The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

yes. if you accept the truth that high elf = blood, then you realise making the same race playable for a second time is completely redundant on all levels :neutral_face:

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Which side constantly beats on the drum of ā€œThe devs are WRONG!ā€

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Citation. Again.

Iā€™m still not sure why you think this is some kind of dig on a guy whoā€™s trained to spot leg length disparities. Iā€™m a Physical Therapist. I noticed at a glance.

Youā€™re an artist. You should have noticed.

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Oh right, like there isnā€™t same races made playable twice in the game already.


so wait are you all saying felblood elves and illidari are not blood elves since they are mutated through fel magic???

You were never quite as trolly or willfully obtuse.

A collection of the worst of the worst right now.


the difference being, for example magā€™har orcs will STILL be on the horde and will not pose a threat to faction identity or story integrity in the same way alliance high elves would :neutral_face:

Three easy words

Try it some time, youā€™ll look a lot less ridiculous fessing up than continuing this nonsense.

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Cool, where have I done this?

Okay, then by your logic, you have high elves.
If void elves are blood elves, and blood elves are high elves, then you have high elves because magical transformations donā€™t matter.

Head canon.

So if you believe infusion doesnā€™t matter, and believe blood elves are infused, then void elves are high elves and you donā€™t need them.
Good job, you killed your own argument

Picture perfect gamer Bro culture right here.

Iā€™m not afraid of saying Iā€™m wrong. Do it all the time. When Iā€™m wrong.

Odds are Iā€™m right about the Troll model.

And the rest of our conversations are just you not understanding WoW lore or cosmology. :man_shrugging:


Also making the argument that VEā€™s are completely changed from BEs on the basis of no sunwell connection and a changing process / which I believe they are void infused blood elves

But previously told me DK still counts as BEā€™s with blue eyes (but they have a connection to the sunwell? / didnā€™t they go through a changing process)

Now using the same argument I used and acknowledges DKs are undead because it suits the argument

Also nice to see you on the forums Cezol :wave: you were very kind to me before in another topic and wanted to say thanks

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And how exactly would Alliance High Elves pose a threat to Faction Identity or threaten the Horde story integrity?


How long have you been pushing this delusion that you are more of an authority on how a model was made than the actual artist who made the model?

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The Alliance has always had High Elves. Even after Blood Elvesā€¦

So thatā€™s got nothing to do with faction identity.

The Alliance not having playable High Elves is messing with faction identity.

The Alliance has always had High Elves. Even when the Blood Elves existed.

The Alliance not having playable High Elves is messing with story integrity right now.


bEcAuSe tHeYrE tHe sAmE rAcE


I donā€™t know, leader of my stalker fan club, why donā€™t you tell me?


That isnā€™t how the argument works.
You just claimed ā€œSatyrā€™s are mutationsā€, so if youā€™re going to throw out ā€œCitation.Again.ā€, then please provide yours.

Oh, by the way.
Perotharn entry.

Your occupation does not apply here.
Oh, but hey, based on your logic, we have many different human species because of femur length differences.

I donā€™t think you know my occupation if you think I am an artist.

That it is the same model as a darkspear troll yes.

They are not according to the story yes.

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As that keeps getting told, it has been shown that different groups can have different stories and post no thread to faction identity as well, otherwise, why are there High Elves within the Alliance faction?