Void Elves > High Elves

If I were given the mission to define void elves, I’d:

Recruitment Questline

  • Include the Silver Covenant and Alleria’s lieutenants in the story, helping her track Umbric in Ghostlands. Would use that to reintroduce several high elf characters that would be turned into void elves: Auric Sunchaser, Taela Everstride, Theloria Shadecloak, Summoner Nolric. I’d give each gossip text explaining their reasons for following Alleria.
  • In the Telogrus part of the recruitment, I’d make the above lieutenants plus a squad of Silver Covenant rangers go with Alleria and the player. They’d be captured and turned into void elves together with Umbric’s group.
  • I’d explore Umbric a bit more during the fight in Telogrus, making him be trapped latter, and giving him chances to show his personality, his ideals and devotion to his followers.
  • At the end of the storyline, a brief conversation between Vereesa (still a high elf) and Alleria, to show how the high elves react to the transformed void elves.

Racial hub

  • Rather than just Telogrus, I’d make Quel’danil a small high/void elf town. Void elf players would start in Telogrus, but the portal would lead to Quel’danil. The portal to/from Stormwind would be in the town rather than in the rift.
  • I’d establish through gossip text in Quel’danil and Telogrus that the void/high elves would have a relationship like worgen/gilneans, in that only the former are playable but their lore would be intertwined from now on. Void elves would be like an elite force of defenders of their gestalt society, with people carefully chosen to join their ranks.
  • I’d also show there’s two clashing phylosophies among void elves: Umbric’s, based on studying and acquiring power, and Auric’s, who thinks the void elf path must not be abused, as it is a sacrifice for the good their people and should not be taken lightly.
  • Class trainers in Quel’danil/Telogrus would be: Instructor Duskwalker (Mage), Theloria Shadecloak (Rogue), Taela Everstride (Hunter), Summoner Nolric (Warlock), Ennas and Lyria Skystrider (Priests), Kriss Goldenlight (monk, still a high elf)
  • Here’s how I’d update Quel’danil (Telogrus portal would be in the cave):


  • I’d use Stormsong to explore the void elves. Instead of the Horde being just chaotic evil and attacking Brennadan, it would be void elves investigating the void in the region. A high elf apprentice would be under trial to show his worth to become a void elf. I’d explore their morality and how they learn to control their abilities.
  • Then, during the questline, we find out the Horde building their base, and we sabotage using the void to weaken them (leading to the Horde questline in Stormsong, when their base is under attack). At the end of the successful campaign, I’d show the apprentice becoming a void elf.
  • I’d put Umbric and Auric working together in the war campaign, to showcase their different ways of thinking as they bicker among themselves.


  • I’d update the Priest Ennas/Lyria Skystrider event in Silvermoon, now with them as void elves preaching to recruit blood elves. This time, when the magisters summon someone to silence them, Ennas would stun the magisters with a void attack, while Lyria would open a portal for them to escape.


  • I’d try to give them at least some “normal-ish” skins, like in the images bellow. Something not quite healthy, still purple-ish, but less blue.

  • I’d also add silver-blue (like Alleria in void form) and reddish hair colors.
  • They should have tattoo options like Alleria’s, in colors like violet, deep blue and red.

That alone would make the void elves a thousand times more interesting, and somewhat more varied in appearance. Also, it could potentially avoid the entire high elf discussion that followed their introduction and still plague the forums to this day.