The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

There is an in-game source that says, specifically, “Void Elves are a biologically distinct species from Blood Elves”? I’d sure love to see it, which quest is it from?

There is an in-game source that says, specifically, “the reason these Blood Elves are in an Alliance-exclusive zone, and friendly to the Alliance in said zone, is entirely owing to gameplay purposes”? I’d sure love to see that, too, which quest is it from?

I don’t care to argue this particular point, but at the very least Valeera demonstrates that Blood Elves aren’t exclusively and unconditionally pledged to the Horde.

Saying, “the game?”, isn’t a source. It’s like arguing about religion and when someone asks you an ecclesiastical question you say, “just read your Bible, friend?”. :man_shrugging:


Welcome to World of Warcraft. Can I interest you in some fel crystals? Or Fjord water that may or may not be poisoned by old gods?


But you have used the counter argument when I argued against BlueEyed Blood Elves, pointing out you were already playing a blue eyed blood elf on DK and then ignored what I said on DKs being undead and called the rest of my argument head canon and said they are the same race. So in that same sense Void Elves are still just Void infused Blood Elves. Or are they different race qualifying like I said about DKs before

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Yeah it did. They’ve got glowing green eyes. That’s a change.

A little more and they’re felblood elves.

A little different and they’re demon hunters.

But you are oblivious to anatomy so I suppose that’s not surprising that you don’t think elves physically changing is elves physically changing.


eye color is an insignificant physical difference, as the game director told you

blood elves were never fel corrupted. they have a tiny green glint from ambient fel magic

this contamination will fade in time as they are being bombarded by a font of arcane/holy energy 24/7

the key difference currently though is that a blood elf and and the elusive, almost mythic alliance high elf are virtually indistinguishable now. the eye color is the only give away and i suspect we will get the option for blue(and more) eyed blood elves once updated customization options are brought in

this was over when void elves killed the possibility. you are just deluding yourself if you think blizzard are going to add a third variety of blood elf to the alliance and a second variety to the alliance at that, when the parent race is on the horde

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Elune turns a Satyr back into a Night Elf.

And as far as WoW cosmology works the Light cleanses Fel corruption (Mutations.) all the time.


I just don’t see how this is in any way a winning argument? It’s such a petty little detail, does it really have any major bearing on whether the alliance allied elves should be playable

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Someone take over for me. I need a nice Ham, Tomato, Cheese and Lettuce sandwich.

Because I can’t argue with someone who claims I have no source, but then has no source to back up his theory either.


That’s not how WoW works. Literally the devs said otherwise from what you think. Ah wait, I forgot, you think the Zandalari trolls don’t use the darkspear troll model, cause of femur length.

They are different groups, but the problem is that the race is playable on the Horde, and that is a major obstacle. It is why the devs stated they did void elves and not high elves.

The one where you unlock them.
Btw, nothing in game says “this race is a biologically distinct species.”.
everything is a human now.

Do you have any lore or information that states “These Silvermoon scholars are allied with the alliance and will fight against the place they are working for?”
You made a claim, I explained it.
Or are the forsaken portal masters allied with the alliance in ogrimmar even though they show up as green to the alliance?

guess Forsaken are friendly with alliance now.

Your argument was literally “these blood elves are allied with the alliance.”.
All of your examples have been demonstrated as false.
if your argument was “not all blood elves are pledged to the Horde”, then sure, I’d agree.

The game isn’t a source of information?
Oh wait, that’s right, authors aren’t primary sources to you iirc.

I wish you knew how to make proper examples because you never do.
The proper example is
Its like arguing about religion and when someone asks “Where does is say thou shalt not kill”, and the response is “NIV Holy Bible” , they go “THATS NOT A VALID SOURCE!”

Looking at this thread is like having vietnam flashbacks :scream:

Look at everyone typing!!

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The blood elf group is playable on the horde, the void elf group is alliance, so is the high elf group but not yet playable.


It wasn’t argument, It was sarcasm. I am not much for presenting my case anymore, changing minds is quite hard, and blizz isn’t interested in listening to its playerbase anymore. Just here for the conversation to be honest.

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If/when you get a chance take a look I value your opinion.

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No? Got a citation for that?

 I know how 3d modeling works and have an eye for anatomy because I’m a physical therapist.

I do think that.

It’s disappointing that you’re an artist and don’t notice it though. But, you know, proportions. Who needs em’.


Satyr’s are cursed night elves dude.

Cool story bro, but per the devs, blood elves aren’t mutated.
Or is this another femur matter?


I understand that, but its because their race is playable on the Horde.

Gosh, looking at it now, was I really this bad when I was against the group being made available for the Alliance to be playable?


If you were, then you are now.

Sorry, didn’t mean to imply it was your argument. Tonight just feels like a greatest hits collection of pointless arguing that never goes any where and never will.


Rich coming from the side who consistently ignores it and denies the existence of Alliance High Elves throughout patches and expansions that Alliance players have interacted with them.

But then again this is someone thinking infusions of magic makes one race a different race.

If this is the case then we definitely deserve High Elves, since Blood Elves are infused, even if slightly, with Fel/Holy, and High Elves aren’t, according to you, they aren’t the same race :man_shrugging:

It’s not when the nuance you blatantly ignore proves you completely and entirely wrong Fyre, but then again
you’re Fyre.