The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

NEVER THOUGHT ID GET AN AGREEMENT ON THAT!!! Omg I really do love Void Elves though heh, Iā€™m more complacent on the VE HE customizations though, I just would never choose that for my character but if it made people happy itā€™s meh to me. But I also know people will still want HEā€™s and Half Elves so itā€™s like half a dozen of one , two three and one of the other one idk what to choose.

In the end I would prefer a Half Elf I think Iā€™d even enjoy that myself, or a HE model. But I can see if they added HE to VE customization it may dilute Void Elf story the way Blood Elves kinda went holy and good from their original imo cooler storyline so maybe I would be inclined to not support that as vocally


:grinning: I agree I wouldnā€™t stop playing my Void Elf if they were given High Elf options, I just wouldnā€™t use them. However if they wanted to give us some Ethereal optionsā€¦ :heart_eyes:

Could you imagine some void themed options for Half Elvesā€¦ I think Half Elves would be a perfect Alliance Allied race. There would still be those who would want High Elves. I mean Iā€™ve been wanting playable Etherealā€™s since BC, but I do t see it happening.


They have the HoA animation. Only they and the Vulpera (before officially knowing they were going to be an AR) were the only NPCs with these animations.

I can only hope for Alliance Sethrak <3

Why is it when she says the exact same thing a bunch of antis have been saying for over a year she gets likes and positive comments?

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Just here to show my support for the High Elves to be made available for the Alliance playerbase.


Thanks, that adds a lot to the conversation. :roll_eyes:


Itā€™s a weird musical chairs to me seeing Blood Elves be this cool thing then draw on holy again to be more of the traditional Elf while remaining on Horde, with Alliance always wanting the traditional Elf. Then seeing Void Elves which would be perfect for Horde be given to Alliance lol. Sylvanas would have been EATING that up sending Alliance soldiers to the void using our powers to further her goals in BFA heh.

Same thing with the council the horde is getting isnā€™t that an Alliance request, as someone whoā€™s always played and prefers Horde I like the Warchief title?? Maybe Iā€™m a minority on that.

I think as to what you were saying earlier about select races being good options to choose I feel like NB and VE would have been good ones, seems like some NB might feel kinship with alliance / have felt endeared to some heroā€™s who helped them. And VEs with Alleria coming out of nowhere to help them, it just seems to me Sylvanas is revered within BE society for the most part and at that time period still (assuming sheā€™s now not lore wise) so I could see some former BEs still sticking to the Horde and then when we visit Silvermoon we just get the Cathedral of Light in SW treatment of like uhm why are you here dialogue

Void tainted Half Elves could be cool, I forget who pointed out Telogorus rift but the HEs in the rift do have different eyes imo now more glowy

EDIT: Iā€™m not too knowledgeable on ethereals I did Loremaster of OL recently and the domes in Netherstorm glowy and purple hurt my eyes and I almost never am bothered by stuff like that, the new dark purple void esque is much preferred to me

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Sethrak Sethrak Sethrak!

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Cradling his Beloved wife and the final, tiny, elf refugee, Genn Greymann stepped through the last portal.

The Priestesses knew what to do. Astarii extended her arms to a mother and her young son, Among who were among the last to enter the temple. Do Not Be Afraid" she said to the young boy, who was mute and trembling.
ā€œCome Hereā€. With one arm around the mother and the other around the boy, Astarii sank to the soaked earth. The last three priestesses of Elune in Teldrassil prayed. They did not ask for healing or for rescue.
They asked for Mercy.

And Their Goddess Heard Them as Astarii began to sing,

By the moonā€™s glow, listen.
Beside the river, listen
Holding those you Love, listen:
To The cries of the dying
To the whisper of the wind over the silent dead
To the song my broken heart will ever sing
Of the Story of the Tree of the World
And the death of all dreams
It once cradled in its mighty boughs

Sleep brushed Astarriā€™s mind, feather soft, honey sweet,. The Pain disappeared. she let out a sigh, All around her, she heard similar sounds.

The Fire was relentless. The smoke would kill them, and the flames would devour their flesh and even their bones. Only ash would remain, But they would feel nothing. No pain in the Ladyā€™s light, In the Ladyā€™s love, Mother and child both slept, breathing gently despite the smoke, Her duty faithfully discharged, Astarii allowed her own eyelids to flutter closed.

