome band name.

But there’s generally WoW’s lore is so soft and subject to drastic and sudden change that it feels more like speculating on quantum physics than history.

And that’s just with the multimedia material. The game story itself often makes not a lick of sense.

As I mentioned earlier today the Gilnean questline ends with a dramatic evacuation to avoid a Forsaken fumigation but then the Forsaken storyline picks up after that. And you’re fighting in Gilneas. And in fact have to make a daring airborne escape because the Worgen have retaken the region.

So wtf happened exactly? I am not joking when I say after returning to WoW I assumed Gilneas was a normal Alliance city until I decided to buzz it on my flyer. And was completely baffled as to why it was empty. As there’s no reason for that to be the case on the Horde storyline.

I excuse this sort of blatant jump in logic in like anime. Where I assume maybe a language or cultural difference is preventing me from adding this all up. But with ish by other dorky Americans this really does defy explanation.

And I’d accept budget cuts and deadlines as a response. But when they don’t even try to explain it in the supplemental material I feel like this whole story has the same narrative througline as dive bar bathroom graffiti.


Whats left of Lordaeron being split into mostly neutral and hostile factions is logically consistent with the Warcraft 3 story, both narratively and in theme. The kingdom Arthas broke indeed got broke, and its pieces went various other directions. We go from the actual royals and heroic paladin defender to a racist bad guy in the expansion. That was Arthas’ doing.

Lordaeron got the bad end, like the ones that were non-canon in the previous RTS games.
I think the biggest issue was sidelining Jaina’s colony into a neutral when not just loosely hostile role to the Horde. That part of Warcraft 3 was downplayed seemingly for the sake of setting up two distinct factions for PVP.

There is also a difference between talking about the facts vs how we feel about them. I think a lot of players really just value Arthas and thinking of Lordaeron as more of a symbolic thing to retake simply because the Horde holds the ruins, not really caring about the “cultural legacy” of the actual people.

For a profit hungry company one would think they would do a better job on the supplementary stuff seeing as you can charge a steep price for that and at one point in time people would pay it. Not so sure now.

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I’m just picturing myself going wide eyed realizing I pulled it out of the car to make room for groceries and then drove off.

And now like a racoon has lifted it and begins cackling.

Edit: That’s the new canon for vulpera DKs

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I don’t really dispute this. My problem is that what you’re describing is a colossal event for humanity as a whole and particularly for the Alliance, which had its heart shattered by what you’re describing. It’s the kind of thing that should have been definitive for the faction, at least in terms of the Eastern Kingdoms but maybe even in Kalimdor.

I was interested in seeing what would happen with the Alliance in WoW and how it would deal with the aftermath of a genuine apocalypse after the events of Warcraft 3 and the answer turned out to be that they didn’t. They just kind of pretended that it didn’t happen and that the state of the world in WoW was its natural state.

The neutrality of the Argents really didn’t help in this regard but it became especially noticeable in WotLK and Cataclysm when they were overtly doing the things that the Alliance should have been doing. So the legacy of the Alliance in Lordaeron has largely been relegated to a neutral faction, which I guess is better than nothing but it’s still a neutral faction.

Blizzard should just fold the Argents back into the Alliance at this point, especially since most Horde partisans seem to consider them to be de-facto Alliance anyway in terms of where they stand on faction issues.

This isn’t the case for me. Obviously the cultural legacy is important but that doesn’t require physically holding land in Lordaeron as its cultural legacy is prevalent pretty much everywhere in Stormwind and could easily be expanded upon without treading on Horde toes.

It genuinely aggrieves me that the Forsaken did the horrible things that they did to the people of Lordaeron who were already suffering immensely though. I want the Forsaken to be held to account for that but I don’t think that they will be. I know that Cataclysm Hillsbrad is meant to be wacky slapstick but to this day it’s probably the stuff I’ve seen in WoW that’s troubled me the most on a personal level.

It’s on the same level as things like Scholomance or Naxxramas to me and the idea of sweeping through the zone and liberating its people while annihilating the ones who did this to them is immensely cathartic to me. It’s also never going to happen (although I guess we got some mission table stuff)

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Good enough for me… Seriously nothing against the Vulps or other AR I just wish we had different. Where are my 'Uge bros! All these years and still no Ogres.

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Ogres are weird. I can’t help but feel like Blizz never bothered with them because they couldn’t find a decent design for the Female model? That and, I am scratching my head trying to think of any Ogre clan outside of those with the AU Mag’har and “half” of the Stonemaul Clan that alligned with the Horde Faction? Though I can’t recall if that was because Thrall disapproved of them, or they disapproved of his vision?

Regardless, I got what Blizz was doing with the ARs. One AR per Core Race (more or less). With the NE and BE ones being flipped for the Factions. Personally though, if I had a choice to switch one of our current ARs out? With what they are doing with Mayla and Baine, it feels kind of like there isn’t enough to differentiate the Highmountain from the Kali Tauren now. I would have much preferred Taunka. And Broken for the Draenei.

I’d point out the Forsaken numbers are not as large as they want to portray… Add to that the Forsaken are now a dying breed without Sylvanas’ Val’kyr and there is no way in Shadowlands the Alliance will let them its dead to let them refill their population.

If they want peace, they can take Northrend if they want.

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I really wish Alliance posters would stop with the “Northrend Horde reservations” shtick. It is really creepy.


I feel like the Vulpera wandered in from late 90s/early 00s platformer per say. But from a story perspective some desert fox merchants aren’t even in the top 10 of weird things you’d see in Orgrimmar.

Personally what I would love is Vargul as the Forsaken’s missing AR. I RP my Warrior as one. They’re undead vyrkul who apparently never lost their sapience, as a punishment. So just regular ole slaves in the saronite mines and man does that make a lot of Wrath content less fun.

Bewildering they didn’t join up with the Forsaken. They really should’ve replaced the abominations. Who are such precious babies that sending them into combat is the worst thing the Forsaken ever did.

Like Gordo and Goutgut are so helpful and so just want to make friends and help. All abominations ever wanted to do is hug they’re just, really bad at it.

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Broken Draenei would have been awesome. :smiley:

I wasn’t really thrilled about the HMT. I literally named my one Canukbeef. :laughing:

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For as long as there are Lordearanian(and clearly there are) there will always be an interest in retaking Lordearon for the Alliance.

Like it or not the Forsaken are relatively well suited for Northrend and if there are any undead that might get their mind back it will be in Northrend. I’d also point out both factions were fighting for Northrend/trying to actually make it a hospitable land back in Wrath.

Might have something to do with the smell, the sharp bits etc. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah… there have been a lot of weird choices over the years. I know my dream list of new options will never come about because they either lack an identifiable female model, legs or have a height issue. sigh

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