The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

I feel like high elves would be a waste of an AR slot at this point.

Given how lazy blizz has been lately my guess is theyre just gonna add them in because itā€™ll be super easy and prob bring a few peeps back to alliance, then add lightforged undead to horde. meh.

I hope Horde gets undead elves / Senā€™layn before lightforged undead :frowning: but thatā€™s just me


Idk, what races are left? I can see vyrkrul, or broken as viable alliance AR slots, that would easily be customizable and have options to wear all armor.

I personally am craving for Wow to get back to something normal again. Nothing wrong with the ā€œoutside of the boxā€ races, but they can do something thatā€™s established in loreā€¦ ie High elves, vrykul or broken.


Genuinely good stuff, at least to me. I never made it out of drawing stick figures

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Well, Worgen are still on the menu. Thereā€™s a few that could be done with the worgen rig.

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There are a TON of races id have preferred too compared to more elves, gnomes etc but it seems like all the A/R have a common theme: laziness and/or being rushed out ( minus the vulp which were worked on pretty early as seen through datamining, unsurprisingly they also turned out the most popular and ā€œcompleteā€/unique looking even though still using older assets ( the skeleton or whatever )

Ive been hoping for sabron since WoD had it as a feral kitty talent lol. ( the talent made you look like a were cat and gave a small passive bonus )

As this exists as a toy I highly doubt theyd add them in unfortunately so Im not holding my breath

Broken would have been amazing!

Well, it has to be something with worgen. Theyā€™re the only race without an AR left.

I mean, I hope they can make something compellingā€¦ from the mood of the forums on mechagnomes, more out of nowhere races wonā€™t be well received. But donā€™t misunderstand me, I am not saying High elves are the answer here, I canā€™t speak for everyone with that. I just know there have been so many suggestions and all of those fall of deaf ears.

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Honestly I think a lot of the beef comes from the fact that the Alliance AR releases were front loaded. In the first batch void elves have just battered all the other ARs and are still far and away the most popular, then there were DID which were just incredible compared to Magā€™har. Itā€™s Kul Tirans and mechagnomes which is where the problem lies.

We still have Forsaken and Worgen left up to bat, but I donā€™t think either of us will be getting anything established.

Not really.
The thalassian model and night elf model didnā€™t exist. So when they swapped them it became 1:1.
If you make the new model, it becomes 2:1, which is unequal.

Something something nightborne have a different model to night elves something.

Thatā€™s true, I hope we get more than just 2 last ARs though personally too however. Oddly I may be the only person happy with Void Elves as it pertains to that Power Hungry Elf narrative, pragmatic willing to do what ever necessary to achieve power (Yennefer of Vengeburg) and they are interesting in the sense of Forsaken being interesting on Horde like the ones to watch out for who may have ulterior goals.

Actually Lightforged while Iā€™m not the biggest fan also could be something to watch out for with ulterior goals that also conflict with Void Elves? Wonder if thatā€™ll ever be touched up on.


Ah, I see what you mean.

Well Iā€™m sure Blizzard will know how to deal with this should they ever change their mind.

Sehtrak use part of the Worgen rig Afaik. So thereā€™s that.

Id roleplay a disc priest void elf like that who taps into the void to heal. It deff supports the class/lore.

That is if I could get into my disc priest again lol. ( legion kinda derped the lore and since like cata the spec has been a mess for blizz to manage and I dont find it fun anymore )

Interesting point about the void elves and lightforged too! Is that just something blizz overlooked when they rushed out these 2 ARā€™s or is there gonna be more involved with them?

This expac kinda feels like a set up and way to create more stories so possible.


I wonder if someone could have been a Night Elf > High Elf > Blood Elf > Void Elf all in one lifetime.


I like shadow and holy, disc stresses me out but I get the gist. I may want another priest just to make sense lore wise being holy but I see holy void elf priests all the time so idk.

I was gonna play a Nightborne priest and head canon it as sort of just a faith in myself lol, like the Nightborne seem narcissistic enough in their society to have a sense of zealotry about how great they are to draw on healing powers like, so maybe all elves fit that bill of self vindicating narcissism to draw on holy, thatā€™s how Iā€™d play it though heh

Very Daenerys Targaryen ā€œI had faith IN MYSELF , IN DAENERYS TARGARYENā€ esque

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Iā€™m also really happy with the Void Elves as they are. Itā€™s also why Iā€™m against them getting High Elf customizations. I love them as they are, and donā€™t think they need to be turned into High Elves to make them acceptable. Iā€™d rather High Elves, or Half Elves get their own Allied race slot.


I mean, maybe. But mechagnomes and Vulpera were clearly marked as playable in the files long before they were announced officially as ARs. Sethrak arenā€™t.