There will be justice, one day, but eyes other then ourā€™s will behold it.
The last thing she heard was a crackling sound as she slipped into slumber.

Think this would have made a good Alliance Cinematic to motivate the Alliance


Sometime I feel Genn Greymann is just awesome, because he makes decisionā€™s for the right reason and not just for the politics. (imho)

What you posted was pretty awesome a lot of the alliance stuff makes me sad, and a lot of the horde stuff was fun like spraying plague on people. I felt like the faction war could have been better :upside_down_face: :woozy_face:

Iā€™m not the biggest fan of Genn though but thatā€™s because I was on my BE MAGE* when he came out of nowhere and attacked Sylvanas lmao. I was like get out of here you beast stop harassing her!!! But it was a cut scene nothing I could do, so ever since I side eye him


Thatā€™s why i like reading lore it brings allot more to the game.

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Iā€™ve always liked the Warchief title, council of whatever doesnā€™t have quite the same effect . It like changing For The Horde. to May the Horde be with you. just doesnā€™t sound right.
I donā€™t think the Blood Elves revere Sylvanas that much anymore. Especially after the wat she blackmailed Lorā€™themar in Wrath of the Lich King. The Blood Elves were just barely starting to get themselves together. When she threatens to stop helping if we donā€™t send Everyone to Northrend.

Maybe the Elves in Telogoras rift are being slowly changed. If thatā€™s the case I can be more forgiving on the High Elf customization options. They could be considered second gen Void Elves. They look more like High Elves because they didnā€™t under go what the Originals did.

I wish we could play as a Neutral race. For the longest time I wished they would just end this pointless faction war. I donā€™t see that happening but I would love an option to be neutral. Those who want to be Horde can be a Horde. Those who want to be Alliance, can be Alliance. Us Neutrals will just sit back sipping tea while watching the word burn in a chaotic storm of fel and void.


Quest givers be like ā€œI want you to travel to this area and kill 10 Alliance invaders. May the Horde be with youā€.

Ugh, it doesnā€™t feel right either.


THANK YOU! I know people asked to stop warchief musical chairs but I didnā€™t think it translated to the end of the warchief position lol

I would check them out! Someone pointed it out to me and the HE there have glowy DK like eyes

And to your point on neutral races I feel like VEs fit that bill, I like the faction conflict though. I was fine with Sylvanas SWTOR does faction conflict fine and maintains that Evil VS Good just fine, I know this is wow but Iā€™m just saying the Hippity Hopping canā€™t decide what Horde narrative to push makes the story telling seem like itā€™s written by someone who flip flops on things itā€™s annoying to me!

I always prefer Horde anyways, even the aesthetic, the idea of the Warchief, running around feeling like Iā€™m the RIGHT hand of Sylvanas please donā€™t TOUCH ME Iā€™m on IMPORTANT business is my favorite thing, but since they ousted her I like the idea of my personal Void Narrative more now :confused:


I was actually thinking of customisations for the Void Elves actually that could give them that fair skin option. But them being apart and infused with the void is going to leave a lot of side effects on them. But as for the skin, I think maybe just a little darker skin colour then the Blood/High Elves, but with a but of shade of blue to show more of the effects of the void.

But even with this suggestion, it still seems to upset some Antiā€™s.


I been looking at Concept art on them, I just dont get it. Why peeps want them.

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I posted more than once how Iā€™d have done the void elves if Blizzard said to me: ā€œyou canā€™t have high elves, but you can make them as interesting as you canā€.


I was originally against the idea, but if Alleria is training more, then it may also mean she can train them to still look normal, considering the ones that are playable, were transformed by the Void Etherals before they were saved.

They should have normal skin options though, because it is the most sensible thing to do to move them forward also with there story.


Eh I mean some folk wont see the allure I suppose. shrug

I really like their aesthetic and culture, and just want them playable. Dont care much which side theyā€™re on. though Iā€™d prefer alliance. I just think the Alliance would benefit from a race as unique as Sethrak. I realize we dont interact with em much.

This is the thing I wish theyā€™d done. >.<